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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Hi @Mattia90 Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I don't know about your setup there but MenuBuilder should work out of the box with a Multi-lingual site except for this one issue reported here include a possible fix which I am yet to implement. Does that fix help in your case? MenuBuilder will read and load the correct language of the user. No need to specify titles for each language when building the menu. What do you mean by: Is Menu_X the title of the menu you created? Does your site work normally otherwise?, i.e. without MenuBuilder? Like I said, I have tested it with ProcessWire's site-languages and it works fine (with three languages).
  2. Database speed is very fast....Just don't retrieve all your 10K pages at once ....Use 'limit' in your selector and you will be fine. Welcome to PW and the forums
  3. echo $page->parent->title; echo $page->parent->name; echo $page->parent->id; echo $page->parent->whatever_property;// non-array property
  4. If you understand German... http://bfncs.github.io/wwms-processwire/
  5. See if this topic helps https://processwire.com/talk/topic/268-processwire-on-windows72008-server-with-iis-webserver/ Edit: Beaten to 3rd place
  6. Yes, just like it says in the instructions @RogC1, Welcome to PW and the forums. Please note that the CSS and the demo template files are just that; a demo...You can do pretty much what you want using MarkupBlog. I'm in the process of transferring the documentation to my new server. Thanks for choosing Blog
  7. Thanks to @Horst, I am using HeidiSQL to connect and CRUD my remote databases. It works well and is very fast, can set up users, etc. It allows to connect via various network types including SSH Tunnel, named pipe, TCP/IP, etc. You really want to use SSH though. I recently needed to import a sql dump with > 10K pages into a remote database and it warned me memory could be exhausted so gave me the option to read in the values instead. Worked a treat and quite fast! The documentation is also brilliant. Server side, I have set up a traditional MySQL install.
  8. If pagination wasn't working it is most likely because in your own template's settings, you did not tell it to allow pagination. When editing a template, this is set in the URLs tab -> Allow Page Numbers
  9. Nice one Adrian, thanks! Was hoping to see some screenshots of a restricted view page tree branch Just to clarify, by branch you mean a parent page and all its descendants? So, in the example tree below, would the green branches be visible and the red ones be invisible to user X whose view has been restricted? Home My Visible Branch My Do Not List Branch Child 1 Child 2 My Visible Child Branch
  10. Hi @Mattia90, Welcome to ProcessWire and the forums. Sorry about the problems you are encountering with MenuBuilder. I am the author of the module. To be honest, I know next to nothing about multilingual setups. I don't know how to add or remove a language or how to specify a default language nor about the various approaches to setting up a multilingual site . However, I have tested MenuBuilder with the default ProcessWire multilingual install and it works fine. Other guys have had issues with MenuBuilder after they'd removed a language. I have not been able to reproduce some of the issues. So, unless someone can give me a 'dummies' step-by-step instruction on how to reproduce their multilingual error/bug, I have no way of fixing the issues .
  11. That is rendered automatically by the method renderPosts() depending on whether there are more posts than the specified limit. For instance, if you have 20 posts in total, and your requested 5 (i.e. 5 will be shown per page), then the remainder (15) will be spread over the next 3 pages (5 per page).
  12. Blog Master Branch updated to 2.3.5 (see changes in this post)
  13. If by pagination you mean the next/prev links, that is rendered by renderNextPrevPosts(). E.g., see the second to last line with $blog->renderNextPrevPosts($page); in blog-post.php demo file Blog has documentation that covers most of its method. Unfortunately it is currently offline as I shift servers. See the link a couple of posts up for an internet-archived version.
  14. Use getQueryLog() Maybe something like: $queries = $database->getQueryLog(); foreach($queries as $query){ if (strpos($query, 'classification')) {//just to limit our search since there could be other queries echo '<pre>' . $query . '</pre>'; } }
  15. Creating my book websites with Processwire http://cchogan.com/food-and-stuff/using-processwire-for-my-book-websites/
  16. Ah, OK, I see. Have no idea really why that is happening. Did your config settings change? (the module system notification ones)? Other than that, cool admin!
  17. PW notices in the frontend? You mean the backend/admin?
  18. @kuba2, did you delete your post?
  19. I have been bitten several times... (Blog Module)
  20. $i = 0;//set counter $out =''; $checked = ''; foreach($foo as $bar) { if($i == 0) $checked = "checked" //radio button stuff here...+ stuff with $bar... $out .= "<input type='radio' name='my_radio' value='{$bar}' {$checked}>"; $i++; } echo $out;
  21. You really want to use $pages->count. count($page...) will come back and bite you when you have lots of pages...
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