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Everything posted by OrganizedFellow

  1. Wouldn't it be simpler to export the database using some PHP script? I've always thought that to be a better idea.
  2. VERY nice looking. VIRGIN TWITTER TIMELINE and RICHARD BRANSON TWITTER TIMELINE both have different hover colors for the fonts. The second one matches the background, thus the font disappears.
  3. I also use Foundation (currently the latest 4.2.1). Can you share an HTML snippet? I think I know how you are doing this, but I just wanna be sure.
  4. LOVELY module. I saw the many screenshots and I can't wait to install on a new client site.
  5. I stumbled upon this thread when I went looking EXACTLY for this, ha. Using the above jQuery solution shared by Soma. I was able to get jQuery highlights on my client site search page. It was/is incredibly simple! AND FOR ME to claim something is simple (I know no javascript) ... it's the simplest solution, believe me! Save the jquery plugin to your 'js' folder and call it after your jQuery.js: <script src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>js/jquery.highlight.js"></script> Then stick this in the bottom of your search.php page: <script> $("body").highlight("<?php echo $q; ?>"); $(".highlight").css({ backgroundColor: "#FFFF88" }); </script> The $q variable if what results from your input search box. EDIT (sun.aug.10.2014): here is the latest jquery link <script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
  6. I actually came across these yesterday: http://www.codeschool.com/courses/assembling-sass http://mashable.com/2013/06/11/sass-compass-tools/
  7. Just to test things out, I did this and it works flawlessly FAWESOME security implementation Ryan! $users->get("organizedfellow")->setOutputFormatting(false)->set('pass', 'qwerty123')->save(); PW2.3
  8. I never really NEEDED a localhost mail server. I still don't really need one, but it would be handy to have for the occasional PHP script that sends out an email: testing 'Forgot Password', join a mailing list confirmation, etc. What's recommended by those of you developing locally? I'm looking for simple, easy to set up, little configuration. I had one last year, but because it was rarely used, I uninstalled it. [Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit 4GB RAM | localhost server = UniformServer 8.8.3]
  9. hhmm, sounds intriguing. Susy > SASS/SCSS > Ruby, right? I just checked, and I DO have Ruby 2.0.0.p0 installed locally I guess I'll be learning something NEW this weekend!
  10. EASY may not always be BEST sometimes ya gotta get a little more dirty and involved with more code to get something to work. It took me many hours of testing this and that, and I finally have a CSS drop menu that works with my nested unordered lists. I don't know much about PHP, but everything I have learned has been because PW uses it to display data.
  11. Your questions above were more about structure of your HTML and CSS. You seem very new here to the ProcessWire forums, welcome I encourage you to learn more and follow these tutorials: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_News_System Also, you should dissect the default site profile to get a better understanding on how the API works. Then go the 'Site Profile' section of the Modules page and check out some of the profiles there. The 'Blog' and 'Skyscrapers' are incredibly cool! They will teach you some new methods of organizing your templates and how to call your page/pages data. VERY cool stuff! http://modules.processwire.com/categories/site-profile/ Welcome to the forums. We are glad to help you out, but you've got to help yourself first
  12. Thank you for that. I was having LOTS of problems with LiveReload.
  13. Interesting post. The only ones I use are to test for responsive design on my pages. http://lab.maltewassermann.com/viewport-resizer/
  14. I am getting the following error after attempting to access website.com/sitemap.xml Running ProcessWire 2.3 on local machine. ************ EDIT: I downloaded and replaced the *.module with the latest one from github, still error persists. I'll uninstall in the meantime
  15. Interesting. Thanks for sharing! I'm curious to know if others start their projects with something similar?
  16. Currently using Foundation 4.2.1. Fully responsive, mobile first, easy to generate complex layouts, nestable grids. I've been using Foundation since it was on version 2. They've made some great strides improving the framework. Since mid version 3, I stopped coding my own. Simply because browser testing became cumbersome and tedious. While I greatly enjoyed building my own css framework, the "wars/debates" between Skeleton, HTML Kickstart, Twitters Bootstrap and other popular titles, was becoming tougher to choose an alternative to a DIY method. I just got tired of reinventing the wheel.
  17. I just had another project popup. But the last thing I want to do with my PWFoundation project is to convert the default install to Foundation and make it fully responsive. After I have that done, I'll throw it up on my github for others to check out.
  18. I think I have done just that I've been using Foundation for a while now and really am amazed at how well it flows. There are a total of 13 template pages: banded, bannerhome, blog, contact, feed, grid, marketing, orbithome, realty, sidebar, soboxy, store, workspace. I was able to add those to a default ProcessWire install. I've been on these forums for months, really just taking my sweet time reading as much as I can about How-To-Do-This and How-To-Do-That. I have yet to actually use PW on a project site. I swapped out all the placehold.it tags and replaced them with holder.js https://github.com/imsky/holder I'd like to share what I have but I really just wanna do a few more things with it before I do.
  19. There are a few other topics floating around regarding css frameworks, etc. I believe that before any one uses a prebuild framework, that they should first build their own. Knowing how it's done goes a long way into understanding the logic used in other frameworks. I have built a few myself. Some were using em for widths, another used hard-coded percentages, yet another used LESS to auto generate the percentages with varying column widths. After learning all I could on how grids work, I tackled some of the better known models and have settled on Zurb Foundation. It is as bloated as many other big frameworks, but I always end up removing the fluff I don't need
  20. But Soma ... that's cheating! lol There's no challenge there!
  21. I think that would be a great idea! +1
  22. I've always thought it would best to have the Cheatsheet available as a PAGE or TEMPLATE available to download/import into our own installation. Search would be enabled, a nice jQuery dropmenu would make it easy to find all the information
  23. Happy Early Fathers Day
  24. No sir I have not. I assumed I had missed a critical step in the tutorial. I followed the steps three times, but came upon the error each time. I have since given up and I moved on to breaking down the Default Site Profile in a new installation and replacing the styles with a new CSS framework I have for responsive design. So far so good. I will return to this tutorial/project later this week. Thanks for checking in on me thistimj.
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