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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2019 in all areas

  1. This week I've been working on core 3.0.134 but am going to keep the version number at 3.0.133 for another week while I continue with updates there. Commit log. One of the updates already present that I'm finding quite useful is a nice upgrade to InputfieldSelector (like used by Lister and ListerPro) which simplifies the field selection process as there are no longer separate "Field" and "Field…" selections for fields that have subfields, and they are now bundled into one. This reduces the number of selectable fields and likewise speeds up the selecting/filtering process. I'll have more details on that next week, along with other updates. I'm going to be working remotely next week (not vacation) and do not yet know what the internet situation is going to be yet, so on the chance that I don't have good internet access, I may not have an update next week, but hopefully will. Have a great weekend!
    5 points
  2. IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! Hi everyone. I just discovered something pretty important with this module. If you are using the Role Name or Custom PHP Code option and matching a page name or path, you MUST be sure to check "No Access" for the "If no match, give all access or no access?" setting. If you don't do this, a site editor could change the name of their branch parent, which would result in no match and hence they could gain access to the entire page tree. I am tempted to actually remove these two matching options to improve security - is anyone using them? To make life easier, I have added a new "Role Specified Branch Parent" option which allows you to select a branch parent on a per role basis, rather than per user. I think in most cases this is the best option to use. Please be sure to check your settings and if you can please switch to the "Role specified" or "User specified" options in the new version. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Adrian
    2 points
  3. Something like this? <?php foreach($page->repeater_1 as $field) { echo "{$field->repeater_heading}"; echo "{$field->repeater_body_content}"; // look for children if( $page->children ) { // for each child foreach( $page->children as $child ) { // the child repeater field output foreach( $child->repeater_1 as $childRepeater ) { echo $childRepeater->fieldName; } } } }?>
    1 point
  4. @flydev, thanks works perfectly!
    1 point
  5. I'll have a think. We'd want to preserve backward compatibility. In respect of the seat mapping, yes. However, you would need to do the frontend logic yourself, i.e. the JavaScript bit of a user making selections. However, using a module for something 'as simple' as that may be an overkill?
    1 point
  6. Thank you @Wanze, I have tried this before, but without luck. Now I see what went wrong - I haven´t used camelcase (noindex instead of noIndex) - silly mistake ?
    1 point
  7. Hi @Juergen This should work: $page->seo->robots->noIndex = 1; $page->seo->robots->noFollow = 1; Cheers
    1 point
  8. Thanks for this awesome module! Here is some feedback after some hours of testing: When using MediaManager along with Ryan’s ProDrafts, I had to manually disable ProDrafts support for the MediaManager specific templates. Otherwise, inserted images from the MediaManager would not display in the saved pages (neither drafts nor published versions). I figure this was because the images in MediaManager were by default also handled as drafts. After disabling ProDrafts for the MediaManager templates, everything – including working with drafts – works just fine.
    1 point
  9. ProcessWire uses session_id() internally as well (in SessionHandlerDB), so by all means use that. I've never had any reason to actually work with session ID's in ProcessWire or heard anyone else asking for this, so my guess is that it's not a very common need, and as such Ryan hasn't felt the need to include a custom getter method for it in the Session class ?
    1 point
  10. Can't you use one of these? $_COOKIE["wires"]; $_COOKIE["wires_challenge"]; Seems like the first one is always created, and the second one only if logged in.
    1 point
  11. Version 0.8.0 has been released: Adds facebook share preview for content editors when editing Opengraph meta data Adds support to extend the rendered meta title with additional information such as the domain or site name (#11) Renders structured data (JSON-LD) for breadcrumbs via new group "structuredData" (#10) Adds new meta group "structuredData" which will handle more types of structured data in the future ? Happy weekend everyone! Cheers
    1 point
  12. Repeaters are output as PageArray (or rather a class that inherits from it, called RepeaterPageArray), so you have all the methods from a WireArray such as: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/get/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/find/ $page->repeater_field->get('FieldA=2')->FieldC
    1 point
  13. I'm not really sure, why this would need to be bundled with FormBuilder. The attached module is a totally self contained module, which downloads the list from the given github url. It automatically tries to update once a day and uses the etag/if-none-match headers to determine if the list itself changed, to prevent sending of the list if there wasn't a change. The list and the etag are stored using WireCache in the db. There's public api to fetch the list and check if a domain is in the list. To use it in FormBuilder hooks should be the answer. EmailSchreck.module
    1 point
  14. Hi Ralf, I haven't used comments yet on my sites, but maybe you could add a new "Disable Comments" checkbox field on the "Blog post" template? Then in site/templates/blog-post.php add a conditional check with PHP that says something like: If "Disable Comments" is false then show the comment box and comments. Then just check the box that say's "Disable Comments" when editing the individual blog post pages and the comments/comments form won't be shown when the page is viewed. Hope that helps
    1 point
  15. make all languages viewable and put the following code in your home template if ($user->language->isDefault() === false) { $session->redirect($page->localUrl($languages->getDefault())); }
    1 point
  16. I solve the problem by overriding the LanguageSupportPageNames core module. 1. Copy the LanguageSupportPageNames.module from wire/modules/LanguageSupport/ to site/modules/ 2. Change the line if(!$setLanguage) $setLanguage = $languages->get('default'); to (for example, if you want to redirect some users to chinese site) $user_lang = explode(",", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])[0]; if($user_lang == 'zh-TW' || $user_lang == 'zh-HK' || $user_lang == 'zh-CN' || $user_lang == 'zh-SG') { if(!$setLanguage) $setLanguage = $languages->get('chinese'); //language name that you want to redirect from the above language code }else{ if(!$setLanguage) $setLanguage = $languages->get('default'); // else go to default language } 3. Go to Admin > Modules and refresh modules. Choose to use module inside site/module/. In this way, when no language segment is entered in the URL, the user will be redirected according to their HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header. On the other hand, URL with language segment will not make any redirect.
    1 point
  17. Consistent with the plans of introducing new site profiles this year, we’ve started work on the new site profile, and have the first version ready this week. This profile contains a blog component and uses the new Uikit 3 front-end framework: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-a-new-processwire-site-profile/
    1 point
  18. @ryan Hello, Regarding UIkit 3 data- attributes without the actual data- prefix is regarded as invalid HTML by validators (eg.: validator.w3.org). Would it be possible that the "final" version of _uikit.php uses data- instead of leaving it out?
    1 point
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