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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. @Peter, No. Just re-parent them or leave them as is and rename parent(s) (if you wish) Blog to whatever you want (e.g. Blog 2 ) No. Ditto If you uninstall Blog without first running the Cleanup utility (only seen on menu if logged in as superuser), none of your fields, templates, demo template files, blog pages and role 'blog-author' will be touched. They will be left as is. So, don't run the Cleanup utility and you should be fine.
  2. I read through this quickly so might have missed something. Just wanted to point out that Blog (since version 2.3.2) has a 'related' posts implementation: renderRelatedPosts(). Posts can be related by tags, categories or both. Have a read from here onwards and examples here. This is yet to find its way to the documentation, sorry.
  3. @Asdiff, Welcome to ProcessWire and the forums. Have a read here about determining file permissions (who Apache is running as, etc): https://processwire.com/docs/security/file-permissions/
  4. Maybe the ideas presented here The Wire Render Pattern by @cclsource ould help you decide?
  5. Yes, MenuBuilder too ...(but uses JSON) IIRC, somebody already did this? i.e. there's a fieldtype around here somewhere... Edit 1: Yeah, what @LostKobrakai said... Edit 2: @tpr: Moving this topic to plugin development. The current board (ProcessWire Support Forums → Community Support → Modules/Plugins) is for supporting released modules
  6. Hey Ben, that's brilliant news! Finally, someone who knows about ProcessWire writing about ProcessWire . Could you please start a new thread about this? It is an important issue and should not 'be hidden' here amongst other stuff, thanks.
  7. @Roderick, For each new question unrelated to the original title of a thread, we start a new thread. Please start a new thread for your new question. Secondly, if a question you pose is answered to your satisfaction, please mark it as solved. Thanks.
  8. That field could be a text field (means you have to type it up always), a page field (single select) or an options field (probably easiest) (single select). If you don't have many child pages, you can use CSS/HTML IDs instead of classes, and do something like id=child-1, id=child-2, etc Welcome to ProcessWire and the forums Edit: Also depending on how the children pages are named and the number you have to deal with, you could use their names for IDs...
  9. No. This is just a quick fix and Ryan's implementation will most likely be better than mine . You might want to better draw his attention to your request though via GitHub, and if you wish, point him to this quick fix.
  10. A temporary fix in response to this request ProcessCommentsManagerEnhanced This is a slightly enhanced version of the current core ProcessCommentsManager. I've tested it in the current dev version of PW and it works fine. I cannot provide any guarantees nor support the module though ....it is a working-nicely-proof-of-concept. Download GitHub Install Just like any other ProcessWire module. It requires FieldtypeComments to be installed. You do not need to install ProcessCommentsManager. Demo Screen
  11. @Peter, Here you go, a temporary solution as you await Ryan's response to your request: ProcessCommentsManagerEnhanced This is a slightly enhanced version of the current core ProcessCommentsManager. I've tested it in the current dev version of PW and it works fine. I cannot provide any guarantees nor support the module though ....it is a working-nicely-proof-of-concept.
  12. Couldn't these be done with the comments manager? I haven't tried it myself though... Edit: OK, not exactly: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1681-module-comments-manager/. I also now see your earlier comment there.
  13. OK, your error is being generated at this line. Can you confirm your slider is actually called Slider1? That line indicates your slider was not found. I am not sure whether its case sensitive.
  14. @hamzaalibhatti Did you install all the three modules that come with this module? i.e.
  15. @David, The module consists of 3 modules: A Process module, a Fieldtype and, you guessed it, an own Inputfield . The Inputfield is what you see in the first and second screenshots above.
  16. @Mobiletrooper, I think you are right on the money . Been experiencing this a lot lately in Chrome Edit: Welcome to the forums
  17. Update: version 0.0.2 As requested by @Macrura, added a markupValue() method to correctly output the field's markup output in listers.
  18. @Macrura, Reported the issue and Ryan fixed it in this commit. I've tested it and it works.
  19. @BitPoet, Looking good! You might want to consider joining forces/exchanging ideas with @GuruMeditation who is also working on a native PW forum
  20. Try to set max exec time within the loop itself, inside your if block $page->setOutputFormatting(false); set_time_limit(60); If memory is a problem, you might also want to free some memory by adding the following after WriteLog. WriteLog("{$internal} saved"); wire('pages')->uncacheAll(); // free some memory
  21. No worries. As for general API, yes you can override (and even create methods and properties) on the fly at runtime since PW is an OOP application. So (and I assume you probably know this) you can do: // where such a field does not exist (i.e. this page has no summary field but we create one at rt) $page->summary = 'My nice summary'; // and you can also do, replacing the saved page title at rt (but not saving it) $page->title = 'My replacement Title';
  22. Mod Note: @Jason, Please try not to double post. You asked the same question earlier today . Merging this thread with MarkupSEO's support forum since your question is really about that module.
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