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  1. Hey guys Is ProcessWire suitable for an app similar to ffffound.com? Considering the eventual large amount of images and possibly users? Plus, functionalities like "save" and "tag" images? Is it possible to work with PW without the admin panel? Or is it useful for building web apps? Cheers, Hafa
  2. Hi @kongondo For example in http://cargocollective.com/voyager1, you click the post and it opens in the same page without reloading the whole page, and it still updates the browser url. In http://cargocollective.com/sirius, you click the post and it opens on another page without reloading the whole page and updates the browser url aswell. Would it be too tricky to achieve this with PW?
  3. Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had already exported a Cargo Collective site to ProcessWire?! I have two Cargo sites I'd like to convert to ProcessWire, they're using these templates: - http://cargocollective.com/voyager1 - http://cargocollective.com/sirius It's all working fine but I can't figure out how to "replicate" the famous Cargo effect to PW (the effect where links open fastly without reloading the page). Can anyone please help me achieve this with PW? Cheers
  4. I just confirmed that OpenSSL is enable on MAMP, so that's not the issue... lightning.pw is still off
  5. @Macrura It's just to generate random urls like, for example: designspiration.net/image/411126849521/ (actually my project is very similar to that site )
  6. Hi @Macrura! I wanted to test your code right way but I'm not sure where I should include it? A functions.php file? And can the "uniqid" function generate numbers only? Is it possible to set a length? Thank you very much for taking the time to try help me out! @Kongondo Waiting for lightning.pw to get back online! Thank you for the tip!
  7. Seems Pierre-Luc hasn't been too active on the forums, unfortunately. By any chance does anyone know how I can auto-generate slugs like that without using this module?
  8. Hi guys I recently found Colors of Images, a php library for getting colors from images: https://github.com/humanmade/Colors-Of-Image That's the only thing that I'm missing from PW to get started on a project. As I'm no php developer (let alone module developer ), I was wondering if it's possible to use it in PW pages without having to create a module?
  9. Ahh, I was hoping that would have some module I'd like to use it not only for displaying the palette, but for searching through the site by color!
  10. Does ProcessWire have a way or module to generate a color palette from images? Like Color Thief
  11. Hi Pierre, 1) nope 2) i'm using only numbers, but i tried letters to test and it doesn't work either btw, i'm using the latest processwire version (2.5.2) Yes, it's enabled.
  12. I've tried Hmm, I've figured this... so there's no way to do custom urls?
  13. Hi guys I'm using the Field Generator module to generate random strings of numbers and assign them to one field of my choice when a page is created. In the module description, it says we don't need to set $page->name (or any other field), it just works automagically. As in my case, I'm using the module to create urls (for example, mysite.com/image/131602236844), so I'd need to use the $page->name field to create the string, but it won't work. It works on any other custom field, but not with "name" field. Here are a few screenshots: Field Generator setup with "name" field: http://api.drp.io/files/544295d764173.png But nothing happens on the "name" field: http://api.drp.io/files/544295d75bb0e.png // http://api.drp.io/files/544295d7523ad.png I've already tried putting "name" and "$page->name" but nothing happens. Any ideas if I'm doing something wrong?
  14. Hey guys, I was wondering... Does the number of used/installed modules affect on site performance?
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