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Everything posted by elabx

  1. Conclusion, we are weird anti social people. Ok, jokes asides, it seems to be the trend with the type of developers Processwire attracts as diogo stated. I also think that also the very nature of Processwire makes it a bit "anti marketing buzz". We just won't be seeing: "10 MODULES YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT" and I think that because this "markets" don't really exist in the PW related dev world. I wonder if we should take a look at what other frameworks more like Laravel are outputting to the social media. Ironically, I started using Twitter a lot more recently to basically get more involved with anyone out there who is using Processwire.
  2. Nothing better to cure The Erector Set than the PW roadmap for 2016! Everything looks so exciting, thanks for the great work! I look forward to keep developing and contributing to the community this year, it's included in my new year objetives Happy new year!!
  3. It is plain easy with Processwire! Check out this topic by Ryan or this other topic where some basics are discussed trying to clarify this topic for another forum member. If you are still a bit confused, try researching a bit on what is AJAX, this is all more about frontend work than backend, so you will be getting into javascript to learn how to make the requests, receive the data, and output it into your already existing HTML.
  4. I double the thanks! I think LostKobraKai's posts around the forum are a damn awesome source of learning, short elegant code filled answers right in your face! But certainly can't stop thanking here, there is so much talented and experienced people giving away so much valuable advice, I had forgotten how important a community can be when learnimg new stuff. And no, I'm no that drunk yet! But already feeling sentimental lol
  5. Yay! This was the year I started my Processwire affair, it has been great! Thanks everyone for the good vibes!
  6. Could this be used for example, if I don't want to use the "else" statement to render normal requests content, and just have it on the rest of the template file?
  7. What I would do to render things inside Resume, is to have the template assigned to the Resume page have something like this: $jobs = $pages->get("title=Jobs")->children; foreach($jobs as $job){ echo $job->render(); } In this example, I would be rendering each page under the Jobs page inside the Resume rendering. In the jobs template, I would have to include only the HTML needed to render each job (wether it is a li element or something else). Heck, if its only a list I would render it in the foreach loop above.
  8. I think we all just our answer on the latest blog post https://processwire.com/blog/posts/a-preview-of-coming-attractions-to-processwires-image-tools/
  9. If you know how to put a HTML website with their scripts and css files running, you are already on your way. Processwire content gets called through the API and you can basically put it anywhere you want. I have built a lot of "basic" websites in a better way than I could have imagined with other CMSs (or on my own for what matters!). If you'd like to see some stuff built into the basic level, I would gladly show you.
  10. What I commonly do: You have to import the .sql file data into a new database, you can do this through phpMyAdmin. Copy the Processwire backup files into your public_html (don't forget the sneaky .htaccess in the PW installation root, it is commonly hidden), and edit site/config.php and edit your database data: $config->dbHost = 'localhost'; $config->dbName = 'dbname'; $config->dbUser = 'dbuser'; $config->dbPass = 'verydifficultpassword'; $config->dbPort = '3306'; If everything goes ok, it should work!
  11. Relevant thread: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/132-redirect-after-login/
  12. The trick that works most of the time is the security issue, a little googling and evidence shows itself in blog posts all around the web. I rarely have tech wise clients, though some of the few who actually DO know a bit about web technology and are on the Wordpress hype train, I take out this weapon: "Did you know Wordpress in in fact a blogging software?? Then, let's think again, do you think your website is a blog?" It's like using confusion on a Pokemon. The train of thought is that they are using the wrong tool for their problem and that actually stops people to think, what do I want from my website??. I then go with the "more professional, custom solution called Processwire" pitch. Also, very important, I talk about how costly can Wordpress become if you want to start customizing content management and display, unsafe plugins, and the safe ones that mean extra costs, maintenance for Wordpress updates, etc. With PW, you get what you need, solid cost effective solution. Though, the smarter ones will say: Hey, everyone is using it!! What's the deal with you weirdo!! After that, I'm left with my last weapon which is walk away!! And impressively, that one actually sometimes work! It's like, after showing them that the way to Wordpress goes through Mordor, they start feeling the fear and come back. ps. I'm really liking the LOTR metaphors.
  13. Really nice!! I had to read it a few times to fully understand, so honest thanks here! Gracias!
  14. Totally forgot about array_values()! That worked!! Though I wonder if I'm doing something wrong or my dev environment has something funky going on. Thank you both guys!
  15. I tried your suggestion in this way: $s = $page->logos->getArray(); foreach($s as $index => $item) { echo "$index: $item<br />"; } It still gives the same result
  16. I'm sorry to bring this up from so long time ago, but I'm pulling my hair with this. I'm having the problem mindplay had initially, I can't seem to access the $key value of the items in an array of images, it just returns the name of the image. In this case, logos is an image field containing images, which to my understanding is also a WireArray. I tried what Ryan suggested: foreach( $page->logos as $index => $item) {echo "$index: $item<br />";}But I get this: client3.png: client3.png client4.png: client4.png client2.png: client2.png client6.png: client6.png client1.png: client1.png client5.png: client5.png client8.png: client8.png client7.png: client7.png I'm using PHP 5.6.7 in a MAMP installation on OS X 10.11.1 and latest Processwire 2.7
  17. RT @MacAffinity: #AffinityPhoto is Apple’s Best Mac App 2015! The future of #photoediting now with 20% off! https://t.co/zmgSlOA4sy https:/…

  18. Oh that's awesome BitPoet! I also guessed it wouldn't be rocket science, Ryan already answered on the GitHub issue too and apparently it is planned to be integrated later.
  19. Thanks! I will surely try! EDIT: Oh wow, Soma build a Fancybox based module that does just what I was imagining.
  20. I bring this up from the ashes, I am still getting this behaviour. I opened the Github issue, I just hope this thing doesn't feel like nitpicking, but I think it's worth asking.
  21. Is there a possibility that the actual admin works like FEEL? Click on the edit in a page in the tree and opens page fields inside a modal?
  22. Does Deployer need a production server with SSH to work?? Or could I write a task with the PHP ftp class?? And the same for a database dump, then upload and replace data??
  23. elabx


    Nice review lol! I had to take care of a website done in Edge Animate a few months ago, oh lord was that painful thing to hack inside the horrible code editor. Having to go under a few clicks to add classes or and ID is already too much loss of time, Macaw looks a lot more easy to use from the video tutorials. What dislike the most about this type of software is that you might be doing good with the features up to a certain point where you want to start doing some fancy customization, and BANG! guess what, this thing is not build to work well outside their "Design -> Build" pipeline, so you find yourself jumping between programs, and getting frustrated because you can't make changes to the final code build, because if you change something on the design software side, it's gonna overwrite whatever you hacked in the final code. (At least this was my experience with Adobe Edge) Though, for example, if Macaw handles responsiveness good enough, I could be using it for small to medium clients with simple websites that focus a lot more on static content, optimization is not critical and saving me a few hours of coding is nice enough and truth be told, working with Processwire makes building this simple websites a breeze. Now, if I could just plug this Macaw thing to the PW API to automagically create templates, fields...
  24. I'm thinking of introducing Processwire on the local PHP Meetup
  25. Really nice site!! And fast! I also noticed the same as Rick about the content columns.
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