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Everything posted by owzim

  1. Soma's gists are goldmines for recipes, although some might be a bit extensive for recipes.
  2. I am converting a current project to twig templates (with data providers of course ) An having the following issue when calling properties on some PW objects like page: in PHP $page->template->name in Twig, that does not work: page.template.name throws: Fatal error: Exception: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Method Page::template does not exist or is not callable in this context") This however works: page.get('template').get('name') I guess this has something to do with the fact that those properties are added dynamically (internally stored in the data array/object, and set/get via magic methods) How to fix this?
  3. Every time I sit in front of a computer with a regular HDD I ask myself: "How would anyone be able to work like that?" I've been using an SSD for 3 years and cannot possibly imagine using an HDD again for the system partition.
  4. Wow, great work, thanks. Gonna try it out later.
  5. Haha, same here. Loved XP, optimized the hell out of it and did regular reinstalls. Although Win7 was a great improvement compared to the hellish nightmares Vista gave me, it eventually made me switch to Mac. I think Apple does NOT stink less than Microsoft, but the Unix kind of thing was very appealing to me. I would have switched to Linux if the Adobe Suite was available for it. What I do miss sometimes is gaming, but then again I barely have time for that anyway anymore. In my opinion Windows 8 is an even greater disaster than Vista was, but I don't want to go further into this, or I might be banned for cussing the heck out of it.
  6. Great first steps. Looking forward to how this will take shape. Thanks!
  7. K, so PW will check if the jump between the installed and the to be installed version is a major one, and then spit out a message. I think a message/warning is necessary, because not everyone is familiar with the semver concept and does not automatically know what's up. This is more of an ux concern. Even a pretty tech savvy person like me want computers to assist me, I'd mess up all the time if there would not be warnings.
  8. Make the container page have certain template, e.g. 'container', that template then could only have title field, so nothing else could be added to that page. In your menu creation, don't create a link for pages with template=container. Or: https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/quick-first-child-redirect/
  9. Update for bug fixes and small feature additions. An upgrade might introduce breaking changes, the user should be informed about that. Perhaps add an additional field somewhere (dunno where and how yet) where the module author can define a breaking changes notice or something. So if a user clicks upgrade, the notice is fetched from the modules directory and thrown at the user. Just my initial ideas about that topic.
  10. @Macrura, depends on what you actually want to be validated. YAML is pretty tolerant. It just tries to parse whatever you provide. So unfortunately there are not many errors one could catch. If you want an array and accidentally structure it as an object, YAML doesn't care, it just builds an object then. What you probably want is structural validation (am I right?), which is not too trivial to implement, at least not from the top of my head. Here's how it could go: One would configure a structure blueprint in the field settings. On field change, an ajax poll has to send the data to the server, where the input is checked against the configured structure. Or, implement it client side, with a JS YAML parser, but then we have to different parser, which might act differently, no option in my opinion.
  11. @horst, what an extensive and useful tool, thanks a lot!
  12. Please provide more details on what exactly is not working. There's a missing semicolon on the last line, but I guess that's not the problem. Have you set $config->debug to true? That might help if the output is just failing silently. Does the thumbnails xml node actually exist? I could ask more questions to find out what your problem is, but you could also provide a detailed description
  13. I just unliked the first post just to like it again. silly. Sorry Macrura, if that doesn't help with you problem
  14. Totally agree, and tell that Apple, those f*#%ers made me update to iOS 7 to fix the SSL bug. Now my iPhone 4 is slow as hell. /rant
  15. @apeisa, if Ryan would make it default, past sites and modules can/will break. Another matter: does anyone know how many minor iterations are left until 2.6? I'd like to see a stable release soon.
  16. @kongondo I still don't understand the reason for naming groups (foo=(...)) ... is it just for readability? I have to admit I don't like the OR syntax, it is not intuitive to me. Why not just use the single pipe like everywhere else in selectors? Or at least the double pipe. Don't get me started with the @ for AND matches, instead of the known &&, but that's just me. Edit: I guess the parsing for that is not too trivial an might make things slower, don't know though.
  17. Welcome to PW! Perhaps you are looking for this? This is in the template family tab. You can define a children name format for the parent template of your tag-template.
  18. adrian, yeah, but the massive amount of plugins to do great stuff out of the box is one of the key points pro-WP-people make. If you can't trust them plugins, there are not many pro arguments left.
  19. @hwmaier, I know assoc arrays in PHP support that, but plain stdClass objects don't and I also came across a use case some time ago, but I still consider this a bad practice. If I want and object, also also 'anonymous' items I usually create a sub array called items. name: foo title: bar items: - some - anon - baz This is clear and straight forward. Still, I'll switch to the Symfony parser, when I get the time. Thanks for the input!
  20. @hwmaier despite having this might be cool (I think it's non-straight/illogical), it would result in the Array/Object not be converted to an WireArray/WireData (if that option is selected) and fallback to regular assoc array in this module, because an object can't have both numeric AND string based keys, just so you know. I consider mixing string/numeric keys a weird practice, just my opinion. Either you have an array or you have an object, perhaps that's why the 2.1 ditched that support, with good reason. Edit: The Spyc parser supports mixing both btw.
  21. @hwmaier thanks for the info. I'll consider switching to the Symfony parser, the huge community around Symfony makes it a better candidate anyway.
  22. I have the same problems, see https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8534-admin-update-messages-wont-disappear-after-update-to-2510/ With the notifications AND the limit index thingy. Any updates on that?
  23. The notification module is not installed, it's the old school notifications. I rolled back the whole system because millions of other issues appeared in various places
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