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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Had you changed the rewrite base in the old .htaccess ? Do you have debug mode on to see possible errors?
  2. Hey @Robin S - I just wanted to remind everyone how awesome this is It can reduce the number of required templates (and template files) substantially in some cases where you have a standard setup, but with some minor differences to the fields in each template. Of course you could take it to extremes and have just one template per site, so you need to be careful to find the right balance, but it's a really powerful addition to PW IMO. Thanks again!
  3. When Migrator and MigratorWordpress were written, there was no system "published" field in Processwire. There is now, so I just pushed updates to both modules to support writing to that system field. Unfortunately untested at the moment (no time today), but hopefully will work as expected. With that in place, you should be able to delete that "date" field if you wish and use the "published" field to get the same information. Cheers, Adrian
  4. I am running PHP 7, so don't worry about that. I am running the latest PW dev 3.0.57, but I doubt there'd be an issue in 3.0.42, but maybe worth checking. Did you go with standard MyISAM and UTF8 in your MySQL database? I don't think this should be an issue either, but just something to check.
  5. That pages find works here. Not sure why it's not working at your end. What version of PW are you running? Anything unusual with your server setup that you can think of?
  6. Good tip @Can For those interested, here is the blog post about sanitizing directly with $input: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.14-brings-major-enhancements-to-sanitizer-and-input-api-variables/#sanitizer-and-input-are-now-a-couple
  7. Just do: $user = $users->get("email=".$input->post-email);
  8. @depone - I am still not the most experienced at multi-language stuff, but this will work: $page->images->first()->get("description".$user->language->id); This way you are explicitly stating that you want the description in the user's language with no fallback. Maybe someone else has another solution?
  9. You can use this to check if it's not the default language and only display description in this case. if(!$user->language->isDefaultLanguage) { // display description }
  10. Just added a new "Clear Session & Cookies" button in the ProcessWire Info panel: It's the new reset/reload looking icon. This will log you out and back in again, clear all cookies for the domain, and return you to the same URL you were on (along with the full query string). I have been finding this very handy with module development when it is manipulating parts of the admin that are cached (like menus etc), but it can also be handy for example when you change an Images field's "Default image grid mode" setting because you need to clear cookies to see these changes. I am sure you'll find other uses as well.
  11. Hi @godmok - thanks for the report. Unfortunately I am having a trouble understanding exactly what the steps are to reproduce this. Is there any chance you could share a screencast of the problem in action? Also, might I have access to the server (if it's online) so I can test - although I think the screencast first still might be important. I don't think I have ever come across anything like this. Anyone else ? Hopefully we can get to the bottom of it though and get it fixed.
  12. Hi @MilenKo - sorry for the silence of late - too much going on here. I just pushed some changes I made earlier in the week that should fix the comment datetime issues. When I get some more this week I'll take another look at the tags issue. Thanks for your patience!
  13. There is no Users::added hook. Since users are pages, what you are doing looks to be the correct option.
  14. Files should only be recompiled if their contents have been changed.
  15. Looks and works great now - thanks!
  16. I think the key thing is that when there is no position stored in LocalStorage, it should use the field's width setting (default or template context override) as it did before. Yeah, something like that sounds good.
  17. Thanks, it works now, but it no longer honors the width setting defined in the template. I have it set to 50%, but now it starts about 70 / 30. It might also be nice if it were optional - in some cases it will be a great addition, but sometime it's just a superfluous bit of UI. Please don't take that the wrong way - it really will be awesome in many cases.
  18. adrian

    PW logo

    I have just posted a cleaned up (SVGO), monochrome version of the logo (from https://github.com/plauclair/PW-Branding) to the excellent Simple Icons repo: https://simpleicons.org/ Please add a thumbs up to the PR if you'd like to see it added: https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons/pull/364
  19. Some new features just added. Yes, these are starting to get into the functionality provided by ModuleToolkit, but I am still playing with the user interface and workflow trying to find the most efficient scenario. Along with the interface that is added to each module's settings page, this screencap shows the new interface available from this module's settings page. It shows a list of all stored module setting backups and adds a new interactive interface for selecting modules whose settings you want to copy to another site. As you check/uncheck modules, their settings will be added to the Settings textarea ready to copy to another site. If you paste in settings from another site and check "Update All", these settings will be imported into this site. You can choose to be warned of version mismatches, or force the import anyway. Let me know what you guys think - am I on the right track with this, or is the ModuleToolkit approach better, or is there room for both? I still may combine the functionalities of both modules, or maybe even create a service that lets you manage your modules and their settings across multiple sites from once central dashboard.
  20. Draggable column width looks awesome, but at the moment I am getting this:
  21. Hi @grimezy - I hadn't ever used the default=pageid option before, but I just tested here and it still exports all rows. I am also running 3.0.56. If the site is online, is there any chance I could take a look? If not, could you post your table field settings, including the specific settings for the page select field, as well as a screenshot of all rows and also the CSV that gets exported. One more thought - what version of Table are you running? I am on the latest v15 beta.
  22. PW #1 on Slant - never heard of Slant and none of the CMS options have many votes yet, but still https://www.slant.co/topics/5409/~php-cms
  23. Hi @microcipcip - thanks for a really great commentary on PW, what frontend devs are looking for, and how PW can fit those needs. I am really excited to see your integration of GraphQL into your ProcessVue site profile - definitely planning on using it on an upcoming project. Thanks again for all your great work on this.
  24. It sounds like the logo is hardcoded into head.php or main.php or something like that. We don't need to start hacking anything just yet - we just need a login for the host (cPanel and/or FTP) and everything will be fine. If @AndreaPT's organization owns the domain and pays for the hosting, they should have those details somewhere.
  25. @jmartsch - you can see how I have done this in the BCE module when the editor interface is added in a new tab: https://github.com/adrianbj/BatchChildEditor/blob/4cd7f64e28d166b1f78eb02e83167cd7af031e87/BatchChildEditor.module#L374-L421
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