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Everything posted by dotnetic

  1. Yes, there is a minimal noticable delay I think, but it loads very quickly. As far as I know Select2 is good but depends on jQuery. Some vanilla JavaScript alternatives are https://leaverou.github.io/awesomplete/ (from the famous Lea Verou, only 2KB gzipped) https://github.com/kraaden/autocomplete (Only 1KB gzipped) https://github.com/TarekRaafat/autoComplete.js
  2. Yes, I have some hundred users (800 atm) and I need to switch to all of them
  3. @adrian and @tpr Thanks for the filterbox, that was also on my todo list, but now you done it. Could you please also add it to the user switcher panel?
  4. I don't think that one should need additional software, just to copy and use code from this forum.
  5. There is a space or colon missing between the word "Location" and the actual location in the user info column
  6. @bartelsmedia The case you linked to is to prevent unsolicited advertising emails. An opt-in email is NOT an advertising email, depending on the contents of the email. If it just says, "you are subscribed", or "please confirm your subscription", without links to products or special offers, or something else that has advertising character, sending it is allowed. Like @teppo said, it is not required to store the emails in an encrypted format. I am also no lawyer but had to inform myself a lot about this, because I needed the information for some of my customers.
  7. New forum look is very clean. I like it, but as @teppo said, the font size is really too small.
  8. Yes, I experience the same as @kongondo. PW logs are running fast, but as soon as I enable Tracy Log, its getting slow. Here is a screenshot And I think I know why it takes so long. Look at this. 1,48 GB WTF?
  9. @kongondo Yes. Disable modules in the Tracy console, especially Tracy and ProcessWire logs. I experienced the same on one site of mine. You can see the load times in the Tracy panel
  10. Boy, I love our community. So helpful and friendly. Never experienced anything like this. Spread the love.
  11. @Steve_Stifler It would help much if you post the complete code of your home.php or even provide an URL where the error can be seen. Then people can help you better. Your errors seems to come from a not encoded entity. The failing character is the apostrophe ' Some chars in PHP have to be encoded to work. But without seeing your actual code, we can not provide much help.
  12. @Steve_Stifler That depends on your output strategy. The CSS code belongs to, well your css file (or in the head of your template file). Then you would insert a HTML element with the class "bg" (according to the example @Zeka mentioned) in one of your template files, where you would like to use the fullscreen image. Template files are residing in the site/templates folder. Maybe you use a home.php template file? Then insert the element there.
  13. The trick is to set the options AFTER saving the field, otherwise they seem to be overwritten with an empty value. $old_field = $fields->get('abzuege_neu'); d($old_field, 'Field exists'); if ($old_field){ $fields->delete($old_field); } $ja = new SelectableOption(); $ja->title = 'Ja'; // $ja->value = 'Ja'; // only if this should be different from title $nein = new SelectableOption(); $nein->title = 'Nein'; // $nein->value = 'Nein'; // only if this should be different from title $fieldtype = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeOptions"); $field = new Field(); $field->type = $fieldtype; $field->inputfieldClass = 'InputfieldRadios'; $field->optionColumns = true; $field->name = "abzuege_neu"; $field->label = "Abzüge"; $field->save(); // Now add the options to the field $options = $fieldtype->getOptions($field); d($options, "existing options"); $options->removeAll(); $options->add($ja); $options->add($nein); d($options, 'SelectableOptionArray'); // $manager = new SelectableOptionManager(); // $managerOptions = 'option1|Option 1 // option2|Option 2 // option3|Option 3 // '; // you can also set IDs and values if needed // $manager->setOptionsString($field, $managerOptions, false); $fieldtype->addOptions($field, $options); d($field);
  14. I try to create a new FieldtypeOptions field and set some options for it, but the options don't appear. What am I doing wrong? $old_field = $fields->get('abzuege_neu'); if ($old_field){ $fields->delete($old_field); } $ja = new SelectableOption(); $ja->title = 'Ja'; $ja->value = 'Ja'; $nein = new SelectableOption(); $nein->title = 'Nein'; $nein->value = 'Nein'; $fieldtype = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeOptions"); $field = new Field(); $field->type = $fieldtype; $field->inputfieldClass = 'InputfieldRadios'; $field->optionColumns = true; $options = $fieldtype->getOptions($field); d($options, "existing options"); $options->add($ja); $options->add($nein); $options->pop(1); // remove the first default option d($options, 'SelectableOptionArray'); $field->name = "abzuege_neu"; $field->label = "Abzüge"; // $field->_options = "1=option1|Option 1\n2=option2|Option 2\n3=option3|Option 3"; $fieldtype->setOptions($field, $options); $field->save(); d($field); My code can be easily be executed via Tracy console. @Robin S Maybe you can provide some help?
  15. @tiefenbacher_bluetomato To transfer the repo to your account, you have to first remove your cloned repo from your account.
  16. This is absolutely possible, as I modify fields of the cloned page directly after cloning via the hook that @netcarver mentioned.
  17. You can read short excerpts of the different licenses here https://tldrlegal.com/license/mozilla-public-license-2.0-(mpl-2) and choose the one, that fits your needs best. I prefer a license where the derivate has to be distributed/published under the same license for example the LGPL-3.0 https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-lesser-general-public-license-v3-(lgpl-3)
  18. I do it this way: $t = $this->database->query("DELETE FROM MarkupActivityLog WHERE `page_id` = $page->id");
  19. Another thing. In another almost vanilla PW installation your module runs fine. But if I change which AdminThemeUikit module should be used in the settings, and set it back to "/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeUikit/AdminThemeUikit.module", your module still loads and destroys all styles because the css can not be loaded. The default AdminThemeUikit works again if I uninstall RockSkinUikit
  20. Hey @bernhard. The module does not work if the admin url is not the standard "processwire" url. Somehow in one of my installations, it just returns wrong paths. Which comes from the line $file = $this->config->paths->root . trim($event->return, '/'); because $event->return has the custom admin url included. There seems to be some confusion with paths and urls?! In my case the $file in line 35 of RockSkinUikit.module it looks like this: There is one "bewerbertool-talents" directory too much. It does not exist. I can change it if I use $file = $this->config->paths->root . "site/assets/RockSkinUikit/theme.less"; But even after that, I doesn't work, because RockLess.module's getUrl function also returns a false url. I also think, that the module should remove the folder site/assets/RockSkinUikit on uninstall and restore the use of the default AdminThemeUikit. No more time to debug right now, but I hope I could help you to make the module more versatile.
  21. Wow. Thank you for this great module. Hope I can test and use it soon.
  22. Thats what I meant when stating because these frameworks contain styling and javascript for dropdown menus.
  23. It`s a simple navbar with dropdowns. There are a zillion ways to get this done. One would be the use of http://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-simple-navigation/ or http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-menu-builder/ They generate a list of pages and their children and you can modify the output of the markup. Then you could use a framework like Bootstrap or Foundation, or whatever you like and use their navbar components, to get the dropdowns and styling.
  24. This means, that this field is mandatory on a page that uses this field. So you can not save the page until the required field is filled, else you would get an error message.
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