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Everything posted by OrganizedFellow

  1. DEAR GAAWWD I LOVE THIS WOMAN. Sorry fellas, I have no clue what this thread is about. I've replayed that video and she doesn't mention ProcessWire ONE TIME. lol
  2. Sadly I can only afford the lowest tier for our Internet services, which is around 2.8Mbps. So I need to save all the bandwidth I can. It works well Thank you for the links ~~> https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout I'll make sure they all install it at the office.
  3. @pwired HOLY SMOKES, thanks for the elaborate explanation I've been custom editing my hosts files for years, from my Win desktop, my various Linux boxes and every one of my Android devices. Been using this one here: http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm It's quite large, and I always keep the latest one in my Dropbox
  4. My client has multiple computers at their office. I have my work station. We all have smartphones. What's the best way to "not count" these visits in Google Analytics? Hhmm.
  5. Thank you Marty. I will keep you posted. Some time around winter is when he says he'll need me.
  6. Yes, it's always a huge fear of mine ... the bitmap merger of my life, lol
  7. You are an incredible liar and I adore you I'm still at a loss thinking about the two year old EE install. I have no idea what to expect. What if there are security exploits? What if it requires upgrading? I suppose in the end I can always just rebuild it as a ProcessWire 2.5 site, right? OF COURSE I CAN. I know I can do it, it's just a huge undertaking. More to come from me this winter.
  8. On a semi-related note: Where does everyone currently keep their snippets? I found this a few months ago, been using it for ProcessWire snippets, commands for git, linux, etc. and other tidbits. http://www.gistboxapp.com/
  9. Lots of great ideas in this thread. Heck mannn, lotsss of grrreat ideasss everywhere!
  10. Generally I like to break down a template and rebuild it with Foundation5. If it is already Foundation5, then I still break it down and rename all the classes to something meaningful to me and the project.
  11. I haven't done the WEBDESIGN BUSINESS for long. Only a few years. Mostly I have pursued it as a hobby and from time to time, I'd build something for profit. Done tons of reading about freelance, Getting Things Done, design, etc. I used to use ExpressionEngine, back when it had just branched from pMachine. I was an early adopter and fell in love with it. Used it for several sites. Bought four commercial licenses for clients. TONS of extensions/addons/etc. One of my last clients on EE was about two years ago. By far, the greatest, client, ever. I've been a lurker and mild contributor here since July 2012. Taking things in. Bookmarking. Testing things out on various localhost installations. I was delighted to receive an email from him (my old client) a few weeks ago, asking if I would visit with his Father, because he also owns a business and needs a website. Even though we had a major disagreement, we parted ways and I'm thrilled to learn he still thinks very highly of me. So COMING SOON, is my very first, ProcessWire website ANNNNNNNNNNNNND he sends me another email today, stating that he wants needs a redesign on his old site. I looked over the source code and it reveals I used Foundation 2.2.1, hahaha. So this ought to be fun!!! \o/ I'm pretty sure I'll just keep him on EE instead of rebuild it entirely on PW. So most likely a responsive redesign. ** HIGH ** FIVE **
  12. I just discovered FoundationDeck. It's a marketplace SOLELY for Foundation5 templates, NICE! I used to browse ThemeForest and somehow came across this little gem. www.foundationdeck.com I bought a template just a couple of days ago. --------------------- How many of you rely on templates? It eases the design load. Lets us focus on the development and back-end. No need to reinvent the wheel, right? How many of you rely on templates?
  13. SUPERBULOUS IDEA! LOVE IT. Where do I sign up?
  14. I've been a member here since July 2012. I have less than 300 posts. If you were to check them all out, I am mostly voicing my opinion. Very very very few of my posts are CODE related. I don't share code with someone in the hopes it works for them because it worked for me. I don't post code issues that are not working on my installation. I AM NOT A CODER. Period! ADHD and OCD make it incredibly tough to piece things together. I don't memorize every CSS3 element or attribute. I rely heavily on http://www.css3.info/ and http://caniuse.com/ I don't dare memorize much PHP either, so I shoot over to http://php.net/ I use Foundation5 for my layouts, but I can NOT memorize those damned classes, so http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/grid.html All I know is the basics: git status, git add ., git commit -m'This is my commit message.' For ANYTHING ELSE I Google the hell out of it. For others, I rely on the above bookmarks, or the other 1,000 others I have bookmarked here on the forums of snippets and little code ideas that could come in handy. Have I learned PHP? Yeah! I can create some variables, if and elseif statements, and simple loops. With my limited PHP, HTML5, CSS3, and Foundation5 knowledge. I've put out several websites this year. Made $x,xxx. Made some hardware upgrades. Bought some business cards. Purchased the PW Forms module. Taken my family out to dinner. I've learned that if I want to make ProcessWire do this and that, which it CAN'T do outta the box - I got a little bit of learning to do. AND I AM NOT A CODER! hah!
  15. Had this error also. I'm using OpenShift with 1 gear as my development server. It's some good practice with GIT I SSH into my server and noticed that /site/assets/cache, logs, and sessions JUST DID NOT EXIST. Totally weird, right? Well, not totally. I had them listed in my .gitignore file. I read elsewhere on the forums that they should be added. So I had originally created/installed PW on my local machine and when I pushed the master UP, of course, cache logs and sessions didn't work. So I manually recreated them and so far ... yeah, it's working fine. OH, version 2.4.18 dev.
  16. For ALL software, webaps, CMSs, etc. I choose to wait and use the previous most stable version. There is SO much to learn to master our tools, that upgrading early is (sort of) tougher. At least for me. Before I get overwhelmed with all the cool new tools and widgets and gizmos and gadgets in 2.5, I want to learn 2.4 to the best of my ability. I'll NEVER MASTER it, as I'm still working on my PHP skills. But generally, I would say (to newbs) to just use the current stable 2.4. Learn it well. Then upgrade. Take your time.
  17. Yup. I agree with Diogo. It's the best way to find the differences.
  18. Sadly I think it would be a great little "feature" so I/we can keep our file more organized. It is ONLY one file, but still. I'm an organized fellow, lmao.
  19. I bookmarked this LONG ago. I thought it was in my Chrome bookmarks ... NOPE! Hello Evernote, you sly dog! I'll have to try this later though.
  20. As hdesigns said, NETWORKING is crucial to your survival! Everyone does things differently. Something may work well for YOU, but not well for ME. There will be lots of suggestions and recommendations from many people here that have been doing this job. Some of us have worked with established firms, others do it as a hobby. So the answers you get will be wild and various. With that said. I'll tell you how I operate. NETWORK If you are serious about this business, get some GOOD business cards made. Don't go cheap. Spend good money on some good high quality printed business cards. You should even go further and design them yourself! Show off your design skills with your first step! Hand someone your card, explain what you do AND mention that you designed your own card! Talk to friends and family. Let them all know your intentions. I have "scouts" all over town. Lots of my friends and family know what I do. To give them an incentive to send me clients, I give them a gift (to my friends/family) if they send me someone and I get them to sign a contract. Nothing big ya know. But something to show them I appreciate them helping me find work. I also give incentives to existing and past clients. I'll give them a discount on existing or future work if they send me a new client. It's a small price to pay to keep them happy AND not forget about me when the job is done. HAVE A CONTRACT!!! This can not be overstated! This will save your butt some day! It does not have to be full of legalese and dramatic courtroom jargon. Keep it simple but detailed enough to explain what your client expects from you. What you expect from your client. Estimated dates if possible. Outline the various milestones that lead to project completion. Define the payment schedule. Whether it be 50% deposit and the rest payable in time. Or one lump sum. Or your hourly billing fee. I have a small NDA clause in mine. NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement. There are times that I've charged a small fee. Other times I've billed higher. I don't want a past client to tell someone else how much they paid. Each client and website is different. Therefore their prices are different. You know: complexity, duration, etc. Also because you'll be conducting business with someone, there will be times you will be privvy to private business information that your client doesn't want others to know. You should know enough to get the job done. No more. No less. Well. That's how I've done things. COMMUNICATE As a part of my contract, I state that I will reply to all emails within 24 hours. I like to maintain ALL communication via email. I am strict about that. No colored bold or italic fonts with hearts and smiley faces. They are NOT to call me. Nor text me (unless it is an emergency). I like to have a trail that can be followed between all involved parties. That way, IF things should go poorly, I have something to protect ME, with peoples names, times and dates. Who said what, etc. WORKSTATION You probably won't have anyone mention this. You may have the idea of working from home. If so, invest in a comfortable chair, nothing too expensive. But you'll spend hours in this seat. Set your monitor at the proper height and distance to minimize eye strain. Eliminate distractions. Stop browsing Facebook. Set your phone to silent. Set your desk/station against a wall instead of a window. Avoid that distraction. Follow an agreeable work schedule. For every 25 minutes of straight work, reward yourself with a 5 minute break. Or 50 minutes of work and break for 10. Do what feels best. Make sure you stretch your arms, back, wrists, etc. Carpel tunnel is a terrible terrible pain. Just because you'll work from home. Avoid the tendency to work in your pajamas. SUIT UP! Work for yourself like you are working for someone else. Start at the same time every day. End at the same time every day. I used to take my kids to school. On the way home, I would stop for a cup of coffee and a danish at my favorite little place. And take my cup of coffee and danish to my work station at home. I was at my desk at the same time every day. It sounds silly, but it enforces good work habits. Best of luck to you!
  21. Your HOMEPAGE and BASIC-PAGE should both be in the same directory. If they are not, I suggest you put them together. In fact, keep ALL YOUR TEMPLATES TOGETHER. I see you are using Foundation. Here is what it should look like: Do not "hard code" the path to your foundation.css file: <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/scripts/foundation/css/foundation.css"> Instead, move your foundation folder into the templates folder. Link it like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>foundation/css/foundation.css" /> Keep your homepage and basic-page together next to the foundation folder. Make the template folder your only WORKING FOLDER. That was everything is contained in one folder, instead of scattered throughout your site. I hope I explained it well enough for you. Let us know if we can help you further.
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