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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2022 in all areas

  1. IMPORTANT!!!!! Hi everyone. I've made a few changes in the latest version that are worth mentioning, with the first one being a possible (although unlikely) security fix. 1) A couple of the panels (User Switcher and PageRecorder) store info in the module's config settings JSON, but when using these, it would also save any of the settings set via $config->tracy. In general this is probably just annoying, but in the case of the $config->tracy['forceIsLocal'] setting (introduced in Nov, 2021), this override could also be saved to the module's main config settings. Hopefully if you have used this setting, you have only used it locally with things like Docker where the normal isLocal() method fails, but please check your sites if you have ever enabled this somewhere live. In particular I know that @teppo and @netcarver (and I think @Robin S) have been using this feature, but pretty sure still only on local machines. 2) Even though that forceIsLocal setting is potentially dangerous, I decided to add it to the config settings (with a warning) as well so it's more transparent. Note that the debug bar displays a yellow warning icon on the left side if this setting is enabled. 3) I also added a table that lists out any $config->tracy overrides in an effort to make it more obvious what overrides in place. 4) I've revamped the Log panels further with better logic to control when the yellow / red colors are applied to the icon. I have improved the sort logic within each specific log file and I have added the yellow / red highlighting to the lines that are new since you last loaded them. I have also increased the default number of lines from 10 to 100 - this makes these panels much more useful and because of other recent changes it is now performant enough to do this. Note that upgrading from an old version of Tracy won't increase this, so you might want to do that yourselves in the settings. Thanks everything and sorry for the override settings getting save to the default one issue!
    7 points
  2. .I guess the reason why @wbmnfktr resorted to WordPress is that you have the JSON feeds readily available without any coding. And I often thought that it would be really awesome if we had something like this in PW. With all the modules mentioned AppAPI GraphQl etc you still need to write code to get the desired output at the desired endpoint. WordPress handles this out of the box. And this makes it attractive. PW would definitely benefit and get more attention if there was a module that automatically creates RESTful API endpoints following the page tree structure.
    3 points
  3. As far as I understand, Headless CMS and SSG aren't the same thing really. So which one do you really want? If you'd like to use an SPA framework like React, you'd probably want headless. If you'd like to automagically create static pages, it's a typical SSG setup. For headless, I'd try the AppApi module. For SSG, I'd use Pro Cache. I'm not sure what to make of your example comparison with WP and taxonomies. In PW, you create your own taxonomy or data model. It's easy to create JSON output from your PW instance. Use URL segments, and handle each /json request to your own script. It's ridiculously easy to create JSON feeds (just a bunch of URLs that match your selector). Is that all you really need? Sorry if I misunderstand you, but there's way more to a headless CMS than just having a URL feed. Again, I don't get what you really want in the end. If you need static sites, what good are "JSON feeds" for you?
    2 points
  4. Hi all, I won't always post here when I update Tracy, but I will when I think the update is an important bug fix that you really should update to. There was a bug in the new 2.8 branch of core Tracy package that was sometimes causing recursion and really slow load times and sometimes memory exceeding errors. This has been fixed and is available in 4.21.41 of Tracy released today.
    1 point
  5. Subscribe Podcast RSS feed and save as something you want. The additional example module ProcessPodcastSubscriptionsEpisodes create new pages per episode. Download/Install Github: https://github.com/neuerituale/ProcessPodcastSubscriptions Module directory: https://processwire.com/modules/process-podcast-subscriptions/ Composer: composer require nr/processpodcastsubscriptions
    1 point
  6. Good Day, I'm having an issue with a client's PW websites that are hosted on a shared hosting package on Dreamhost. Everything works fine, with the exception that recently you cannot save an image or file on the websites. Files (images or pdfs) will load and the spinner never stops spinning, however the file shows 100 percent loaded. I honestly believe this is strictly a hosting related issue. Troubleshooting So Far These client websites (3) have been upgraded to PHP 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0.2 and the problem persists. PW versions tested are versions 165, 172, 173 and 174. Previously never had any issues with PW version 165 running on PHP 7.4 I run my own websites on Dreamhost (on VPS) and don't have this issue. My PHP versions on the multiple VPS are 7.3 and 7.4. PW versions 165, 172, 173 and 174 work with no problems noted. No current issues with saving an image or file on the VPS hosted websites. I have additional clients that are on PHP 7.3 and running PW Version 165 and 174 with no image or file issues. These client websites are on Dreamhost shared hosting. Conclusion It seems odd that I am having this issue with one client and not others on shared hosting. I also haven't seen any recent reports in the. PW Forum of issues anyone is having with saving images or files. If anyone has any specific idea of what's going on, I would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions before I bring this up to the web hosting service. Thanks.
    1 point
  7. There are different ways of making a Rest API You can check https://github.com/Sebiworld/AppApi and
    1 point
  8. Thanks @monollonom - I didn't know that module but I will have a look at it. Maybe that's more of what I need. Thanks @dragan - you are right, a Headless CMS is something completely different than a SSG. I already found a nice SSQ solution and right now I'm looking for a fitting CMS. I looked at a lot of those mentioned above, yet ProcessWire is way more advanced and more capable of almost anything. And sure... creating JSON feeds is easy until you have a more complex setup of fields, references, repeaters, Matrix fields and such. That's exactly that point @gebeer made here. In WordPress it was super easy to get it right from the start - sure still not a super complex structure, no real repeaters, but way ahead. I'm fine with going into the code, write my output but I sometimes just need something that works right out of the box. Wordpress could be a good fit but maybe even better one of those other CMS out there. This in the core, with support for (matrix) repeater, combo and all the good stuff... this would open a totally new and large user base.
    1 point
  9. Hi, in a recent project I had to import large amounts of data that got uploaded through the frontend. To avoid lags in the frontend I pushed the actual import work to processes in the background. Since timely resources for that project were limited, I resorted to a quite simple method of starting the workers public function startSalesImportWorker() { $path = $this->config->paths->siteModules . "{$this->className}/workers/"; $command = "php {$path}salesimportworker.php"; $outputFile = "{$path}/logs/workerlogs.txt"; $this->workerPid = (int) shell_exec(sprintf("%s > $outputFile 2>&1 & echo $!", "$command")); if ($this->workerPid) return $this->workerPid; return false; } Here's the worker code namespace ProcessWire; use SlashTrace\SlashTrace; use SlashTrace\EventHandler\DebugHandler; include(__DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"); include(__DIR__ . "/../../../../index.php"); ini_set('display_errors', false); error_reporting(E_WARNING | E_ERROR); $slashtrace = new SlashTrace(); $slashtrace->addHandler(new DebugHandler()); // $slashtrace->register(); $lockfile = __DIR__ . "/locks/lock-" . getmypid(); // restart when fail or done function workerShutdown($args) { // release lockfile if (file_exists($args['lockfile'])) unlink($args['lockfile']); echo PHP_EOL . "Restarting...\n"; $outputFile = __DIR__ . '/logs/workerlogs.txt'; $command = PHP_BINARY . " " . $args['command']; sleep(1); // execute worker again exec(sprintf("%s > $outputFile 2>&1 & echo $!", "$command")); } register_shutdown_function('ProcessWire\workerShutdown', array('lockfile' => $lockfile, 'command' =>$argv[0])); // wait for other workers to finish while (wire('files')->find(__DIR__ . "/locks/")) { sleep(5); } // create lockfile file_put_contents($lockfile, $lockfile); try { // ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); //300 seconds = 5 minutes wire('users')->setCurrentUser(wire('users')->get("admin")); echo "starting import: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . PHP_EOL; /** @var \ProcessWire\DataImport $mod */ $mod = wire('modules')->get("DataImport"); $mod->importSales(); echo PHP_EOL . "Import finished: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // run only for 1 round, then start a new process: prevent memory issues die; } catch (\Exception $e) { $slashtrace->handleException($e); die; } I got the idea for restarting the same worker from https://www.algotech.solutions/blog/php/easy-way-to-keep-background-php-jobs-alive/ Note that I am using https://github.com/slashtrace/slashtrace for error handling since it gives nice CLI output. And I couldn't figure out how to utilize the native PW Debug class for that since I needed stack traces. Overall this solution worked quite well. But it doesn't give any control over the worker processes. At least there was no time to implement. Only after having finished the project, I discovered https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/process.html which seems to have everything you need to start and monitor background processes. So next time the need arises I will definitely give it a try. I'm imagining a Process module that lets you monitor/stop background workers and a generic module to kick them off. How do you handle background processes with PW?
    1 point
  10. Wow, thank you for this. Looks and works great. ? Some of my clients are more familiar with stacked items than list. Especialy if they have lots of items added. Thank you very much R
    1 point
  11. I don't know much about the tools you mentioned and regarding your JSON generation issue I'm not sure I see why the modules you mentionned don't fit the bill, but have you also checked/tried: ? Assuming you have templates named "post", "movie", "page",... you could have something like: $wire->addHook("/api/(post|movie|page)/(.*)", function($event) { $template = $this->templates->get($event->arguments(1)); if(!$template) return; header("Content-type: application/json"); $fields = $template->fieldgroup->explode("name", ["key" => "name"]); if($event->arguments(2)) { $page = $this->pages->findOne("template=$template,name=".$event->arguments(2)); if($page->id) { return $page->pageQueryJson($fields); } } return $this->pages->find("template=$template")->pageQueryJson($fields); }); This way you could have pw.domain/api/post returning all posts and then you could query a specific one with pw.domain/api/post/page-name. (one thing to note is the module does not handle repeaters (or other third parties fields) out of the box, though the docs seem to mention how to do so actually it does but I have an issue in my setup, I think) In case this doesn't help or I didn't get your issue, would you mind to elaborate ?
    1 point
  12. I had actually just given an answer regarding that in the post immediately above yours: But okay, it sounds like you have a real need for this, so v0.2.0 adds an option to have easy-sort mode active by default. It also adds mode buttons to the field header. See the updated readme for more information.
    1 point
  13. Exactly that was kind of a game changer for me. I switched my config settings, kept another database for branch/tree version1 and went from there. I was able to switch between the old site and each and every new instance/feature set of it. In total 6 branches/trees but it was worth it. Relates to the last project in which I used worktrees.
    1 point
  14. Hi @d'Hinnisdaël - I wonder if you'd be willing to support loading a tab directly from the hash in the URL please? Thanks for considering.
    1 point
  15. Not really, since from the beginning it has been PHP >= 7.0.0
    1 point
  16. Just an FYI that I have fixed the CSS issue with the Console panel when it triggers the bluescreen.
    1 point
  17. Hi everyone, I just committed to new versions. 4.22.23 - updates Tracy core to 2.8.10 4.23.0 - updates Tracy core to 2.9.0 I think everything should be fine in 4.23.0, but the new Tracy core 2.9 major version means that Tracy works without PHP sessions. This means that I was able remove several hacky workarounds to make this module compatible with PW's SessionHandlerDB module. I think I have everything working as expected, but wanted to also release a version with what I assume will be the last version of 2.8.x of the Tracy core. Please let me know if you find any issues with the new 4.23.0 version and if you have any problems that I can't solve quickly, you can always drop back to 4.22.23. Happy holidays!
    1 point
  18. A bunch of my old clients started having this issue on Dreamhost as well. Like @cstevensjr, I noticed that any domains on a VPS weren't affected. However, some domains on shared hosting plans were affected while other ones were not. Probably a difference between servers, but not certain why shared servers would have different ModSec settings. Anyway, I was lucky to chat with a tech that was patient and knew his stuff. (Shout out to John B!) We worked through one of the affected domains and he figured out what ModSec rules were being tripped by the uploads. So he had to add exceptions to those rules until the uploads worked - even with the Extra Web Security option still enabled for the domain. After we got one domain working, he replicated the same exceptions to the other domains and we tested each one as we went. He kindly shared the list of rules that were causing the problem after I asked for them (in case this issue popped up again or if I had to speak to another agent about another domain). The rules being tripped were: application-multi language-multi platform-multi event-correlation attack-generic If you have to talk to a Dreamhost tech to get this problem resolved, it may be helpful to point them to this post or simply pass them the list of rules being tripped that need exceptions added. Like I mentioned earlier, and unfortunately, these rule exceptions need to be added on a domain-by-domain basis.
    1 point
  19. @cstevensjr, this started on Wednesday of this week when Dreamhost made some bizarre unilateral ModSecurity setting that broke every ProcessWire site's ability to upload images or files. You have to open a support ticket and tell them to change the ModSec setting for every domain on your account to allow the CMS to work. They should be able to check their logs and know what to change, but you also might have to go back and forth with them and test it. I exchanged probably 10 emails with them on Wednesday while they repeatedly tweaked the ruleset until i was able to upload again. Last night i had to send them a list of ~20 sites that they had to adjust the ruleset for and they replied today that it is now done, but only time will tell if I start to receive complaints from site owners that they can't upload. This is certainly disappointing behavior from Dreamhost, and they should make amends. Hopefully they are going to learn a hard lesson once they get an avalanche of support complaints about this. By the way, you can easily tell what the problem is, if you upload while viewing the network panel. You'll see probably a 418 error and when you view the response you'll see Internal Server Error. 418 is the DH response for anything related to ModSec. In addition you can go into the server logs and open the log file (which may be pretty huge by now) and see the mod sec errors.
    1 point
  20. this is awesome. I want to create a mobile client for my website. I just need only a GET endpoint. ( I want to fetch certain number of videos ( say latest 20 videos ) from this website and show in my mobile app. ( the website https://www.bhimonlineclassroom.in/ is developed on PW3 ) . Can you please write an explanation on how to approach / develop the RESTful API with Processwire ? thank you @clsource
    1 point
  21. Thanks this is a nice improvement ? Now it's lazy loaded and the thumbnails are 200x200 px ?
    1 point
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