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Everything posted by BitPoet

  1. You can use WireArray's explode method to get the required property(s) from your repeater. "socials" => $m->socials->explode(['title', 'url']) Pass it a function instead of a property name or names to add fancier processing: "socials" => $m->socials->explode(function($item, $key) { return [ "name" => $item->title, "link" => $item->url ]; })
  2. I already submitted it, and it's pending approval, so it should become visible in the next few days. The latest version on GitHub also lets you add custom CSS classes to the links.
  3. Here's a little text formatter module that redirects all external links found in a textarea (e.g. for hit counting) to a given URL. TextformatterExternalRedirect GitHub repo As TextFormatters do, this module modifies the contents of the textarea (HTML) at rendering time. It prepends the given URL to the link address for external links (http and https), optionally makes sure that the link is opened in a new window and allows you to add css classes to such links. All options can be configured in the module's configuration settings. Usage: Download the zip archive and extract it to site/modules, the rename the top folder to TextformatterExternalRedirect Go to the backend and select "Modules" -> "Refresh", then click "Install" for "External Link Redirect" Click "Settings" and configure the module Go into the field configuration for the field(s) you want this formatter to apply to and add it from the dropdown Done, now any external links in the configured fields will have the configured settings applied Feel free to leave feedback and post and questions you have here.
  4. I have updated the code to add an option for that. The module is now available at GitHub. Check "Open in new window" in the module configuration to add a target="_blank" attribute (or replace an existing target attribute's value with "_blank").
  5. This is probably a perfect case for a custom textformatter. Those are invoked when the content of a textarea is rendered. Here's an example module that prepends a custom URL to all external links. You need to enter /my-redirect-link/?link= in the module's configuration after installation and configure the field in question to use TextformatterExternalRedirect. <?php namespace ProcessWire; /** * ProcessWire External Link Redirector Textformatter * * Prefixes the URL in each external link with a local URL that redirects to the * original URL after doing whatever it is that it needs to do. * * The URL to prepend is configured in this module's settings * (Backend: Modules -> Configure -> TextformatterExternalRedirect) * * It assumes that the prepended URL ends with a GET parameter and an equal sign, * so it urlencode()s the original URL. * * Example: * Link is <a href='https://processwire.com'> * Prepend URL: /myredirector/?link= * Textformatter generates: <a href='/myredirector/?link=https%3A%2F%2Fprocessire.com'> * */ class TextformatterExternalRedirect extends Textformatter implements ConfigurableModule { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'External Link Redirect', 'version' => '0.0.4', 'summary' => "Parses links in textareas and prepends a local redirector URL", ); } public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->set("prependUrl", ""); } public function format(&$str) { $str = trim($str); if(!strlen($str)) return; if(!$this->prependUrl) return; $that = $this; $str = preg_replace_callback( '/(<a[^>]+href=)(["\'])([^"\']*)(\\2)/i', function($match) use($that) { // If link is not external, we return the original link if(!$that->isExternalLink($match[3])) return $match[0]; return $match[1] . $match[2] . $that->prependUrl . urlencode($match[3]) . $match[2]; }, $str ); } public function isExternalLink($url) { foreach($this->config->httpHosts as $hostname) { // If the target host is one of our own hostnames, // this link is not external. if(preg_match("~^https?://{$hostname}~i", $url))) return false; } // Otherwise, all http(s) links are definitely external // and get redirected. if(preg_match('~^https?://~i', $url))) return true; // No match, then we have a relative url (internal) or some other // scheme (e.g. mailto) that we don't redirect. return false; } public static function getModuleConfigInputfields($data) { $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); $f = wire('modules')->get("InputfieldText"); $f->attr('id+name', 'prependUrl'); $f->label = __("URL to prepend", __FILE__); $f->description = __("This URL is prepended. It is assumed that it ends with a GET parameter to which the URL-encoded original link will be passed.", __FILE__); if(isset($data["prependUrl"])) $f->attr('value', $data["prependUrl"]); $inputfields->append($f); return $inputfields; } }
  6. Are these page names or page ids? For $p->tags->add to work, anything numeric must be a valid page id. And, duh, I have to say sorry. I just took a look into PageArray.php and saw that you can actually pass an array of pages to PageArray::add and it will call itself recursively, thought the same rules apply then. If it looks numeric, it needs to be a page id.
  7. Yes, loop over $tags and call $page->tags->add() for each like in the snippet you posted. Of course, you can just call $sanitizer->text for every $tag inside the loop in your third code snippet and go without the array_map. array_map is just a function that calls the passed function for every entry in the array given to it and returns a new array with the results.
  8. My guess is that this might be the culprit. If you submit multiple tags, that likely returns something like "array-2". You might need to do something like this: $rawTags = $input->post->tags; $tags = array_map( function($tag) use($sanitizer) { return $sanitizer->text($tag); }, is_array($rawTags) ? $rawTags : [$rawTags] );
  9. What does the web server error log have to say? You should see a more verbose error description there (or perhaps even in Chrome developer console on the network tab).
  10. Thanks a lot for that! I‘m away for the weekend and can‘t test it thoroughly, but it looks fine so I merged it to the dev tree. Will give it a closer look and push to master Sunday evening.
  11. Haven't done it, but since Office 365 uses Azure with SAML as authentication protocol, the SamlAuth module might work. Maybe @Adam can chime in whether he has used his module with Azure yet?
  12. I've still got that on the back burner, but it'll likely be the next quarter until I find enough time for it. It's going to need some deep digging, unfortunately.
  13. You'll have to use lowercase "%p" and/or a workaround. The uppercase %P is missing in many platforms' native strftime implementation, and PHP just uses what the platform (i.e. the operating system) offers. So if you're e.g. on windows, a number of format characters listed in the strftime manual will throw an error or fail silently.
  14. And, if you want a nice CK'ish dropdown instead of having the user type, @Robin S' Hanna Code Dialog might also be an option.
  15. Nothing. Escaping single quotes as HTML entities is perfectly valid and just an optical thing, the behavior stays the same as if there were literal single quotes.
  16. Thanks for sharing this, a wonderful and funny read that also brings up some sentimental points. And, coincidentally, I also read his article about quitting at YouTube which ends with My request to take six months off next year to go backpacking (thru-hiking) on the Pacific Crest Trail was approved a week ago. Didn't think it might be this valuable in my CV?
  17. Any change if you use the version from the PW3 branch in the github repo for PaymentModule (which is basically the same with the namespace added)?
  18. It might be a dumb question, but since the dependency check that gives the message is a core function reliably used by many modules, are you sure PaymentModule is really installed (i.e. showing up in "Modules" -> "Site" in the backend)?
  19. This is provided by Page Edit Soft Lock. Sure you have it installed?
  20. I've stopped wondering about things like that. There are thousands of rules for mod_security, and 99% of those only make sense for wordpress sites.
  21. Is the webserver apache and mod_security active?
  22. Inspired by this thread with a little nugget based on AOS by @benbyf to visually distinguish development systems from production ones, I wrote a small module that does the same and lets you adapt colors and text. Link to the github repo: AdminDevModeColors Version 0.0.1 is still very alpha and only tested on PW 3.0.124. Description This module lets you change the color for the top toolbar and add a small piece of text for development systems, so you are immediately you aren't working on production (and vice versa). The adaptions are made through pure CSS and applied if either the "Enable DEV mode" checkbox in the module's configuration is checked or the property $config->devMode is set to true in site/config.php. Works with Default, Reno and Uikit admin themes (though probably needs a lot of testing with different versions still). Since a screenshot says more than thousand words... Production system (unchanged): Dev system (Default admin theme): Dev system (Reno admin theme): Dev system (Uikit admin theme): Feel free to leave any feedback here and report any problems either in this thread or the github issue tracker.
  23. There you are ? The github version adds touch-enabled color pickers.
  24. Thanks for posting that little trick. I took some inspiration there and made a small module that does the same without AOS. Should work with Default, Reno and Uikit themes. You can enable dev mode in the module's settings or by setting $config->devMode to true in site/config.php. Text and colors can be adapted in module settings.
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