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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2020 in all areas

  1. I found this random picture generator the other day but kept forgetting to post it here. It's basically lorem ipsum but for photos. They have quite a nice feature set too.
    3 points
  2. I know you mentioned docs being confusing, but I'd still suggest taking another look at them — specifically this part, as it explains this pretty clearly: https://processwire.com/docs/modules/hooks/#defining-hooks. To simplify things a bit... the key difference between the first two is that $wire->addHookAfter() works outside classes, while $this->addHookAfter() is how you'd usually attach the hook when you're in a method of a class (i.e. while you're working on a module of your own). $page->addHookAfter() attaches the hook to the current Page object (which $page typically refers to), not all Page objects in general. Important distinction in case you're working with multiple pages and don't want your hook to run for all of them. Not sure if that explains it any better than the docs, but again the biggest difference is just the context in which you're defining the hook (use $wire when in template files, /site/init.php, /site/ready.php, /site/admin.php, etc. and $this when you're within a method in a class) and whether you want your hook to apply to a single object ($page, $pages, or a specific item such as $mypage where $mypage = $pages->get('some_selector')) or all items of a specific type. Most commonly you'll need your own hookable methods when you're, say, developing a reusable module. Instead of tweaking the module on a per-site basis, you'll likely want to keep it as-is and rather make some minor modifications by hooking into it's methods. This way you can easily update the module without having to redo or work around your modifications every single time. On some edge cases you might have a utility function on the site, and then depending on some other event you may want to say that "at this specific instance the method should do something else", so you'd want to make it hookable. Can't think of many cases where that'd make sense, though. I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Is this is just an example of what you're doing at the moment? Either way your hook looks fine to me. Should've read this more carefully. You're accessing $magazine object here, but if this is your entire code, that won't work — you're not defining $magazine variable anywhere. Since you're in function scope, you only have access to the arguments passed to that function, variables you've passed in with "use" language construct, and global functions. Even if $magazine exists outside your function, you'd have to pass it in with function($event) use ($magazine) { ... } That being said, what you're probably looking for is something like Pages::savedPageOrField(). If you take a look at that docs page, there are code examples dealing with changes etc. Or, alternatively, Pages::savePageOrFieldReady(), which occurs right before the page/field is saved (which means that you can modify the values right before they are saved to the database). ... and please let me know if I missed your point here ?
    3 points
  3. There are a few problems with that code: Switching $magazine to $page doesn't actually help at all. $page is not defined here either. As I mentioned in my previous post, you're in function context, and in that context you only have access to a) function arguments ($event), b) variables you've made accessible with "use" (currently there are none), and c) global functions. $page is none of those. Another issue is that there's no savedPageOrField method for Inputfield, so Inputfield(...)::savedPageOrField is never triggered — what you're looking for is Pages::savedPageOrField. From your post I assume that you've put this code in the template file, i.e. /site/templates/your_template_name.php? If so, the hook only applies to when you're viewing a page using that template, i.e. it has no effect in Admin. I'm not sure if that's what you really intended, but I'd assume not — more likely you'd want to put this hook somewhere it gets added in the admin as well, so perhaps /site/init.php or /site/ready.php. ... and, finally, even if your code did work, you would've likely ran into an infinite loop: if you hook into page save and save the page, that'll trigger the page save hook, which will then save the page and trigger the page save hook again, which... you know the drill. Pages::saveReady() is often better method to hook, as you can just modify the page values, and they'll get saved soon after (you don't have to call save in your hook) ? In this case something along these lines could work: // hook into Pages::saveReady $wire->addHookafter('Pages::saveReady', function($event) { // get current Page object — in this case this is the first argument for the $event object $page = $event->arguments[0]; // bail out early if current Page *doesn't* have the field we're interested in if (!$page->template->hasField('snipcart_item_image')) return; // ... and also bail out early if the snipcart_item_image field hasn't changed if (!$page->isChanged('snipcart_item_image')) return; // now that we know that snipcart_item_image has changed, set a custom value to another field $page->set('imagecolorat', 'YOUR_NEW_VALUE_HERE'); // finally, populate our modified $page object back to the event $event->arguments(0, $page); }); Note: written in browser and not properly tested.
    2 points
  4. You can do it manually by either of the following ways: Selectors: $pages->find("$your_selector"); foreach(){} -> and capture in values in an $array which you can then echo json_encode($array); OR Selectors: $pageArray = $pages->find("$your_selector"); ->then use $array = $pageArray->explode(['title','body']) -> then echo json_encode($array); OR Use ProcessWire's (not installed by default) ProcessPagesExportImport module, select the pages you want and optionally the fields you want and export to JSON. Note, it will add other information not necessary for translation, e.g. Page IDs and templates. #2 is probably easiest and cleanest. Edit: #3 will allow you to import/update after translations are done.
    2 points
  5. Just tested and it works a treat ? When a frontend user enters their event date, in _init.php: <?php if (!empty($input->post->availability)) { $availability = $sanitizer->date($input->post->availability, 'Y-m-d'); $sameDayBookings = $pages->find("template=booking, booking_date=$availability, booking_status!=pending|cancelled",['loadOptions'=>['autojoin' => true, 'joinFields' => ['booking_items']]]); $cache->save('sameDayBookings', $sameDayBookings); } This query takes no time at all. Next, in my custom module: <?php /** * @param Page $item - product page * @return int|void * @throws WireException */ public function itemAvailability(Page $item) { if ($item instanceof NullPage) return; $itemBookingCount = 0; $otherBookings = $this->wire('cache')->get('sameDayBookings'); if ($otherBookings->count > 0) { // there are other booking on the same event date foreach ($otherBookings as $otherBooking) { foreach ($otherBooking->booking_items as $otherBookingItem) { if ($otherBookingItem->booking_item->id == $item->id) { $itemBookingCount = (int)$itemBookingCount + (int)$otherBookingItem->booking_qty; } } } } $itemsAvailable = (int)$item->qty - (int)$itemBookingCount; return $itemsAvailable; } Query times for this function went from an average of 3.5sec to under 0.01 seconds per item and under 1sec to render the page listing multiple items with their availability. Happy dance time! Thank you all!
    2 points
  6. Last week I told you how I was working on a getting a new Stripe payment method working with FormBuilder… and I’m still working on it. That wasn’t exactly the plan. Stripe isn’t quite as easy to work with as it used to be, or maybe Stripe thinks I’m not as easy to work with as before. Either way, I’m learning, and it’s been a good opportunity to expand FormBuilder with its own class for plugin “action” modules. Hopefully some of this work on the Stripe side can apply for other payment methods, or any type of action you’d want to take with a form submission. It’s probably going to take another week or so before this module is ready to release in the FormBuilder board, but it’s going to be built well and accompany a new version of FormBuilder too (that supports these plugin actions by way of PW modules). Having these actions as ProcessWire modules opens up new doors for FormBuilder, and I may even move some of the built-in actions (like saving to Google Sheets) into this type of module, which would be nice for hooks and maintainability. There’s not a lot to report on the core side this week. There are a few commits and improvements, but not yet enough where I’m ready to bump the version to 3.0.168. One small but useful improvement is that handling of selector queries for words with apostrophes has been improved. One of my clients noticed they were having trouble with their site search engine matching terms like “Alpe d’Huez” and “L’estello”, and so our page finding engine has been improved to narrow them down with the fulltext engine and then find the exact matches with regular expression queries. This improvement enhances most of the partial text matching operators. It also solves the issue of there being different kinds of apostrophes (ascii straight vs utf-8 curly), among other things. Overall the core is running running very smoothly on the dev branch, so I’m thinking we may try and do another merge to master before 3.0.170. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    2 points
  7. @fliwire - that's due to newer versions of PHP. Try: $urlStr = '<p>' . $url . '</p>'; echo $modules->get('TextformatterVideoEmbed')->format($urlStr);
    1 point
  8. You can go to site/assets/files/1234/ and send these JSON files to the translators. 1234 being the id of the alternative language. You'll see the language id @ setup/languages/ when you hover over the language edit link (1010 seems to be the default language). Before that, you'll want to make sure all those JSONs are there, so you'll need to click the "find files to translate" button @ setup/languages/edit/?id=10189 under "Site Translation Files". There's also two buttons there in the bottom-right for downloading all files as CSV or ZIP. When you get the translated JSON files back, you can upload them here as well, and replace the old ones.
    1 point
  9. Haha great, and sorry - I completely forgot the issue due some spontaneous new ProcessWire side project for the guest registration in Vienna/Lower Austria: https://www.heute.at/s/cowirtat-hilft-bei-der-registrierung-im-gasthaus-100106087
    1 point
  10. Yeah, we all struggle with that sometimes. ? I did a bit of experimenting and here's another way the language options can be removed from the title field: // Single-language title field for "test-template" at Page Add $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessPageAdd::getAllowedTemplates', function(HookEvent $event) { $tpls = $event->return; $t = $event->wire()->templates->get('test-template'); if(isset($tpls[$t->id])) $tpls[$t->id]->noLang = 1; $event->return = $tpls; }); // Single-language title field for "test-template" at Page Edit $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent', function(HookEvent $event) { /** @var InputfieldForm $form */ $form = $event->return; $page = $event->object->getPage(); if($page->template == 'test-template') { $title = $form->getChildByName('title'); if($title) $title->useLanguages = false; } });
    1 point
  11. That sounds ... bad ? Are you sure there isn't a more convenient way to do this in Snipcart? Anyway, as far as I can tell your solution is producing the correct result, so the only problem is the memory consumption. You could try to build the JSON on the fly instead of pushing everything on one big array. That is, open a file handle, encode individual lines in your recursive function and write them directly to the file. Might be a bit slower, but wouldn't require holding all combinations in memory. Though you gotta take care to have valid JSON in the end, i.e. no trailing comma for the last line and stuff like that.
    1 point
  12. The _x function is part of ProcessWire's translation system – using it is good practice, because it allows you to change hard-coded strings (such as the language code) through the backend without touching the code, and translate them to multiple languages for multi-language sites. You're probably just missing a translation. Go to Setup -> Languages -> Portugese (might also be default depending on your language setup), then under "Site Translation Files" check if the main.php is already listed, otherwise select it through "Find files to translate". Add the correct language code there and it should appear in your HTML!
    1 point
  13. It was Kongondo doing maintenance release to old one. But I know Kongondo is working hard to get v2 released.
    1 point
  14. Had an extreme example to deal with recently. Multiple field replacements for various fieldtypes. May not be the best approach but worked for me. Private function is in a custom module function. <?php /** * Takes a page field, eg 'body' as a template and replaces tags eg {age} with the same field value * from the supplied data page * @param $tplPage * @param $tplField * @param $dataPage * @param string $startTag * @param string $endTag * @param array $other * @return string|string[] * @throws WireException * @throws WirePermissionException */ private function _compileFieldTags ($tplPage, $tplField, $dataPage, $startTag = '{', $endTag = '}', $formatDate = false, $other = []) { $allowedFieldtypes = [ 'FieldtypeText', 'FieldtypeTextarea', 'FieldtypeInteger', 'FieldtypeFloat', 'FieldtypeDatetime', 'FieldtypeToggle', 'FieldtypeCheckbox', 'FieldtypePage' ]; $replacementNames = []; $replacementValues = []; // Sort out what to do with each inputfield type foreach ($dataPage->fieldgroup as $replacement) { if (!in_array($replacement->type, $allowedFieldtypes)) continue; switch ($replacement->type) { case 'FieldtypeDatetime': $fldData = $formatDate == false ? $dataPage->$replacement : $dataPage->getFormatted($replacement); break; case 'FieldtypePage': $fldData = $dataPage->$replacement->title; break; case 'FieldtypeCheckbox': $fldData = $dataPage->$replacement == true ? "Yes" : "No"; break; default: $fldData = $dataPage->$replacement; break; } $replacementNames[] = $replacement->name; $replacementValues[] = $fldData; } // Prepare replacement arrays foreach ($dataPage as $k => $v) { $replacementNames[] = $startTag . $k . $endTag; $replacementValues[] = $v; } $replacementNames['url'] = $startTag . 'url' . $endTag; $replacementValues[] = $dataPage->httpUrl; $result = str_ireplace($replacementNames, $replacementValues, $tplPage->$tplField); return $result; }
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. You may also want to take a look at vscodium. It's the same as vscode but without microsoft's tracking. It is free also.
    1 point
  17. I'd recommend VSCode + Intelephense + PW Snippets
    1 point
  18. @NooseLadder you could delete windows and install linux. ?
    1 point
  19. I played around with multi-instances and found out that we currently (PW 3.0.163) are not able to use multiple instances when more then one site has set $config->useFunctionsAPI (in site/config.php) to true! Then I saw that, (when $config->useFunctionsAPI was set to false) in all instances $config->version returned the same version, that from the master instance. So, first I was a bit confused, but then I thought that this may have to do with the early step when PW processes/build the $config. And indeed, if I set in all site/config.php files the $config->useFunctionsAPI to false, and then in all site/init.php files to true, everything is working fine. Now we can use our sites with the functions API, and we can load as many multiple instances in parallel we want. ? TL;DR site/init.php /** * FOR BETTER SUPPORT OF MULTIINSTANCES, WE ENABLE $config->useFunctionsAPI HERE, * INSTEAD OF THE site/config.php FILE: */ $wire->config->useFunctionsAPI = true; Bootstrapping three different instances, in first step each of them in a single environment: <?php namespace ProcessWire; if(!defined('PW_MASTER_PATH')) define('PW_MASTER_PATH', 'E:/laragon/www/hwm/'); if(!defined('PW_MASTER_HTTPURL')) define('PW_MASTER_HTTPURL', 'https://hwm.local/'); // bootstrap ProcessWire instance site1 (3.0.163) require_once(PW_MASTER_PATH . 'index.php'); mvd([ 'httpurl' => $wire->wire('pages')->get(1)->httpURL, 'instanceNum' => $wire->getInstanceNum(), 'config->version' => $wire->wire('config')->version, 'useFunctionsAPI' => $wire->wire('config')->useFunctionsAPI ]); When running all three in a multi instance environment, they load fine, (no compile error), all with the use for the functions API enabled: <?php namespace ProcessWire; if(!defined('PW_MASTER_PATH')) define('PW_MASTER_PATH', 'E:/laragon/www/hwm/'); if(!defined('PW_MASTER_HTTPURL')) define('PW_MASTER_HTTPURL', 'https://hwm.local/'); if(!defined('PW_SITE2_PATH')) define('PW_SITE2_PATH', 'E:/laragon/www/hwm2/'); if(!defined('PW_SITE2_HTTPURL')) define('PW_SITE2_HTTPURL', 'https://hwm2.local/'); if(!defined('PW_SITE3_PATH')) define('PW_SITE3_PATH', 'E:/laragon/www/hwm3/'); if(!defined('PW_SITE3_HTTPURL')) define('PW_SITE3_HTTPURL', 'https://hwm3.local/'); // bootstrap ProcessWire master instance (3.0.163) require_once(PW_MASTER_PATH . 'index.php'); mvd([ 'httpurl' => $wire->wire('pages')->get(1)->httpURL, 'instanceNum' => $wire->getInstanceNum(), 'config->version' => $wire->wire('config')->version, 'useFunctionsAPI' => $wire->wire('config')->useFunctionsAPI ]); // create a secondary instance from master (3.0.163) $wire = new \ProcessWire\ProcessWire(PW_MASTER_PATH); mvd([ 'httpurl' => $wire->wire('pages')->get(1)->httpURL, 'instanceNum' => $wire->getInstanceNum(), 'config->version' => $wire->wire('config')->version, 'useFunctionsAPI' => $wire->wire('config')->useFunctionsAPI ]); // create instance of a second site (3.0.162) $site2 = new ProcessWire(PW_SITE2_PATH, PW_SITE2_HTTPURL); mvd([ 'httpurl' => $site2->wire('pages')->get(1)->httpURL, 'instanceNum' => $site2->getInstanceNum(), 'config->version' => $site2->wire('config')->version, 'useFunctionsAPI' => $site2->wire('config')->useFunctionsAPI ]); // create instance of a third site (3.0.152) $site3 = new ProcessWire(PW_SITE3_PATH, PW_SITE3_HTTPURL); mvd([ 'httpurl' => $site3->wire('pages')->get(1)->httpURL, 'instanceNum' => $site3->getInstanceNum(), 'config->version' => $site3->wire('config')->version, 'useFunctionsAPI' => $site3->wire('config')->useFunctionsAPI ]);
    1 point
  20. Thanks a lot to you all. Processwire community is smashing. I used foreach ($pages->get("/about-us/meet-the-team/")->children("include=hidden") as $member) { in the end. Result!
    1 point
  21. Should be: $pages->get("/about-us/meet-the-team/")->children("include=hidden"); since the children are hidden and not the parent. And also I prefer to get the parent by id since changing the page name would make your selector return nothing. For example if your team page has id 1020: $pages->get(1020)->children("include=hidden");
    1 point
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