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https://2019.stateofjs.com/ TL;DR summary: https://www.i-programmer.info/news/167-javascript/13360-javascript-still-popular-.html "So we can see that the use of React (which is the most used technology in the survey with 16,099 users) has increased while it popularity has been pretty steady while Angular's popularity reduced as its adoption grew and over the last year people became more even negative towards it." My comment on this is that it looks like Vue.js is the second most popular frontend one these days. ""JavaScript is moving in the right direction" with over 80% agreeing and only 4% disagreeing. So all is well in the land of JavaScript."2 points
Good to know; To give you a simple answer: InnoDB was faster for writes and MyISAM for reads. Nowadays, InnoDB are the way to go, yo should be aware that MyISAM is deprecated and being ? removed in MySQL 8 I think, or maybe on a later release.2 points
Thanks for the detailed info. I must admit to being pretty new to InnoDB and actually I am glad you mentioned it, because the other site with the bigger DB which is having no problems at all is on MyISAM, so I guess that is the difference. I have already played with a few of those settings you mentioned, but nothing consistently helped. The only thing that seems to be working is the change to set PHP time limit and max execution time to both infinite. It's also really confusing that this is only an issue when run via cron - it makes me think there is a significant difference in PHP or MySQL settings. Obviously PHP has a CLI specific .ini file, but I don't think there is anything like that for my.cnf. Maybe Duplicator should look into using WireDatabaseBackup's exec mode: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/321ea0eed3794c5f2b50c216b603fad3e7347ce6/wire/core/WireDatabaseBackup.php#L131-L133 - any thoughts on trying that? Regarding your suggestion of disabling Tracy - I have been thinking for a while about having an option to disable Tracy when php_sapi_name() shows the script is running from the CLI. I haven't added it yet, but certainly could, although I doubt that's the cause of this issue. I am going to keep monitoring the daily cron over the next week to see if it works every day with those set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); settings and if it does, at least that will tell us something ? Thanks again, Adrian2 points
The RestAPI part in particular would be very interesting. I know there are some modules/site profiles already. But since you seem to do that quite frequently, you sure have some nice tips/concepts to share.2 points
You're right about the actions column — I pushed a release that hides the table sort arrows. Also, I added a readme section on how to set custom icons per shortcut: 'shortcuts' => [ 'Updates' => 1020, // Override title 'Updates' => [1020, 'gear'], // Override title + icon ], Support for IE is definitely not planned. I'm happy to take pull requests, though, if you find a way to pull it off ?2 points
ProcessWire Dashboard Download You can find the latest release on Github. Documentation Check out the documentation to get started. This is where you'll find information about included panel types and configuration options. Custom Panels The goal was to make it simple to create custom panels. The easiest way to do that is to use the panel type template and have it render a file in your templates folder. This might be enough for 80% of all use cases. For anything more complex (FormBuilder submissions? Comments? Live chat?), you can add new panel types by creating modules that extend the DashboardPanel base class. Check out the documentation on custom panels or take a look at the HelloWorld panel to get started. I'm happy to merge any user-created modules into the main repo if they might be useful to more than a few people. Roadmap Panel types Google Analytics Draft At a glance / Page counter 404s Layout options Render multiple tabs per panel Chart panel load chart data from JS file (currently passed as PHP array)1 point
Today we have a new master version released, version 3.0.148! The last master version was 3.0.123, so there are 25 new versions worth of upgrades, fixes and optimizations in this new master version, relative to the previous. In this post we’ll take a closer look at what’s new, how to upgrade, and more— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.148-master/1 point
Hi everyone, While enjoying every day with ProcessWire - not building websites - but native apps and API. Just to say that I have a desire for a few months that is to teach you how to build an RestAPI and a cross-platform native application for iOS, MacOS, Android, Windows and maybe Linux in some weeks by coding in Delphi (Pascal) and using our awesome CMF ProcessWire as a backend. Why Delphi ? Embarcadero released a free edition of their IDE/Compiler (the FREE Delphi Community Edition) and everyone can enjoy building real native apps. It also give me now the opportunity to share this experience with you, as the license without the free edition was starting at ~1500$ for the Pro Edition. Also, Delphi is easy to learn, in particularly the FireMonkey frameworks which will be used to build those apps. At least I think ! When I personally begun to write code in Delphi, I had years of experience of the internal Windows API and C/C++ coding background. Still, it's just a desire, and i don't know if there are people interested by this - so let's vote !1 point
1 point
There is also Flarum, which is somewhat similar to Discourse (which uses Ruby on Rails). Incidentally, phpBB announced a new major release yesterday (3.3). Their next major release (4.0) will feature a new default theme. They use Symfony components now and Twig for templates.1 point
I remember quite well. It felt like downloading the internet on a 28k baud modem back in the days ?1 point
Not sure if the native backup tools are really the best option... When restoring native backups on sites with a lot of data it took ages while it only took several seconds when using a regular mysql dump. I think the native tools add quite some bloat. It has been discussed somewhere, but I have no links at the moment, sorry. You might have this in mind ?1 point
There is this method $input->PageNum https://cheatsheet.processwire.com/input/properties-and-methods/input-pagenum/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-input/page-num/1 point
Oh, sorry, I don't have a RepeaterMatrix field in operation anywhere at the current time.1 point
Thank you! FYI - after setting innodb_buffer_pool_size based on that calculation query, my duplicator cron failed so I almost feel like that made things worse. I am beginning to wonder if InnoDB just needs more resources than MyISAM and my VPS server just doesn't have enough oomph ?1 point
Ok @adrian thanks , let us know then. It's planned yes, I was already coding something this night using natives tools. Stay tuned.1 point
New minor version v2.1.1 with fix for error when using field inside RepeaterMatrix is on github. This was a strange error and, honestly, I still don't quite understand the root cause. When trying to add a new repeatermatrix item with this field inside, I got the error Field [fieldname] is not saveable because it is in a specific context Google brought me to this closed issue in the processwire-issues repo. The issue was related to FieldTypeFile. I just applied the fix for it to my fieldtype module and it worked. But I'd like to understand the underlying problem. So if anybody has any clue, please let me know. Thank you.1 point
1 point
Prefix the name with \ to specify the global space: $foo = new \SimpleXMLElement($data);1 point
New version v2.1.0 is available on github. New features: Images in folders can now be uploaded and deleted from within the input. I am pretty excited about this feature. It gives you an image field that holds images independent of a page where images can be edited (upload/delete) and outputs PageImage objects in the frontend that can be cropped and resized. EDIT: forgot to mention that the module install 2 permissions imagereference-folder-upload and imagereference-folder-delte. Any non-superuser role needs those. Short preview edit-folder-images.mp4 Also now you can have the folder under either site/templates/ or site/assets/. The module will find it in both locations. If you have folders with same name in both locations, it will pick the one in site/templates/ The module is almost ready to go. One major thing, I need to fix, though, is getting it to work inside RepeaterMatrix fields. It is working fine inside normal repeaters. But eventually I will get there. Feel free to grab a copy and do some tests. Your feedback is much appreciated.1 point
Heya! Just wanted to drop in to mention that this was a difficult one: I'm interested in this topic in general, but you kind of lost me at Delphi (Pascal). Although, that being said, the Embarcadero website makes their platform look interesting (and looking around a bit, I see folks advocating for it), so might still come around. Anyway, just wanted to clarify why I voted for "not really interested". Wish there was a "mildly interested" or "could be persuaded" option ?1 point
It's just a small mention, but web-ostajanopas.fi ("web buyers guide", a Finnish blog managed by consult company North Patrol) recently listed most popular ecommerce platforms used by bigger Finnish companies, and ProcessWire found its way to the top 10 with a ~3% market share ? https://web-ostajanopas.fi/2019/06/17/datakatsaus-isojen-kotimaisten-verkkokauppojen-teknologiat-vuonna-2019/ Just last month they did a separate mobile speed comparison of the top 10, and here ProcessWire was the fastest of the bunch (although admittedly the key finding in their study was that, generally speaking, the mobile performance of Finnish ecommerce sites is pretty bad). It seems that the data for PW is largely due to one product: the ecommerce platform from Oscar Software, which (according to North Patrol) was built on top of ProcessWire.1 point
New version v2.0.2 is available from github. This version fixes the problems with getting thumbnails displayed via ajax. At least in my extensive testing everything was working. @LMD can you please give it a try now? While trying to fix the ajax issue, I was running in circles for hours on end. Tried various methods I found in the forum and @bernhard's hook. I always got it working as superuser but got very strange results when logged in as an editor user with page edit permissions. Until I discovered that the problems were due to my module not always loading for ajax requests. I added 'autoload' => 'template=admin' to my module info and suddenly all was working as expected. Still scratching my head why a module's init() method would get called when logged in as superuser but not when logged in as editor. Any ideas here? New in this version is the feature for uploading files to the predefined folder from within the inputfield. Here's a short preview of that feature. uploadtofolder.mp4 Now that this is working, I'm thinking about adding the ability to delete them from within the inputfield, too. As always, I shall be happy to receive your comments and issue reports ?1 point
thanks - and i guess the version file needs to be updated (?).. this is working well for me; I have my own dashboard module, but it uses templates, pages and fields, and is thus cumbersome for smaller/low budget sites. My dashboard module uses AdminLTE, so it has stuff like collapsible panels with state recall; For some of the more complex panels like Formbuilder entries, etc, i'll just build custom panels and hook into this module. Thanks again for building this! This is very extensible, looks and works great, and seems like it will be a very popular module! Here's the dashboard i just threw together...1 point
You can mimic a basic authentication in the file "site/templates/admin.php" Therefor you have to handle a set of valid usernames and passwords in that file too, like in the following example: <?php namespace ProcessWire; $validUsers = [ 'user1' => 'pass1', 'user2' => 'pass2', 'user3' => 'pass3' ]; $validAdminUser = false; if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { if(isset($validUsers[$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']])) { if($validUsers[$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']] == $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) { $validAdminUser = true; } } } if(!$validAdminUser) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Adminsection"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo '401 Unauthorized! Accessing this page needs a valid useraccount!'; exit(); } require($config->paths->adminTemplates . 'controller.php');1 point
More to read during the holiday season: https://almanac.httparchive.org/en/2019/table-of-contents1 point
The way I was able to solve it, is you have to create 2 different api's. One for the front end, where you set restrictions to your domain name. And then another for this module where you set the restriction to your server's ip address. Also, make sure that geocoding api is enabled in google console. Hope this helps.1 point
Same problem here, but playing with the checkbox doesn't work either. Always getting "REQUEST DENIED" and i have absolutely no clue, why. Any ideas?1 point