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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2020 in all areas

  1. This week I’ve been doing some work on the core, but it’s been a short week with the holidays, so I’m holding off on committing the updates till I can test and tweak them a little more next week. I’ve been working on some upgrades to the core Fields editor (Setup > Fields), as well as some improvements to our Inputfields system, among other things. Next week I’m also planning on working through some of the GitHub issue reports and some other parts of the core as well. With it being Christmas today, I’ve barely been at the computer and I’m guessing not many of you are either, so I’ll keep this short and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!
    12 points
  2. Since others are getting into localsied greetings, Meri Kirihimete! (Although we're actually already a day ahead and Christmas was yesterday in my part of the world.)
    5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. З Різдвом Христовим!
    3 points
  5. Here is a nice alternative: https://kenwheeler.github.io/cash/
    2 points
  6. @netcarver Just published 1.0.3 it has a simple version check which should allow it to work on all versions 3.0.109 and up now ? Have not tested it on a version below 3.0.165 however nor have I tested on a version below 3.0.130 which is when some changes to the getVersion function was made (but should not effect it how I have implemented it) Let me know if that works for you now
    1 point
  7. And one more http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/
    1 point
  8. And another one: https://tobiasahlin.com/blog/move-from-jquery-to-vanilla-javascript/ Helped me once when I couldn't trigger events using vanilla js.
    1 point
  9. This should help you get going: https://gist.github.com/joyrexus/7307312 Things like prevAll() will need to be done with a loop. Googling things like "prevAll in vanillajs" will provide you with examples.
    1 point
  10. I've updated Combo to use @Robin S strategy for moving the subfields around the page editor and posted it in the ProFields download thread as v2. The definition is available for any Combo subfield and it's very simple, but I figure it's something at least to start with.... it's working and ready to use. It does use a datalist-based autocomplete, so you don't necessarily have to remember all your field names. Thanks Robin S. for the idea on how to make it work, it seems to be a clean and reliable way to do it.
    1 point
  11. Hi @Pip, thanks for reaching out, I think I know what the problem is. The module should work with any number of templates and on any number of fields. However, before creating a link for a given title, the module checks if the page the title belongs to is actually viewable. I made this the default because for a "normal" use case it doesn't make sense to create a link to a page the current user can't actually view. Based on your screenshots it looks like you display all hero abilities on the page for that hero, so I'm guessing the hero abilities don't have their own sub-pages in the frontend? If there's no hero-ability.php template, no hero-ability pages will be viewable, so the module will not create any links for those. In version 4.0.0 of the module I added a checkbox to disable the viewable checks for use cases like this one. Your screenshot looks like your site has an older version installed, so make sure to update to the latest version if you don't see the checkbox. After the update the option should appear in the new configuration fieldset Markup and output settings. By the way if my assumption is correct, you may want to use the hook TextformatterPageTitleLinks::buildTitleMarkup to modify the link for hero-ability pages to point to that ability on the hero page instead (using anchor links). See my answer here for details. If that doesn't solve the problem: I've written a bit about how to check what the module is doing in my answer here, use that to determine whether the module (a) is not finding the desired titles or (b) is finding the titles but not creating links for them. This can help you find out what's going wrong. Let me know if you need more help!
    1 point
  12. Kevin Powell has a good tutorial using grid columns and rows to overlap content.
    1 point
  13. @mel47 Hi Mel, glad the module is working well for you! You can change the way links are created or prevent them entirely using the hook TextformatterPageTitleLinks::buildTitleMarkup (see the link for the documentation). This method is called for every title found in a text field and returns the HTML to replace the link. You can overwrite this to just return the title in certain conditions, which means no link will be created. Here's a hook that will keep track of which titles have already been linked and prevent more than one link per occurance of each page title: // limit automatic links to one per individual title, even if the title appears multiple times on the page wire()->addHookAfter('TextformatterPageTitleLinks::buildTitleMarkup', function (HookEvent $e) { $title = $e->arguments(0); $page = $e->arguments(1); $options = $e->arguments(2); // keep track of all the titles that have already been linked static $alreadyLinkedTitles = []; if (in_array($title, $alreadyLinkedTitles)) { // if the title has already been linked, overwrite the HTML markup with the plain title $e->return = $title; } else { // otherwise, just add the title to the array of linked titles $alreadyLinkedTitles[] = $title; } }); A couple of caveats: The static array will not distinguish between fields, so this will limit the automatic links to one link per title on the whole page, not one link per title within one field (though it sounds like this is what you want). If you access the same field multiple times in your template, it will only contain links the first time. Another solution, if the word you're repeating multiple times is very short, you can just use the minimum length setting to prevent it getting linked, or use the hook above to prevent automatic links for a few specific pages. I hope this works for you! If you need even more fine control, it might be simpler to create the links manually or use another module as suggested by @bernhard.
    1 point
  14. I'm not sure if I understand your message correctly... Was that a "Thank you for sharing! We have been using it for years and it works great. If someone doesn't know it yet, give it a try!" ?
    1 point
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