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Everything posted by OrganizedFellow

  1. I hope my current settings are ok? Server Type [Deprecated] Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3 Fast, CGI (Stochastic) When I first set it up, I tried all their server types. I checked the forum and no one else was running ProcessWire, so I had nothing to go on. It runs ok - I guess?! I hope it's not a problem just waiting to happen.
  2. Not working as expected. I navigate to a page that does not exist, or enter a search term that does not exist. The resulting page is nothing different than before. I added this to the top of my search.php page: if(isset($options['q'])) $input->get->q = $options['q']; Maybe I was expecting something different?
  3. Intersting work around. I could use this for something upcoming.
  4. I've been with NFS - Nearly Free Speech - for years. https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ Setup can be a chore, but once things are running, everything is well maintained. I also really liked Site5. Best part is that you can pick and choose the location of your webhost. http://www.site5.com/
  5. it has begun. it's been good knowing you guys.
  6. But I suppose we'll keep you and your profile around for giggles
  7. hhmm. Maybe we should get Adam Kiss in on here. Maybe he's had some things going on and temporarily stopped development on Ace Editor.
  8. Work. Lots of it. Two new PW sites. Hopefully worthy of sharing for the Showcase
  9. Ace has been abandoned? You mean this one? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-ace-editor/ It shows July 27 2014 as the last date it was updated.
  10. How's progress on this coming along? It's been a while since you last mentioned it.
  11. ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Seeing all those screenshots gets me all excited amigo Thank you for a job well done. This comes in perfect timing for a new project that I started yesterday. GEEZZZ, p-e-r-f-e-c-t.
  12. I was in need of something like this tonight and I'm glad i found it. Imagine my 'sadface.gif' when it did not work as expected. Maybe it's just that I don't understand it? So on the Details page of my select option. I put: apple:=apple banana:=banana cherry:=cherry And it works as expected. But if I do this: apple banana cherry The dropdown is blank in my Page. First I downloaded via the ModulesManager. Then I cloned frmo github. They are both the same version.
  13. If you all read and review carefully, you'll notice that Ryan has not posted but has "Liked" many comments and replies here. He is very well aware of your opinions and wishes - as he always has!!! He's the one that adds all the valuable core necessities. I think it is awesome beyond awesome that we have such a leading developer that tailors HIS project to OUR wishes. The idea of templates and site profiles is a good one. They already exist! Not as simple as "One Click". But if you are a developer, designer, web oriented tech savvy person, it's just as simple to download a site profile and extract into the appropriate folder. This "One Click Theming" idea was made insanely popular by the folks that made WordPress, and frankly it is something that ProcessWire should probably avoid! Personally: I don't need it. I don't want it. So far, every ProcessWire site I have created has been 100% totally custom. The ONLY thing that I have reused or duplicated is my beloved Foundation CSS framework. Other than that, the sites are completely different, different jQuery plugins, different ProcessWire modules, different everything. When I think of templates, I think of these: http://foundation.zurb.com/templates.html If Ryan and the rest of the ProcessWire team should lean towards the way of offering templates and themes, then they should offer a small variety of layouts with different content. A generic Blog template could have title, author, publish date, summary, images fields, etc. with comments or without?! A generic Orbit template could have title, image url, image description, etc. for various images. A more advanced Realty template could have address, phone numbers, map coordinates, various images, etc. A search feature. A simple drag and drop prior to installation. And then when installed, all the fields and templates would be prefixed with an easy to distinguish name to connect them all together, so noobies can see how it all works. There are so many ways to do things in ProcessWire (it's a beautiful thing - ain't it?). Templates and themes shouldn't be any different. Keep it out of the core. Contributing users can offer their own site profiles (as they already do on girhub/elsewhere). Provide a nice interactive click through demo on their own site, or demo.processwire.com/template=?XYZ
  14. YEAH BUDDY, that's the problem. I can't beleive it's ALWAYS something so simple. lol. So just to test it, I deleted the contents of .gitignore and ran git status Just as I thought, it shows everything properly. (I'm still a git newb.) So now that THAT'S working, what paths should I ignore? i'm sure the /cache/ folders. What else?
  15. @Crssp How's your project coming along? This topic popped up while I was searching for a similar solution.
  16. Thanks. This is interesting.
  17. For the past few occasions, I'm working on some files. Make my changes. Save. Before I commit or leave a message, I check git status It's been telling me that there is nothing to commit, working directory is clean. LIAR LIAR, GIT YOU ARE A LIAR! Why is git not tracking my changes? I noticed this even on a totally new project. I'm afraid I have broken my git. How did I do that? Is that even possible?
  18. @pwired There are several great quotes in your post above: >> Yes, first we are human and second we are a designer/coder. and >> Thanks to pw I finally fell in the process of becoming a php coder. I highly agree with them both. Very well said! @Max Welcome to the forums I am sorry to hear about losing your father and sibling
  19. @pwired Please let us know which solution works best for you. This will make a good reference post.
  20. [sOLVED] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#allowoverride File 'httpd.conf' in this section: <Directory "/home/*****/www"> ... # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files. # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords: # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # AllowOverride None ... </Directory> Change: AllowOverride None To: AllowOverride All
  21. I'm using virtual hosts. I have uncommented the appropriate lines to get that to work. I have a few "test" directories/domains, and they work fine. Here's what I have for my processwire.dev: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin organizedfellow@gmail.com DocumentRoot "/home/jaimito/www/processwire.dev" ServerName processwire.dev ErrorLog "/home/jaimito/www/processwire.dev/log_error.log" CustomLog "/home/jaimito/www/processwire.dev/log_access.log" common </VirtualHost> Here's the output from the "log_access.log" file: - - [02/May/2014:08:50:23 -0600] "GET /processwire/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1009 - - [02/May/2014:08:50:25 -0600] "GET /processwire/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1009 - - [02/May/2014:08:50:26 -0600] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 1009 - - [02/May/2014:08:50:36 -0600] "GET /about/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1140 - - [02/May/2014:08:50:40 -0600] "GET /templates/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1140 Not only is '/processwire/' not available, but the other pages as well. I'm only getting the homepage. This is worse than I thought, lol. I restarted both mysql and apache. Error still there.
  22. In httpd.conf I changed my DocumentRoot. From: # DocumentRoot "/srv/http" To: DocumentRoot "/home/jaimito/www" Also here: <Directory "/home/jaimito/www">
  23. I reinstalled in its own root folder: processwire.dev http://processwire.dev/processwire/ still produces the error.
  24. I made the switch from Win7 to Arch Linux. It's been a great deal of fun. I love to tinker. I learn something new every day! Tonight I installed apache, php and mariadb. Git cloned the latest version of ProcessWire to a new folder NOT in root. test.dev/processwire.dev/ During the installation, the only error I received was about GD 2.0. I know I have gd-2.1.0-2. The error persists, but I am still able to proceed. I complete the installation and leave "/processire/" as the default URL to access the admin. But the page comes up as "Object not found!" Why is that?
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