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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. If you enable it by default, you might want to remove the the core version altogether, so there will be no confusion at all. We have something more advanced, no need for the plain version, I suppose.
  2. @adrian "Could you PM me the html from that panel": I can, however, how about installing https://github.com/NinjasCL/pw-ghost by @clsource ? This is what I'm refactoring to my needs currently. My version is still very similar to his, so you can use it for testing. "collapsed sections": fiddling with collapsing is slow, I think simple links are more efficient. "$authors" is never used (it is in the original profile too, I have not yet removed it) I do not know if the detection fails or not sometimes, I have not yet spent too much time checking the results of it. "collapse/expand all toggle": sorry for my confusing words. I was talking about one toggle button to collapse/expand all at once. Initially all of them are closed, right? I do not seem to remember... "You can set the length of the string in the config settings though (default is 150) - does that help?": more or less. It is informative to see 150. I will experiment with it. I'm just trying to save space somehow "...turning columns on/off - does the width of the panel matter that much...": the width. We have nearly reached the width of my Air's screen/viewport (1440px). By turning on/off I actually meant hide/unhide.
  3. Hi @adrian The Template Resources panel has started to grow fast, so I thought just before it outgrows my notebook's screen, I present a couple of suggestions: Returns and Class columns can be merged. After all, the info "Object" is redundant. Long string like a body's HTML code takes up a lot of space in the Value Column. Can you introduce AJAX only loading of such values? Or it can be made collapsable just like arrays/objects. That way initially the column would be narrow when arrays and objects are not expanded. It would be nice to have a "collapse/expand all toggle" for arrays/objects. What if columns can be turned on/off? At least the "Files/Lines" column. It could initially be in its closed state. This is what is used the least, I suppose. BTW, how about highlighting variables used in one template only and only once? It can help us spot variables no longer used or the developer might want to eliminate such variables by using expressions instead. How about jump links at the top to sections of the panel (to variables, constants, functions, included files)? The first two lines could be merged into one paragraph (These are all the... If you are looking...) to save some more space. "Panel generated in 183.67 ms Panel content size: 1.1 MB" could also be merged into one line and could be placed at the top, so no need to scroll down... Hope you find these suggestions useful. The following is just a screenshot to show what it currently looks like on my machine.
  4. It is worth mentioning that the developer ( @kongondo ) is away for a while, see: Also, note this quote: "A MarkupDynamicSelects for use in the frontend is planned if there is enough demand for it.". You can find it in the intro post. And people have already started demanding it
  5. Does anybody really like infinite scrolling? I mean it looks fancy, but from the usability point of view infinite scrolling is horrible. Just try to find an image on a looooong page of thumbnail listing after you passed it half a minute ago.
  6. @benbyf Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the work you put into your tutorials.
  7. Wow! If only all my wishes came true that quickly! Both issues are fixed, thanks a lot!
  8. @adrian I'm not saying I can keep up with the pace of the module's development, but trying to... I skipped a few versions, but now I'm checking out the latest (2.7.2 - in sync with PW master, eh? ) and have two issues with the Template Resources panel: #1 issue: when file compiling is on, I get: #2 issue: I have the following list of Included Files: As you can see, files are listed more than once, a lot of them 8 times, but at least 3 times if I'm not mistaken. I use wireRenderFile() to render partials of the page but simple include_once is used too.
  9. The checkerboard pattern creates a sort of interference effect but your slightly colorized noise has no chance of doing that, so no wonder it is a lot better choice. Lesson learnt? Sometimes it is not the best thing to follow the crowd...
  10. 100% true. @Hector Nguyen sorry for not paying attention to it.
  11. Hmmm. Hehe, sounds funny indeed! Seeing is believing, so let's give it a try
  12. https://www.wired.com/2015/08/researchers-hacked-model-s-teslas-already/ The more computer you stuff into a car, the more hackable it will be, especially if it is online. And they are doing the same for trains and airplanes too, to name a few... Frightening.
  13. Such features would be wlecome in AOS too
  14. @tony Hi, I have already tried to install the version found in the modules directory, but this one did not work for me either: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/blog-profile/ Instead, try the version posted by Ryan here (this one worked): Note: you might want to install it along with a ProcessWire version close to its release date, or at least ProcessWire 2.7 or 2.8. It might work with 3.x too but I have never tried. One more tip: you might also be interested in this one by @clsource for ProcessWire 3.x:
  15. Great tweaks for the Pagelist thumbs! Although I have not yet found the time to try it out, I will surely do it one day I have an issue to report too: one thing I use a lot is FieldAndTemplateEditLinks. Template links work, but Field links do not. The tooltip appears on hover, but nothing happens on click. It used to work, maybe two versions ago, I'm not really sure when though.
  16. Additional use cases to justify the need for this - one-to-one relationship support. Example: internal only SEO "Pages" (records) attached to one page only, e.g.: - JS slider records, when we need to limit the number of items by design - all sorts of other records when we need to limit the number of records by design... While we are at it, such a limiting capability can be handy in the case of other types too, such as AsmSelect, PageTable to name a few
  17. More on the topic with module recommendations:
  18. Another use case to support this request:
  19. easy peasy lemon squeezy
  20. You deserve the gold medal anyway! Works fine. Now I can easily create screenshots for forum support too, should I feel the need to (With AOS on it might generate some confusion to demo the admin... so this is just another case to justify the need of this feature...)
  21. So we use this: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/sort/ , right?
  22. @adrian Non-ProcessWire Template Variables panel question: we have a column labelled "Returns" with object, array, string, etc... in it. However, is it just me who is missing the result of a get_class()call? It would be much more informative to see which class the object is the instance of. Is it possible to implement?
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