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Everything posted by LostKobrakai

  1. They come as bundle if you install Pages2Pdf
  2. Just to add upon louis' answer: mpdf is shipped as part of the Pages2Pdf (and it's WirePdf) module. It might supply some nice shortcuts if you want to render Page data or plain html markup.
  3. $field->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever; See here: https://processwire.com/api/ref/inputfield/#pw-methods-collapsed-constants
  4. I have, but it should've been fixed. I'll reopen my issue here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/44
  5. findMany() behaves like find() in that it does hide unpublished/hidden or otherwise inaccessable pages from non-privileged users. Try include=hidden or check_access=0 if you need to alter that behaviour.
  6. The size you're seeing is most often the size of the image in a compressed filetype (essentially everything except uncompressed .tif). For resizing those images do need to be fully load in memory, which means the image is being uncompressed and therefore it's quite a bit larger. But in case of such big images it might be better to change the workflow. Even just uploading files of such a size via a simple html form is bound to be error prone (timeouts, network or memory issues).
  7. If you avoid using find()/get() in loops you're quite save against n+1 queries. If you don't, then there's not much ProcessWire can do against it besides caching already retrieved items.
  8. Why do you even include the old admin theme?
  9. I think this is what you're looking for:
  10. The most tricky thing is, that the state of some fields in not even stored explicitly in one place. E.g. the fields selected for repeaters are stored in a template and the repeater -> template matching does only happen based on name. So there's no explicit connection. There are lot's of solutions of resolving state changes automatically, but first there would need to be a standardized way to capture all those changes. Considering that things might even be hookable, there currently are a lot of cases to cover.
  11. Are you sure "assets/js/scrollReveal.js" is the correct url to the script?
  12. You're correct, that there's no function context, but a return statement does also stop the execution of code in files loaded by require/include statements. Most often a $this->halt() without return doesn't make much sense.
  13. Put the relevant api calls in your ___install() method. Those examples might be doing it in a bit verbose way, as it's part of a greater picture, so leave out the bits you won't need.
  14. Create a Field: https://github.com/LostKobrakai/Migrations/blob/master/FieldMigration.php#L12-L21 Insert a field into a template: https://github.com/LostKobrakai/Migrations/blob/master/Migration.php#L32-L62
  15. I'd rather like to see the reference to the map being removed from the css file. Sass maps are there for development, but not for production usage.
  16. $designers_person = $pages->find("parent=/designers/, designers_lastname!=''")->each(function($designer){ $designer->custom_sort = $designer->designers_lastname; }); $designers_group = $pages->find("parent=/designers/, designers_lastname=''")->each(function($collective){ $collective->custom_sort = $collective->title; });; $all = $designers_person->add($designers_group)->sort('custom_sort');
  17. The sandbox api is limited to sandbox users everywhere, so even retrieving by tag does only show images of those. You cannot get any other users media.
  18. bernhard did send me emails to my microsoft office account and private one and to be honest I can't seem to get a hold on what's wrong with it. In one email app the mail is parsed as some kind of unknown file, even though the source does look quite correct. In Outlook (opened via outlook) the source does seem to miss any multipart bountries, and I'm not sure why. Opening the same mail in my other email app (but same account) does show the multipart boundries. It's really strange.
  19. Can also be the difference of mac and windows or version difference. Microsoft is really not great at keeping things in sync :D.
  20. An email's source code has nothing to do with the message being html or not html. Html might be used in the message, but that's about it. In outlook (at least for mac) I can do right click on an email and choose "open source" ("Quelle anzeigen" in german) to open the raw email in a texteditor.
  21. I wasn't asking about how you send it, but what you actually receive and in which email program you're trying read it. If you could provide the source code of one of those emails we can determine if the sent email is even delivered in the correct state.
  22. The fact that the content type header and the transfer encoding is visible in the actual email body would suggest, that the email isn't parsed correctly in the first place. Without parsing the encoding type it's expected that decoding doesn't happen correctly. Any chance you could provide the emails source code and what email app you're using there?
  23. @Rudy I did take a look at your take at it and the subfolder option didn't seem to work. I've now enhanced it to be configurable to different optional subfolders to look for a ProcessWire installation. I've also taken the trailingSlash part out, because ProcessWire does not enforce trailing slashes, but it can do it on it's own if you want it to. https://gist.github.com/LostKobrakai/5328d6f64e9dc06a8776d0231c6628c6
  24. The tutorial is not incorrect. The "new" action next to the homepage (click/hover over the name of the page) will bring you to the form to add a new page of any kind. The button in the top right corner will only show those shortcuts, which I explained earlier. The same goes for the navigation element "Pages > Add New".
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