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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Great to hear. I have committed another update that removes those checks - they really aren't very useful anyways as they can be manipulated in the browser and aren't always provided (hence the errors you were getting). Can you please confirm that all the other multiple Table field and issues with only one row importing are also now solved? Thanks for your help in getting this all fixed.
  2. I am thinking it must be my mimetype checks. Can you please try replacing: if(($csv_file_extension == 'csv' || $csv_file_extension == 'txt' || $csv_file_extension == 'tsv') && ($csv_type == 'text/plain' || $csv_type == 'text/tab-separated-values' || $csv_type == 'text/csv')){ $this->session->{$fieldName . '_csv_data'} = file_get_contents($_FILES[$csv_filename]["tmp_name"]); } with: if($csv_file_extension == 'csv' || $csv_file_extension == 'txt' || $csv_file_extension == 'tsv'){ $this->session->{$fieldName . '_csv_data'} = file_get_contents($_FILES[$csv_filename]["tmp_name"]); } and see if that allows the csv upload to work.
  3. Great work - just playing with it now and it's really slick - thanks for the contribution! One thing I noticed - not a big deal, but when you search by text, with "From all categories" selected, it duplicates the matching icons. Also, out of interest, did you see this: http://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.15/#new-icon-selection-module-in-the-core It's an Inputfield, but not a Fieldtype, so it can't be used in templates as is, but I wonder how these two modules could be consolidated, or maybe they should remain completely separate - just thinking out loud - I have no idea whether Ryan is planning a matching fieldtype for his module.
  4. @KaMeKuN - today's dev commits from Ryan provide a new fieldtype that supports select options with multilanguage support without relying on pages - perhaps you would prefer this approach. Have a read about it here: https://processwire.com/api/modules/select-options-fieldtype/#multi-language-translating-options
  5. There is this new fieldtype: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-image-extra/ But be sure to look at my comment about some things that need fixing: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7910-module-fieldtype-image-extra-multi-language/?p=85654 So long as you don't have debug mode on, that warning won't show and therefore won't break things. Otherwise, you can use a PageTable field (core module, but needs to be installed) with a template that contains an images field along with a URL field, and any other metadata fields that you might want. Let us know if you need more info about this field type (https://www.google.com/?q=site%3Aprocesswire.com%20%22pagetable%22) You can also just use child pages - one for each image - since you seem to be relatively new to PW I'll assure you that this is not actually a bad idea, even though it may seem like it at first glance
  6. I added a poll for you to this thread. Let's see how everyone responds
  7. Oops - very sorry about that - I should have looked back at your site to check before making that faux pas
  8. Love your research Kathy - we might need to chat at some point I'll have to give you some background to that statement in a PM at some point when I find some time.
  9. Love the enhancements, but I am getting something weird - if I only enter 2 characters and then hit enter, it creates a new tag for to match those 2 characters, and then randomly adds a second tag to the list. Then hit enter and I get this:
  10. Thanks @RJay - I think I have managed to fix all those issues - I hadn't tested with multiple Table fields on the one page. Please check the latest version and let me know how it goes for you. PS There was nothing wrong with your CSV file.
  11. Hi RJay - wow, that doesn't sound good Yes, please PM me the file. Also, does the same CSV file work on a template with only one Table field?
  12. No offense kongondo, but I would actually really like to see the inline way of adding new tags/pages - Since they are already typing, I think that is what many users would expect to be able to do, rather than needing an additional field. Nico's https://github.com/NicoKnoll/TextboxList works like this, but of course it would be great to have this in this module so everything is connected to the page field.
  13. There is also this - paint hasn't even dried on it yet https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8955-inputfieldchosenselect/ You can type or select and it has autocomplete. Surprised you didn't mention it @LostKobrakai
  14. I really like: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-select-multiple-transfer/ It is kinda like an ASM, but with a built in live filter bar - works pretty nicely, although the search bar could do with some css tweaks to make it a little larger.
  15. @LostKobrakai - just playing with this now and I like it - thanks, but there is a bug In InputfieldChosenSelect.js you have: $(".InputfieldPageTags select[multiple=multiple]").each(function() { I am not actually sure how that would ever work since that approach would need the name of the field, eg if your field name is: tags $(".Inputfield_tags select[multiple=multiple]").each(function() { but this also works and won't be dependent on the field's name: $(".InputfieldChosenSelect select[multiple=multiple]").each(function() {
  16. I would say that in general starting a new site with the dev branch is a decent approach. I typically update my local test sandbox install with the each new set of commits and depending on Ryan's comments about the commit I will sometimes even update live sites after seeing that everything looks stable for a few days. Occasionally he will mention that a commit contains lots of changes and to be cautious - in that case I may hold off on updating live sites a while longer so I am sure things are ok.
  17. That wasn't my intention at all We have all fallen victim to this one - several times! I don't ever remember to do it, but it is why it is recommended to do: f("Y"==$on){ With it reversed like that, if you forget the second equals sign, it will throw an error, rather than assigning the value!
  18. @creativejay - what Soma is getting at is that in PHP (and many other coding languages, maybe all ?) a single equals sign does not check if one thing equals the other, but rather makes it equal. So even though you have the if(), that line is always setting $on to "Y". You need to use two equals signs, eg: if($on=='Y') { In some situations you even want to make use of three. Here is a useful discussion on the differences: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2063480/the-3-different-equals
  19. @LostKobrakai, I like the look of your InputfieldChosenSelect field type - I can see that being very useful at times - thanks! Just to throw in another option - Nico also has a fieldtype for tagging: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/TextboxList Similar interface to yours, but the tags are stored as a comma-separated list, rather than as pages in a page field.
  20. This is Joss' territory, so I am sure he will chime in with why Page fields are perfect for this, but until he does .... I'll say it - page fields are perfect for this Seriously though, they handle the multilanguage side of things and have so many other advantages. Remember that a page is just a row in a DB table which is how this would be set up in most other systems anyways - I think it is just the "page" tree structure in the admin that makes people think it is more resource intensive or something? If you are worried about your users see the page tree with 30 children, just make it a child of a hidden settings page or something else like that. If that is not sufficient, which it really should be, you can even hide the page (and its children) completely from your editor users using this draft module: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1176-hiding-uneditable-pages-from-users/?p=84916
  21. Hey chrizz - great job! Given all the ex-MODx'ers around here, I wonder if you'd be willing to share your migration script? Also wondering if you might be willing to adapt it so that it works as a plugin to Migrator like Nico's Wordpress Migrator. This might seem selfish as it would have my module get more use, but the main thing I am hoping to achieve is to help migration from MODx to handle image migration as well. Looking at your site it looks like you have manually dumped all the images into one (or maybe a few) /site/assets/images/ folders, rather than into the page's numbered assets folder which of course means that the images won't be accessible via the page edit images field etc. Migrator/MigratorWordpress takes care of all this which I think results in a better end result. Please don't take this as a criticism - just trying to see if we can end up with a more complete approach for those wanting to migrate from MODx. Anyway, please let me know if you'd be willing to help with a MODx plugin for Migrator - I would be very keen to help you out with it. Thanks again for your write up on your successful conversion!
  22. I haven't had a chance to play with this yet, but I know it will be used on an upcoming site - just wanted to say how great it looks and most importantly how impressive the documentation looks to be - love the use of Github wiki!
  23. Steve - thanks for the module - it has proven very useful, however I wonder if you'd consider having multiple rules so it would be possible to redirect some roles to one page and other roles to a different page, etc? I might end up making the changes myself and submitting a PR if you don't have the time to tackle it, but hoping you might
  24. Don't you still want to hide the main page tree and redirect them to them to your Form Result Process Module, or did I misunderstand? Anyway, that is what the module from netcarver, wanze, and kongondo will do - of course you still need to assign the permission to view the page like Jan showed. Actually, re-reading your first post now, maybe you didn't want to hide everything else at all - maybe my 3000th post wasn't helpful at all - oh well, can't win them all
  25. This module works perfectly for exactly that scenario: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-restrict-page-tree/ PS Not exactly an earth shattering 3000th post (how time flies when you're having fun), but hopefully helpful anyway
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