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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Another significant update which should be a huge timesaver. You can now populate all the text/numeric fields on newly created child pages (Add & Overwrite modes) from CSV formatted rows. This allows easy creation and population of all page content, for example you could populate an entire page tree of country details by pasting in CSV formatted content like: "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",BO,"BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF",BOL,68 "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba",BQ,"BONAIRE, SAINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA",BES,535 etc etc Hope you guys will find this as useful as I am As always, let me know if you have any problems or suggestions for improvements!
  2. Awesome update! I just played around with automatically detecting all available and compatible Inputfield types: https://github.com/adrianbj/FieldtypeSelectExtOption It works great with all the standard ones as well as other 3rd party ones like InputfieldChosenSelect I was hoping it might also with with Autocomplete and SelectMultipleTransfer but autocomplete doesn't have an AddOption method and InputfieldSelectMultipleTransfer doesn't style properly, but I haven't looked into fully to find out the issue. I have restricted the Inputfieldtype options to exclude those which are a subclass of InputfieldPageListSelection (becaue these don't work at all), those that don't have an addOption method, and then specifically InputfieldSelectMultipleTransfer, although I'd like to figure out a better way of detecting the reason this one doesn't work so it could also match others than won't work. If you want to take a look at my changes, please feel free to incorporate, or if you want, I can send you a PR. Perhaps it would be worthwhile adding a note under the Inputfield selector saying that there are no guarantees that all the Inputfields will work as expected and the user should test carefully.
  3. Hey did you guys ever sort this out - looks to me like it is still impossible to set the status via the API - it still reverts back to what the moderation settings enforce. I think I'll post a Github issue!
  4. Hey - I just went to see if I could help you figure out a solution and I see your dev branch already has one and it is working great for me now on latest dev version. Awesome job!
  5. I don't think it is always that simple - it depends on what your module extends. In your case you are extending ModuleJS so you'll be fine with Wanze's solution, but just wanted to mention it. From Ryan (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1416-inputfieldmodule-doesnt-autoload-their-jscss/?p=12789) You should also read this blog post by soma: http://soma.urlich.ch/posts/custom-js-in-processwire-admin/
  6. Does it work if you uninstall TableCSVImportExport? If so, what version of it are your running? I did just recently do some updates to it to support Table fields inside Repeater fields. I can't see why my module would be involved, but I would like to remove that as a possibility before we go further.
  7. I know it's off-topic, but I do love what you've done with that site - I've seen it before, but it looks like you've improved on the filter functionality - very clean, visually appealing, and super functional!
  8. That certainly works, but is not very friendly as you can't send them a link directly to a subpage. You could redirect them to the admin automatically, but then they still have to get back to the page they were looking for, so you'd need to redirect from login success back to that page. Hence the reason I created Protected Mode
  9. And if you want more control, like protecting new areas that are being developed on sites that are already live, you can use: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-protector/
  10. I can't seem to get it to work, but in a rush and maybe missing something obvious, but soma has this module: https://github.com/somatonic/FieldtypeImagesSelect I think that might do what you guys are looking for.
  11. Or use: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/protected-mode/ If you are giving them a user account for the admin anyway, you may as well make use of it for accessing the front-end during development also. Much cleaner for them rather than having to login via the htpasswd entry, and then again for the PW admin panel. If you don't want them to have admin access you can still use this module and give them a guest role only!
  12. Unfortunately this latest version results in nothing being saved for the field value, no matter whether I use single, multiple, or ASM Some more new thoughts: I think you need that note back that mentions that you need to save the page to populate the options dropdowns. I'd love to see checkboxes and radio buttons added as Inputfieldtype options. Thanks again for working on this!
  13. It's a PW variable and yes you can use it in your templates/modules if you need to do a direct SQL query. There's not that much on it, but a few posts that might give you some background/info: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3768-processwire-dev-branch/?p=36787 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1918-mix-api-with-standard-query/ https://processwire.com/about/news/introducing-processwire-2.4/
  14. That error does seem to be related to eAccelerator. Looks like it doesn't support anonymous php functions (http://snippets.webaware.com.au/howto/eaccelerator-and-php-closures-dont-mix/) - there is one on that line in the SessionLoginThrottle module. I think you might have to disable eAccelerator. Maybe go with APC or Zend?
  15. Good to hear - it would still be great though to know what version of PW you are running, just in case the issue hasn't actually been fixed.
  16. What version are you running? It looks like one of the dev versions given that in master there is no attr call on line 1014. The error relates to the newish InputfieldIcon so I think maybe you have a version that had a bug where this wasn't installed when called. Running Modules > Refresh should sort it out. For reference, here are two Github issues about it: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/891 https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/873 If you are running a dev version after this was meant to be fixed (which I suspect you might be based on the line number), can you please make a note on that Issue?
  17. Just to add to kongondo's info, there is a little helper variable ($database) for PDO database work: $sql = "Your table and field creation statement"; $query = $database->prepare($sql); $query->execute();
  18. Good to know! I think it might be worth you creating a converter that can be run via a cron job. Sorry I don't have time for a detailed example, so this might not be much use, but you can use one of the PHP xml to array (or maybe json) functions and then use the PW API to convert that into pages. It won't be terribly difficult, but not exactly trivial. There are several bits of code that might help you if you decide to tackle this - some from the Wordpress Migrator (xml to json) and Migrator (json to PW pages). If you're willing to have a go, I am sure we can help you get through any roadblocks that come up.
  19. Not sure about elastic search, but this module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/indexer/) allows you to index content inside doc and pdf files. Does that help at all?
  20. Hi @aaronjpitts and welcome! A few tools that might help you: CSV importer: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/import-pages-csv/ Table CSV Import/Export http://modules.processwire.com/modules/table-csv-import-export/ Wordpress Migrator https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MigratorWordpress Migrator (json export and import) https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessMigrator Please let us know if you have any specific questions about any of these.
  21. That's very defeatist It's not "currently" possible, but I am sure there is something that can be put together - Marty, I have your thoughts from our conversation filed away for a rainy day, or if someone gets to it before me that would be nice too
  22. I am not sure I understand why they can't be referenced to your site root - is it just a matter of keeping things all together? <link rel="import" href="/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html" /> Actually looking into this more, I see that import is not supported in Firefox and apparently there are no plans to support it: http://caniuse.com/#feat=imports I guess the platform.js polyfill is making it functional across all browsers - is that what you guys are using?
  23. Wouldn't it need to be pasted into HTML mode? Did CkEditor use to support pasting html into the main view? I think I am missing something I always knew Hanna took a little while to download - I never realized just how big the bundles ACE is. I don't really understand when owzim's new ACE module is only 1.6MB. Perhaps Ryan needs to trim that down - looks like it includes source code, demos etc. But, that said, why does it matter to install it - it's not like those source code files are doing anything. Hope the plugin that Macrura pointed out helps!
  24. This is getting cooler and cooler A few more comments / suggestions. In ASM Select mode, everything seems to be working fine, but I am getting this notice: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in //site/modules/FieldtypeSelectExtOption/FieldtypeSelectExtOption.module on line 312 You should probable change your DB queries to use PDO and prepared statements. Here is a note from Ryan (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3768-processwire-dev-branch/?p=36787) - at some point procedural mysqli functions will no longer be supported - I am not sure when, but better to be ahead of things (I know there lots of modules out there that need updating). The $page->myfield->row['land'] approach seems to work just fine. It's a shame it won't work as $page->myfield->land, but I as you mentioned, I guess the issue is $page->myfield->data, which would be a common requirement. I haven't time to investigate right now to see if I can find a workaround, but I don't think it really matters - what you have is easy to use and an awesome way to access data from all sorts of DB tables - brilliant!
  25. Are they pasting into Source code mode? Regardless, you want to add the script tag to your template file. Would Hanna be an easier solution?
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