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I don't think specifically learning jquery is needed anymore. I'd rather try to improve your skills of using plain js, which should result in using jquery being more or less "reading the docs" if you need it. If the foundation in plain javascript is given or you start to have spaghetti code then look into the OOP features of js and frameworks like Vue/React/Angular. Additionally I'd like to add Svelte to the mix as well. It does look quite similar to Vue, but does include less of the features/magic one might not need in Vue. It's api look way more like plain javascript.3 points
This is what I use when using the ProcessPageEdit::processInput hook. Put these as the first lines inside the function. // ProcessPageEdit's processInput function may go recursive, so we want to skip // the instances where it does that by checking the second argument named "level" $level = $event->arguments(1); if($level > 0) return;2 points
Thank you very much for this nice addition! I will give it to my programmer (he had created his own solution inspired by your module and tightly integrated wit the existing code, but your config approach is more convenient and will certainly help a lot of people here). PS: I have installed in my modest and personal website and works like a charm. http://www.guyverville.com/sitemap.xml2 points
For anyone who is having the red x problem with images, I was able to solve these missing images by doing 2 things: 1) If you are on https, convert image references to absolute (i think this is because the library uses http when replacing image references ?) $rootPath = $pages->get(1)->httpUrl; $body = str_replace("/site/assets/", $rootPath . "site/assets/" , $page->body); 2) Manually create the temp folder ("WirePDF") inside site/assets/cache/ – this folder did not exist and therefore the core library was throwing image errors. Once these 2 things were completed, now the PDFs generate with the images correctly2 points
Since no one tried to revive the "oldish" UIKit theme -- i did it. Moderate contrast Non-aggressive color scheme Light colors, no dark backgrounds Very close to the original UIKit design Feel free to replace the /wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeUikit/uikit/dist/css/uikit.pw.min.css with the file i upload here. Hope it will be useful for community.uikit.pw.min.css uikit.pw.min.css2 points
I don't understand this. It should look like this. Can you please confirm you are using like this, and include a screenshot showing where the output appears? Just to check, what browser are you using? Just implementing now - will appear in the next version. The console panel does have issues - I have a new version I am testing here (to be released shortly) that fixes this. I don't understand why the Dumps panels would not be stopping at the viewport though, but I would like to sort it out if it's happening for you - again maybe we have a browser issue here - what browser/version are you running? Yes - let's take to PM now - I do want to figure out why you are having these issues. I am going offline for the rest of the day now - so we can pick this up later!2 points
Hi guys, here is our most recent website http://patina-store.de/ Patina is a really nice vintage objects and furniture store here in Wuppertal. Pay a visit if you pass by We are aware of some flickering and strange scrolling (seems to happen with Safari on desktop and iOS) on the homepage initial transition. I'm looking into it, but if you guys could report how it's behaving with you, it would be a great help! A point of interest is the Lookbook page. For this we used the Image Marker module by @kongondo and @heldercervantes, which worked flawlessly. Thanks guys! Although the site is very simple, PW has a very important role, since we transitioned all the shop organization (mainly the products) from excel spreadsheets to it. We could say PW is acting as a small CRM, and Lister Pro is doing a great job at it.2 points
What version of PW are you using? Ryan fixed a redirect issue on the dev branch in early November. Does clearing your browser cookies resolve the issue?1 point
Thanks Adrian! Works like a charm. Maybe this deserves to be added to docs.1 point
There are other ways, but check out the Request Info panel in Tracy when viewing the field settings in the admin. See that there is an "initValue" setting. This indicates that you can do: $fields->get("map_width")->initValue In the Tracy Console panel (again if you are viewing the field in the admin), you can do: This is because the Console makes available $field, $template, and $module when you're in the admin and viewing an individual field, template, or module.1 point
@Guy Verville – It looks like the template process doesn’t give me as much flexibility that the page edit process does. As such, I think I’ll dump this the module config. Truthfully, I actually think it’ll be better this way. Edit: I’ve bumped to 0.3.3 RC2.2: You can now exlude templates via the config page. If templates are included (for sitemap options) via config, those inclusions will simply be ignored (non-destructive so that restoring access is simple). Please let me know if this works smoothly for you. Related commit: https://github.com/rockettpw/markup-sitemap/commit/4981b9b537bce556ba15d4eacac0d095fea170da1 point
That is a nice solution! I will definitely try this if I can't get my hook to work … but I really would like to know what the problem is with my code. And when it works, I go and try your solution and compare them I am always happy to see how other people find their way to the same outcome. However, on that custom endpoint I would have to run just the same code and clone the page. Well … I'll test it now1 point
Hey, @pwuser1! You could already reach some intermediate JQuery skill by now, spending half the time passed from the creation of this topic . The basics are easy. Most of the times for the simple sites js+JQuery is about installing and configuring some plugins, using their docs pages and the official JQuery API reference (start by adding something like Magnific Popup to your site). But if you need some link to start with, I would recommend FreeCodeCamp course. The whole FreeCodeCamp thing is a hype so you'll feel yourself trendy)) Just recently listened to an issue of ShopTalkShow, one of my favorite podcasts, that fits here perfectly. Could not resist to put it here (for some controversy at least).1 point
+1 Plus @mindplay.dk last visited the forums in Oct 2015 and seems to be working on non-PW related projects.1 point
Note that the Flot library listed here is essentially orphaned. Pure D3 sounds like a solid choice. I really like where this thread has gone so far I hope I can make use of this and buy bernhard dozens of drinks in the future (his liver better be made of steel).1 point
@Guy Verville - Sorry for the delay in responding. I’ll look into this for you – should be easy enough to achieve.1 point
Although Vue is being marketed as "incrementally adoptable" it is still aimed to become something react-like as I see it. That is a framework, that is to be used on a frontend, completely decoupled from the backend. In such architecture backend only serves data to a frontend via something like REST or GraphQL. And all the routing and markup generation is done on the frontend, in the browser. ProcessWire surely can be used in that scenario (just follow the provided links), but in 99% of cases I heard about it is used in an "old-fashioned" way, with routing and markup generation done on the server (backend) and served via page reload, not ajax+in-browser state change+framework like Vue. That means most examples here on the forums will be more relevant to such a usage. Ryan is building at least his demo sites this classic way. Vue is something from the new frontend oriented world. JQuery is something from that "classic" web-development world, which is still dominant. JQuery is used throughout the PW core and modules code. And that code is a very good manual in itself. So learning JQuery with PW will be easier. And (should it be first) PW API is known to be inspired by JQuery. Isn't it the ONE reason to learn JQuery first if going with PW? So, for now, I would say JQuery is a better start to be used with ProcessWire.1 point
Definitely agree with what @adrian say. If you are new to JS world, IMHO, I would suggest this learning curve: JS -> ES6 -> jQuery -> Vue / Angular / React https://scotch.io/bar-talk/vuejs-vs-jquery-use-cases-and-comparison-with-examples http://youmightnotneedjquery.com1 point
I don't really think it's one or the other. jquery is more a library and Vue a framework. I know it can be a fine line between the two, but something to be aware of. jQuery is still everywhere and very useful for simple DOM manipulation tasks. Mind you I would also suggest that you should learn plain javascript first - having that foundation will serve you well and make it easier to pick up the next trendy JS framework. Also, why load up jQuery for one simple thing that could easily be achieved in plain JS? Obviously Vue is becoming a popular framework, but a couple of years ago it was all Angular, and before that it was .... well you get my point. I do think that Vue is a good choice for a full blown framework right now though.1 point
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! This week and next week are shortened here due to reduced school and work schedules for the holidays (as I imagine they are in most places), so there won't be a new blog post and PW version for today. With the kids home from school all day, work shifts to building stuff with legos rather than code. But there are still several interesting PW updates in progress and I look forward to writing about them in next week's blog post. The new version (3.0.87) and related blog post will likely be a day early next week (on Thursday) rather than on Friday. Thanks for reading and I hope that you and your families have a great and relaxing holiday!1 point
Webpack is actually the bundler, which does support code splitting the best out of the things I tried. It's also quite manageable by using the laravel-mix wrapper, which contrary to it's naming is not in any way usable only with laravel. It takes all the daily-business use-cases and makes them easy, while you still can plug things into the underlying webpack directly if needed. I'm currenly working most of my time with the phoenix framework, which does include brunch as default frontend build tool. Some people try to get things to work with it, some switch to another bundler right away, but besides for really simple needs it's just not developed enough. The best issue I know of is, that it's including things in the order they're listed in the packgage.json in some places, but npm nowadays actually orders dependencies in alphabetical order in that file. So if order does matter you need to actively revert that behaviour of npm.1 point
It's working for me (with Markdown/Parsedown Extra textformatter - didn't try the other). Do you have any other textformatters enabled for the field besides the markdown textformatter? Anything unusual about how you are getting the field value in your template (something that might cause output formatting to be off)? Edit... ...that sounds like a CSS issue actually. Maybe you have list-style:none and no margin/padding on your ol element?1 point