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Everything posted by dotnetic

  1. Well, the improved module manager/installler shows which modules you have installed and which can be installed or upgraded with one click (ok actually it's 2 clicks). Why should you leave your PW installation to go to the ProcessWire modules website, of which you have to be aware of, search for a module, copy or remember the module name, go back to your ProcessWire installation, paste the module name, click on "get module info" and finally install the module? Make it easy for everybody! Lower the barrier for new users, and make it easier for existing users to find an install modules. That is one thing, that many other frameworks/CMS's have by default. Like ModX, WordPress or PrestaShop. Right now I am making good progress with the development of the module. I will post an updated screenshot a little bit later or tomorrow. Please note, that this is actually working, it is not only a mockup. Data is fetched and cached and then being used to display the modules with all information: Here are some more features I am planning to integrate: Live-Search/Filtering Quick uninstallation/disabling of a module Top modules label, so users can see modules that are being used the most (based on the likes, sadly we have no module installation counter) I will put it up on Github, as soon as it is in a presentable state, and you guys can improve it further. You can also write your thoughts and wishes here.
  2. First work in progress version ? Built with vue.js for fast DOM updates. Needs to be AJAXified and more details. So maybe wait a little bit with feedback. I know there is lots of information missing. OK, now I go to sleep, because it's 4:30 am and I am invited to a birthday today.
  3. @adrian It would also be nice if we could install multiple modules at once like you do with your https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessModuleToolkit So we have to be able to select multiple modules, then click install, and magic happens ?
  4. No we don't need that, but often there is additional info in the README, which also includes install instructions along with extended information about the module. Mainly I want to get that additional information
  5. I hope to come up with a mockup/prototype the next few days/weeks. Here are my thoughts: We can use @Soma Module Manager as a starting base for getting information about the modules overview and each individual module. There is an API for getting information about modules available at http://modules.processwire.com/export-json/ or for a specific module like TracyDebugger http://modules.processwire.com/export-json/tracy-debugger/?apikey=pw223 sadly, we can't get the install instructions or readme via this API. Maybe we can use something in addition to get more detailed information. Of course this information should be cached, and there should be an option to force reload the information. My approach would be a nice looking filterable overview, which also can be sorted like on the modules directory Each module should have an "Install" button and a detail button which opens a panel/popup that shows extended information about this module (for example the readme) Filtering could be very simple but I am in love with filtering like isotope or mixitup. Luckily Uikit also comes with a component for similar filtering: https://getuikit.com/docs/filter We also should stick to default AdminThemeUikit styling, so it integrates nicely into PW and maybe one day replaces the old (actual) installer.
  6. Hey @adrian and @Pete I think a revamped module installer would be great. Adrian's AJAX approach is a nice addition for devs who know what they are looking for. But for all others we need a browsable experience. We should open another forum topic for this. I might come up with an initial mockup as a starting point in the next weeks, but as always my time is limited. First I have to update the german language files for the new PW dev version.
  7. Yes it is possible but it depends on your needs. I also built several software with ProcessWire as a base. But you have to tweak the backend to your likings (which requires much hooks), or create an own backend instead of the default one.
  8. wirePopulateStringTags is missing in the API docs. It is only mentioned in this blogpost https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.5-changelog/ Opened an issue for this https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/782
  9. The problem with the dropdown to the right does not come from setting the zoom, but you can simulate it with it. The position of the dropdown is correct to exactly 1440 pixels width, and if your browser window is wider than that, for example 1441 pixels then the dropdopwn goes to the right. That was for latest Chrome on Windows 10. Here is a screenshot form latest Firefox on Win 10, where the dropdown is ALWAYS to the right: To test this on different operating systems and browsers you can use Browserstack (paid)
  10. I think Tracy is great, but it is not part of the core. So when users decided and finally download PW, then Tracy is missing. However, it would be good as a playground like Codepen where you can directly test API snippets. But please also think about, what destructive commands could mean. They could destroy the whole demo site. Don't know, what is possible when demo mode is enabled in PW config. I strongly believe, that Tracy should be part of the core, as it is simplifies development and debugging very much. How can we convince Ryan to integrate it into the core? Maybe this another thread because it is off-topic here.
  11. @Pete In my eyes, this would be the perfect solution
  12. Despite the mentioned things, I like the new site. Still looking what can be improved.
  13. Here are my optimization ideas: The dropdown menu on the right side is cut off (see screenshot) The link "Community" directly opens the forums which has a different look and provides a different navigation. Users will be disturbed by this, because they are being redirected to another site, instead of staying on ProcessWires site. The navigation item "Directory" should be named "ProcessWire Developers" or "Developer Directory". The best title IMHO would be "Find a ProcessWire developer" but that is too long for a navigation item. And "weekly.pw" should have an explanation like "Weekly blog". I think one of the biggest problems with the actual and the new site in general is, that information is distributed across different places. We have announcements in the ProcessWire blog, on weekly.pw and in the forums. Why isn't weekly.pw integrated into the ProcessWire site? I know it's a site by @teppo. But what if he had access to write blog posts on processwire.com? This would make much more sense, and on weekly.pw there is also duplicated content, as it often says the same things as the latest blog post (mostly in a reduced form). The weekly.pw blog post could have a title like "Weekly highlights" Also I think the comment function on the blog post could be moved to the forums, because again we have two places to comment (directly on the site, and in the forums). Why don't you automatically create a new topic in the forums for every blog post, and people can comment there, so the conversation/discussion isn't distributed to several places? More to come ?
  14. Please take also a look at existing solutions. Maybe they can act as a starting point:
  15. @Hurme If you read the blog post or my post, that was also mentioned before.
  16. We also have a nice Slack community http://webdevs.xyz/ here in Germany where we also have a dedicated #processwire channel. Maybe this could be added somewhere?!
  17. I think you should outline the fact that we have a friendly, warm and helpful community, which often responds to questions asked in minutes or hours. And the tone of conversations is very nice. This is ONE thing that I love about ProcessWire. Target groups You are writing, that there is a second target group "actual clients that hire web developers". So I think we need a separate landing page for this target group. The solution could be to present a chooser "Are you a developer/designer?" or "Are you a business owner, CEO... etc/ Are you looking for help?" on the main page which scrolls down on the main page if the first option is selected (because thats the main target group), and leads to another page if the second option was selected. Devs For devs please outline the use as a CMF. I developed two business applications with PW as a CMF, while using the existing backend, and customized it, to my likings. CEOs On the page for business owners there should be sections for getting support and the main selling points of ProcessWire, maybe even advantages over WordPress. Linking to blog post like my own "Why ProcessWire is the best choice for your website (not always, but in most cases)" could be helpful. Looking for a web developer to aid you? We have a list of devs available. Is this and that possible with ProcessWire? Most time the answer is "YES", but if you are curious: Go ahead and ask in the forums. Here the warm and helpful community should also be outlined. Backend showcase I think that ONE screenshot can not resemble ProcessWires backend accurate enough. Multiple sections that describe the main aspects are needed. Also I think that we need different screenshots or maybe even screencasts of the admin/backend for different target groups, because different aspects of the admin are important for these groups. What is important for developers? Everything is a custom field and custom fields can be easily added Dependency fields (showIf) Repeaters Backend is customizable (custom template input masks) Can even be replaced with an own backend Powerfull debugging tool (Tracy debugger, even if its not part of the core, maybe think about integrating it?) What is important for CEOs, marketers? Easy and intuitive backend Fast Access level control Security Customizable Designs SEO friendly Extendable Performance Thats all for now, but maybe I extend this post later, or do another one.
  18. Do not use the "find selector", but instead the "string selector" and insert the following code: template=group, created_users_id=[user]
  19. Other quotes: "I am currently managing a PW site with 2 million+ pages. It's admirably fast, and much, much faster than any other CMS we tested." Nickie (ProcessWire Developer) Moving my blog to a @processwire installation was the best decision I could have made. So simple to update via mobile devices #processwire Barry Smith (@Lazysod) 4. Juli 2017 @processwire the PHP cms that just Keep on giving. Download it today and enjoy stressfree and fun web development. It realy has changed my life as a developer. It comes with many features and support for https included. #webdev #cms #processwire #php https://t.co/Af1y4QfjHP M. Bonnevier (@magnusbonnevier) 10. November 2017 Transformed my static Single page website https://jensmartsch.de into a dynamic one with #processwire in 5 hours. Adding sections is now soooo easy. Jens Martsch Yesterday sent client a short documentation for the #processwire website. Today all features already used with no questions. #cmsdoneright Marc Hinse (@MadeMyDay) 23. März 2017
  20. Created a request issue for this https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/251
  21. @kixe I think the module entry on the ProcessWire module page should also be removed, as it has no use anymore.
  22. @kixe @kongondo Should this thread be removed, because it is integrated into the core? It could mislead others.
  23. Just released this language pack for the latest master 3.0.123 (only 3 days after release)
  24. OK, the styles don't load because the file tabulator_semantic-ui.css is missing. $this->rg->assets->add($this->config->paths->siteModules . "FieldtypeRockGrid/lib/tabulator_semantic-ui$min.css");
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