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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Hey, @charger! I just faced the same problem recently. You can make it work like you expect by using single quotes like this: $out = __('It\'s time for you \nto get to the party.'); Though I would love to see it work with double quotes too)
  2. Like I've got a resave action or some other action I need to run on a certain pages selected with, well, a selector field. The selector is the same, but each time I run it I need to re-enter it again and again. And I do run this for a couple of sets of options. That's where savable option sets or bookmarks would come handy.
  3. @adrian and @Pete! Do you think we should transform this thread into a dedicated sub-forum like the one for tracy debugger? There are 10 pages now. And the questions are really diverse due to the nature of the module. This move could also make us think more about sharable actions.
  4. Good day, @adrian! I am using this super module more and more. I tend to create some general actions, but have a few repeating settings I use over and over again. I would love to make them available to the clients as well. But I do not think that creating copies of action is a good way. I was thinking about savable options set. Something like bookmarks for lister. What do you think about this?
  5. As always, as soon as you write a post you find a solution) I did turn on $config->debug and figured out it was related with PW not being able to set session as headers already sent. That was my test output before the inclusion of the ProcessWire index.php in the bootsrap script. Cannot output anything before you include it. The issue persists.
  6. I got the same error. But my error seems to be coming from one of the modules. At least commenting out this string in the ProcessWire::ready() makes it work // $this->fuel->get('modules')->triggerReady(); Does anyone know how do to deal with this? I am disabling site modules one by one to figure out, which one is causing trouble, but without success so far. Is there a way to quickly find out the root of the problem? Maybe there is a way to disable modules while bootstrapping (but it might not be such a good idea, as they can add functionality that is supposed to work when running bootstrapped scripts). Any help appreciated))
  7. That's intriguing! Waiting to see how it will turn out. Are we going to have some sort of middleware ??
  8. Yep, it's a pity that such a treasury of knowledge does not have a good search. I think nobody, who has been here for more than a couple of months, searches anything but restricted areas with the built-in search. Everybody uses google CSE of their own or the one in Tracy Debugger. So upgrading in this area would be just awesome. In-built google search would be perfect, as it has all the clever logic, but it wouldn't work for pro modules sections and other restricted areas. If choosing our own search engine I would suggest to take a look at Sphinx search, as it could be easier to setup, than Elastic.
  9. I need to have at least 4 Image select inputfields (and the number will probably grow), so I want to put them in Combo not to create too many fields. Actual storage (Image field) for now has to be outside of Combo. Do I was hoping to use Select images inputfield to choose image urls from that Image field storage, and store them inside Combo subfield.
  10. Thanks for the reply and for the module, that seems to solve important problem for many PW users. Will be glad to test things if you manage to find time to work on improvements. And I still think the module is worth being in the modules list for better discoverability.
  11. @adrian, could you please share the way you use Image Reference inputfield with Settings Factory as you mentioned earlier in this thread?
  12. May I ask another question. This time more about the module itself. I found out about the module in the Settings Factory thread in this @adrian's post. He said he uses this module (probably the inputfield part of it) to manage images in the context, where uploads are not possible. I am now starting to use Combo pro module, and it does not support images yet either. I was thinking I could use it the same way Adrian says he uses this module for Settings Factory. Did add the Image Reference inputfield to Combo`s settings and created a subfield. But it does not even show up on the page with template where the compo field is located. Do you think there is a way to make it work in this case? Maybe you (or someone else) already did this and solved the problem?
  13. Hello, @Robin S! Did you try this inputfield with Combo pro field? It seems like it could be a great fit in this scenario. I am trying to make it work but without a success. FieldtypeDynamicOptions::getSelectableOptions hook seems to not be triggered in that context. But I might be doing some silly mistakes not knowing how it should work, so decided to ask) Edit: Silly me! This is FieldtypeDynamicOptions method, which surely is not called there! So I rephrase my question - is there a way to populate this inputfield options somehow to make it work with Combo, where there is no fieldtypes but inputfields only?
  14. You must be looking for $sanitizer->pageName() (probably, with beautify parameter set to Sanitizer::translate).
  15. Good day @ukyo! Is there a way to manipulate field data from the API? Like batch setting / changing it?
  16. Maybe pushing yourself to do it (publish in the modules directory) could also bring some motivation to give the module attention from you ?. Or at least make it easier discoverable by the ones willing to take risk. You could label it alpha anyway)
  17. Good day, @gebeer! Didn't find this one in the modules directory. Is there a reason it is not listed there?
  18. I do not know how you do this magic ?, Ryan, but it happens once again. I do need emojis in utf8 db this week. And bang ? - now I have it))
  19. Congratulations to all of us it the community! And the biggest possible thanks to Ryan for making this step to actively communicate with everyone interested on PRs, issues and wishes! Many of the latter came true ???
  20. I did try it with the updated class names. Sorry for not mentioning that. But that did not help ?
  21. 1. Thanks, @BitPoet! I did install the dev version in a MyIsam db. It works! 2. This doesn't seem to work. I get an error Call to a member function set() on string. Am I doing something wrong? /* Change value for "fifth-row" in our field */ $p>-nativeField->set('fifth-row', new \JsonValue('datetime', time() - 3600)); $p->save(); 3. You gave example of how to set new values. Can you help with getting the value of a specified key and outputting it. 4. ...and adding new key/value fields to an existing set. 5. What are field type configuration options? Are you talking about setting a new custom type (for example, not just text, but email / phone) with its own customizable pattern checks and so on? That was exactly what I was about to propose. The other cool thing would be to use custom inputfields for types. Like Page Reference to get a comma separated pages list and store it as a string. 6. Another idea is the ability to limit the names and/or name/type combinations to a predefined set, so the user can only choose from the list, but not create new key/value pairs. I do understand, that this module is probably not your top priority, as it was here unchanged for a while. But just can't resist writing here all my wild wishes)
  22. Thank you, @BitPoet! While you're at it, maybe you'll have time to look at this issue? Solving it could make using this field possible for existing installations and therefore more common. I think this module deserves more attention and usage.
  23. I have just found this module and once again am astonished at the scope of interest and productivity of @adrian! Whatever I am looking for years after I started using PW he already has a module for written when I was just messing around ? This one is the great example. But the module is not as perfect as it could be. There is an issue (see above) that does not allow it to work as desired. I just added my thumbs up for the issue on github that makes the enhancement of the module (and custom hooks too) possible. Bumping this thread, so those of us working with multi-language sites could give their thumbs too to move the issue forward (it was waiting for us for a long time)) P.S. Multi-language support is one of the PW's selling points, so I feel proud making any step to improvement in this field)
  24. Good day, @BitPoet! I am looking at this field to implement custom properties for pages without a predefined schema, but so they can still be searchable by them. I can't think of a better solution, than this field. It really looks awesome! I need to fill those properties via API during import. I haven's spotted field API docs neither here nor on github. Did I miss them? If there aren't any, could you please share an example of reading from/writing to this field?
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