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Everything posted by adrian

  1. How do you know the $subs query is working? Install TracyDebugger and do a: bd($subs->each("title")); and see what pages are being returned. If none, then bd($selector); to see what the actual contents of the selector are - mostly it would be good to know what $template is actually returning.
  2. Thanks @rick - I have pushed an update that fixes this. I also decided to show all the argument settings in the Selector Queries section, so it now looks like this:
  3. Not sure why it's working on 2.7 v 3, but setting headers in PW is just like any PHP script - just use the example in that SO thread and I am guessing it will work.
  4. Thanks for the report @rick - that error is coming from the fairly recently added Selector Queries section in the Debug mode panel. I can easily add a check to make sure the "caller" index is defined, but I am curious why it's not available for you. Would you be willing to dump: $arguments[1] inside the foreach that starts here: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/commit/82e5e286d3bd1795a843c858090dd96bdae1daba#diff-4fa401f5ada8c910a9991f9228078c4bR331 I'd like to know what elements/indexes are actually in that array so I can get an idea of why "caller" may not be there in your situation. Thanks for helping out.
  5. @ryan - another thought - could the API reference docs on the website link to the appropriate lines in the code on Github? Obviously the link would have to be to the exact commit that was used to generate the docs, but I don't expect that should be hard to implement. Also, even though I don't have the API Explorer module, I would still like to suggest implementing an editor protocol handler link so that users could click to open to the appropriate link in the code in their favorite code editor. I do this with the Captain Hook panel in Tracy and find it fantastic.
  6. @GuruMeditation - turns out there was more to those space issues. I have alerted Ryan here:
  7. @ryan- the API Explorer has some space issues: For example, "directly on" from the docs below is getting displayed as "directlyon" * This is the same as calling `$pages->save($page);` or `$pages->saveField($page, $field)`, but calling directly * on the $page like this may be more convenient in many instances. This is obviously just one of many instances like this.
  8. If you have lots of repeater items, this will be more efficient: $pages->get("/testimonials/)->testimonials_repeater->find("limit=4, sort=random");
  9. Not sure where to start on this one - do you have debug mode turned on / Tracy Debugger installed? If not try those and see if any errors/warnings are returned. Also, have you checked different YouTube videos on the site that isn't working to make sure it's not just one video? What about Vimeo videos - do thy work? After that, I think you might need to dive into the module and see if you can figure out where it is failing.
  10. If you do need to do it in init() which is before wire('page') is available, then you can do this: if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $this->wire('config')->urls->admin) === 0) {
  11. Most likely you need to turn on allow_url_fopen in your php.ini file.
  12. Those typos have already been fixed in the dev version of PW: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/267a368034c49a560fefe1cc7bbf73984976db07/wire/core/Page.php#L21-L23 We just need @ryan to run the process to regenerate the website docs from the core code. However, in general @Pete is the person to ask about a dedicated board for website/forum bugs.
  13. Just wanted to chime in to say that I had similar issues with the Pages > Tree menu with my AdminRestrictBranch module, but I solved it quite easily by hooking into: ProcessPageList::executeNavJSON and making sure the list was restricted there.
  14. Hi everyone, Some critical updates this morning: 1) The module stopped doing anything in recent versions of PW 3 - I don't exactly when, but this is now fixed. 2) I also added support for restricting the new Pages > Tree dropdown menu that was added in 3.0.55 Please let me know if you find any problems with these changes or if you find any other situations where the module is no longer working. Given the rapid development of new ways to access the page tree that are being added to PW, I strongly recommend thoroughly testing your site if this module is protecting critical info from certain users. Hopefully everything is already taken care of for the current PW dev version, but with the UiKit admin theme, there could be possible breaks. Thanks for testing and letting me know!
  15. @Karl_T - BCE doesn't use a named Lister because it works with the core Lister, not just ListerPro. That's part of why the Config tab isn't there, but I added the Default Columns to the BCE config settings (both default, and also per parent page), so you should define them there. Does that take care of your needs?
  16. @alan - another option would be to paste a list of page titles (one per row) into the Add mode screen of the BatchChildEditor module. No code needed
  17. Make sure you have debug mode on. PW is fine on 7.1 so there must be a problem in your script which will likely show up with debug on.
  18. Sorry for the delay - I don't have time to test right now, so excuse me if there really is an issue, but are you looking at the Settings tab of the parent page, or the main BCE module config settings. I think what you are looking for is only available on the parent page settings. Let me know and I'll try to take a better look tomorrow.
  19. adrian

    Hanna Code

    Actually AceEditor does support this stuff pretty well - I use it in Tracy's Console and Template Editor panels. Perhaps someone could put together a PR for the Hanna code module to add these?
  20. @M.O.Z.G - Tracy is up to 4.3.1, so please try that version. If the problem still persists, could it be related to SQLite? Are you really not running MySQL? Does SQLite support PW in general?
  21. Hi @M.O.Z.G - I am going to be away from my computer for the next few days, but just wanted to check in on this SessionHandlerDB stuff. What version of Tracy are you running - I thought all the issues with SessionHandlerDB were sorted out in recent versions. There is one outstanding issue I am waiting on Ryan for a fix in the PW core, but otherwise it should all be working. Please let me know and if you are running the latest version, then I'll look into it more later.
  22. Hey @kongondo - me again I have another issue for you - I recently deleted a page that was driving the matrix rows (ie in the "data" field in the DB), but it didn't remove that row from the matrix table. Maybe this in intentional to prevent potential data loss, but it seems like there is no way of removing these without a manual SQL query to delete the appropriate entries from the DB. I am away from my computer the next couple of days and don't have time to test further right now, but please let me know if you have any trouble reproducing and I'll run some more tests.
  23. @M.O.Z.G - I think you must be running the Legacy version of the Tracy core? Do you have PHP 5.4+ so you can run the Master version? That said, I still don't know why all those "previous" bars are staying like that. Do they go away if you clear the PW session (log out and back in again)? Does the problem continue after that? When did this start happening for you - was it a PW or Tracy upgrade, or a move to a new server? Any unusual session settings on the server?
  24. Are you doing anything unusual with the way you are loading these pages? It looks like it's trying to load as an image? Have you done some with headers/content type?
  25. In the source code of that page there are lots of entries like this one: <b>Notice</b>: Trying to get property of non-object in <b>/home/rolspace/public_html/hd/praxiszurvorstadt/site/templates/team.php</b> on line <b>13</b><br /> Can you show us the code for that line?
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