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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. i know that this would change but i thought you maybe request only some content via ajax or the like and populate areas in your parent page's template. i don't really get what you are trying to achieve and what the problem would be with a template for your child pages... but it's late here
  2. then i didn't understand your question, because my solution would have nothing to do with seo
  3. maybe you can use the page id as url segment? then you do not have the name conflict (or at least you would only have it if a page with the name of another page's id exists, what should be at least very unlikely or if you take care of this would be impossible). ps: or you take an url segment like #getcontent#123 and then you strip off the #getcontent# part and request the page's content by the id
  4. hi adrian, me again just wanted to try captain hook and got a memory error with the default 128M php setting: setting it to 256M helped but I'm not sure why this happend or if tracy should also work with 128M of memory and this is a bug?
  5. hi adrian, just updated tracy from the version before the console ready.php include and now i got an error Call to a member function addHookAfter() on null because i add my hooks like this: // set all languages active automatically $wire->addHookAfter('Pages::added', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); foreach ($this->wire->languages as $lang) $page->set("status$lang", 1); $page->save(); }); as quickfix i added this on top of the file: $wire = $this->wire; i think it would be nice to have the wire variable available by default. what do you think?
  6. Very nice indeed! i had no problems at all here on my 7Mbps internet and very old PC. I cannot even remember when i bought it ^^ One feedback: I liked the customer story but imho the end was a bit sudden. It only redirects to the services page and there is no real call to action or no hint where the customer could continue. What do you think of some help like "contact us or see our portfolio" on that page?
  7. Since I read about the new fieldsets I'm thinking if it would make sense to have some kind of fieldset library. Maybe export jsons in github gists? Or maybe collect them just in a forum thread here... This could make it more easy and more efficient to share common fieldsets, like SEO, person details or the like. What do you guys think?
  8. hi @rafaoski maybe https://laragon.org/ is interesting for you as a replacement for xampp. i use it on win10 for about a year and it's great
  9. finally: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.73-and-new-fieldset-types/
  10. hi Jacek, if I understand you correctly it seems like this module could help you:
  11. yes, tracy is awesome and would recommend you having a look though sometimes it slows things down a little. i also experienced that the debug mode can slow down things. in your case i would do the following: backup install tracy and see if you find any strange things (errors, many redirects etc) create a new template, check performance if performance is ok, add fields of your slow template one by one and check after adding each field. if it slows down at some point you could investigate further
  12. i would have been surprised if that had made a difference thats why i asked this:
  13. Hi @nickngqs and welcome to the forum It totally depends on your client and his needs and you are the only one that can know that if you want some stats: https://blog.sucuri.net/2017/01/hacked-website-report-2016q3.html but that may help you or may not...
  14. no need for a tutorial - it's too simple just add a fieldsettab to your page, save it, then you'll get a warning and a second field called yourfield_END. place your fields in between those fields and they will be presented in a tab. there is a little issue with ajax tabs though: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/332 are you using tracy debugger? are you using any hooks? any modules?
  15. hi rushy, maybe i'm misunderstanding you but it sounds like you are trying to display the description of the FIELD and not the description of the IMAGE? you do not have a template override option for image descriptions... this is where you put the description of your images:
  16. you could just take the code example from abdus, activate url segments for your site and do something like this: // list your files to download foreach($page->files as $i=>$file) { echo '<a href="' . $page->url . $i . '" target="_blank">Download File ' . ($i+1) . '</a>'; } and in your template file: if($num = $input->urlSegment1) { $file = $page->files->eq($num); // continue with abdus script } maybe not without bugs but should show one possible solution
  17. may i ask WHY? if we know the reason we may can suggest some other way of achieving almost the same need
  18. btw: the (no so cheap) pro version of handsontable allows nested headers: https://docs.handsontable.com/pro/1.4.0/demo-nested-headers.html but i don't know if that would work with my module...
  19. hi, could be a perfect fit for my Handsontable module: if the headers are always the same you could just set them up in your field settings. the problems with my module are that the field will not be queryable (does that word exist?) and that it is currently not easily possible to add columns to the field lateron since the field settings will change but the data stored in the field will not. if that's no problem for you it could be worth a try @szabesz the datatables module is more for presentation inside the admin, not for input
  20. ok, no problem at all. thanks for taking your time on this
  21. hi adrian, no, thats not the problem at all. i don't think it is related to tracy. i think the problem is my nginx proxy that has some problems with some of the tracy output. don't know exactly and to be honest i'm not really interested in investigating at the moment i know about the toggle and on/off buttons of the tracy bar and they are really great and helpful. though in my special scenario it would be great to be able to turn off tracy from the API. like a $pages->of(false). that way i could disable tracy for the pdf generation process (i will not see the output anyhow) and tracy would stay enabled for all my other requests in the admin or on the frontend side. the problem occurs only when i have some warnings in the tracy bar. maybe also on errors, i don't know exactly - it's very hard to debug... for me the easiest solution would be to add something like $tracy->off() at the top of my pdf script. but i'm fine with switching it on/off manually. i was just curious if an option like this already exists. thank you
  22. That could be a nice solution. I like the new repeater but sometimes it's much better to have real pages so maybe that could be a nice addition
  23. hi adrian, is there a way to turn off tracy for some requests? i had some problems when generating pdfs with an nginx proxy showing 500 errors when i had warnings in the tracy bar. also this file's sourcecode looks not ideal to me: <?php namespace ProcessWire; echo 'here we are'; die(); output: here we are<script src="?_tracy_bar=content.eaefb361ce&amp;XDEBUG_SESSION_STOP=1" data-id="eaefb361ce"></script> is there some kind of switch to turn tracy off? then i would not have to think of it during development and it would avoid mistakes... thanks
  24. sorry, you could be right. i never used BCE so it sounded similar to your needs
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