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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. Thanks for the example! I think this weekend will be the earliest when I have the time to actually install it. Can't wait :)
  2. Also, what kind of upgrade/support policy and price can we expect? Also, as I stated in the other post, in order to use Padloper 2 at all, I will surely need: Discounts + Stripe + Invoice generation (but not management). For all of this, a developers "API" is enough at the beginning, adding admin management can come later, as that is not a dealbreaker for me. Generally, I think you can make better progress, if you do not spend too much time on admin features but instead on the docs and features that we developers can use to roll out our "custom" solutions, so that we can fill in the gap for ourselves until you get there with your own implementation...
  3. Just a quick question: I cannot see any sign of promotional coupons/discounts in the screenshots nor in the text of the docs. When do you think you might be able to start working on it in the future, the earliest? Regarding the projects I need to work on, coupons/discounts and Stripe payment is the only major missing bits I could spot so far. It would be great to see them being implement during the beta period. As far as coupons/discounts are concerned, first and foremost I am thinking of a developers' API (and/or hooks?) upon which we can implement virtually anything we might need to. Usually my clients do not even want to touch this area in the webshops I manage, so for me there is no need for an admin GUI at all. Sure, being able to manage coupons/discounts in the admin will be a must for many, but to start with, a versatile way to tap into the calculation of the Total price would be preferable as most of the time I am asked for promotional methods which often not pre-made in any system out there at all. And this also includes adding gift items to the cart, and sometimes such gifts are not even sold in the store, being promotional gifts only. So I am mainly interested in an API which allows us to modify the Cart / Coupons / Subtotals / Shipping / Insurance / Total based on any custom requirement. Meaning adding any customs cost as well, when required. I hope this makes sense :)
  4. Probably my method is in the dinosaur category, but it still works without spending too much time on migrating a database: If I do not mix up production with local then it is fool proof. It takes less than 15 secs from start to finish to clone a small database including all the keystrokes I have to perform at the beginning. Sure, it is the other way round regarding migrating, but for a one man show it is not a big deal. When modifying settings in production, I sometimes have to do the cloning more than once but since the whole process is so fast, for me it is a non-issue. "I am still waiting" for an official automated migrating solution included in the ProcessWire core :P
  5. That's a relief! I almost started to wonder how you would deliver the ladies some people might imagine to order ;) Happy new year Francis, I'm looking foward to it all as always.
  6. Thank you! All the same to you and to all of us! It will be nice to take a closer look for sure, thank you in advance.
  7. For each operating system one needs to find the right utilities to bend it to one's needs, at least doing it is a must for those who care... If you want to give your Mac another try, then browsing lists like these can help: https://github.com/jaywcjlove/awesome-mac https://github.com/serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps I am somewhat biased of course, as I have never worked on anything else than a Mac. The most powerful tools I use to solve almost all of my UX issues are these: https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main/ https://manytricks.com/butler/ https://www.stclairsoft.com/DefaultFolderX/ https://www.trankynam.com/atext/ https://rectangleapp.com/ https://www.thnkdev.com/QuickRes/ They have some overlapping features as well and in such a case I always use the app that seems to be able to better solve the UX issue in question. What I would no longer like to work without is Keyboard Maestro. For example, among other things I also use Keyboard Maestro to create shortcuts for features which would otherwise be impossible as it can even be used to "simulate mouse clicks" if a GUI element is in a fixed position relative to (for example) the main application window because Keyboard Maestro "can click" on it for me, and I can just assign a keyboard shortcut to that macro.
  8. Thanks, since it is not so intuitive to look there (and AOS has probably spoiled me, and I often hide/disable Tracy anyway...) I keep forgetting it. Also, I do not work on PW projects these days too much, so my memory is fading, but I'm trying to keep it fresh by reading all the forum posts that look "interesting". Side note: I could have just implemented my own module like this one as it is not rocket science to do it but I do not have free time these days I'm afraid, so I am happy to see that someone deals with these features, and puts those links into the positions where l would look for them.
  9. Hello, Thank you for sharing your module. I used to install AdminOnSteriods on all of the sites I work on, which module (among lots of other features) can do the same. However, since AdminOnSteroids might not be maintained in the future, I started not to use it. What I am really missing without AdminOnSteroids is this feature you implemented, and a similar one, which is a link to the edit template page. So my first idea to improve the module would be to add an "Edit template: templatename" link next to the title of the page (H1 id="pw-content-title" in the html source of the page). BTW, I installed it and the cog icon does not show up, because you hardcoded the admin url into the module. Could you please us $pages->get($config->adminRootPageID)->url instead? Yeah, it involves PHP, but: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8343-access-page-and-pages-variables-from-inside-a-javascript-file/ Or maybe some knows that the admin URL is already provided by the PW admin on the JavaScript side as well?
  10. Hello, this is what I get currently when visiting the site: Error 1020 Ray ID: ...xyz... • 2021-12-16 07:22:19 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.
  11. And time for https://2020.stateofjs.com/ :) And here is more stats with broader view: https://almanac.httparchive.org/en/2021/
  12. Related, so I did NOT want to create a new topic for it. Note: I am especially happy to see enums, as a think implementing state machines / statecharts is the way to go when developing "expandable systems". Not that personally I am into some large systems or anything like that, but ProcessWire is large enough from benefiting it, I think. For example, Java seems to have been having it for years: https://www.google.com/search?q=enum+for+state+machines Still, when I find the time, I will experiment with enums to see if I can use it to improve my coding. I hope I can :)
  13. Maybe money? I mean according to the article, that's the easiest way to do it (apart from spreading the message): https://opencollective.com/phpfoundation I think that currently there is no way to do it together but correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe Ryan could set up a way to pay a small extra for PHP foundation support. What I mean is that there could be an option in the Pro module checkout process for paying an extra $5 for PHP foundation support, so that he could sign up "ProcessWire as a supporter". But the $100/month option would probably be too much, and the OPTIONAL $5 per purchase would never cover it. If there was a $30/month option for small communities like us, that might work out well. Ryan could ask them for such a support option, theoretically...
  14. I used to "play" with VMs but I did not find them to be particularly useful, but that is a subjective topic, of course, as it depends on one's needs. Besides, I do not have Windows since I am not fond of it either. Anyway, for anyone who likes MAMP, I think saving some money on it cannot hurt ;)
  15. For my Mac there are no too many alternatives, but there are some, of course: https://alternativeto.net/software/mamp/?platform=mac
  16. https://www.mamp.info/mamp-friday/ I'm a MAMP Pro + Nano user, I can recommend them. Especially MAMP Pro saves me a lot of time, with features like: 1 click site cloning 1 click site spanhost & restore 1 click SSL config zero configuration Mailhog and more...
  17. Nikita Popov is about to leave JetBrains, which triggered the birth of the PHP Foundation in order to make sure there will be enough knowledgable and paid developers behind the PHP project: https://blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/2021/11/the-php-foundation/ You can even apply for such a position ;) (just bad joke...)
  18. I agree that some sort of on-the-fly option to opt out of autosave would be essential. One option is what you suggest ("PageAutoSave O N L Y when in PreviewMode?") but maybe an on/off switch would be nice to have too (next to the page title or something like that). So I am thinking of not just one way to opt out temporarily but more than one way to suit "all needs". I do not have the time to test the autosave feature, so I cannot be more specific but the issue you are facing sounds quite reasonable and that is why I commented on it ;)
  19. It is a bit "hidden" but somewhat documented over here: https://processwire.com/docs/security/file-permissions/#securing-your-site-config.php-file Quote: "This includes /site/assets/ and everything within it, as well as /site/modules/ and everything in it (if you want to have a writable modules file system). Read the next section for details on how to do this." Also, the PW installer is also informative (sure, these are the conditions required by the installer, so later on /site/modules and config.php can be locked down, as also explained in the docs):
  20. As soon as one starts relying on HTMX, one needs to support the project, for one's own sake, I think: https://github.com/sponsors/bigskysoftware?frequency=recurring or: https://github.com/sponsors/bigskysoftware?frequency=one-time Welcome to the ProcessWire forums!
  21. I think so. It is only used with passwords: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6629-config-httphosts-and-passwords/?p=64888 Quoting Ryan: "That particular value is generated randomly when you first install ProcessWire. It is forever tied to the passwords as a secondary salt. It's not technically necessary to have it, and passwords are already blowfish'd, but I've always felt better having one part of the salt disconnected from the database itself. If that salt changes or is lost, then all the passwords are forever broken."
  22. Dear Ryan, I think you have not been "trying" to..., instead, you have been working hard on them (not just big features you mentioned today, but smaller yet still useful ones, as always). Thank you so much! Maybe it is worth taking a look at Unpoly as well: https://unpoly.com/ Various opinions: https://groups.google.com/g/unpoly/c/aKfjcIZKi4w https://groups.google.com/g/unpoly/c/w5mVyqA5zmg Demo site created by the author: https://demo.unpoly.com/
  23. Sir, please count me in ;) Waiting patiently for your Google Form thingy. And have a nice weekend, BTW!
  24. Hello, thanks for sharing! Have you forgotten to link to the module perhaps? eg.: https://tech-c.net/posts/login-fail-notifier-for-processwire/ https://github.com/techcnet/LoginFailNotifier
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