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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Wow - I was surprised to read this and even thought it was a joke. I'm sorry to see CMS Critic go. They did a lot for ProcessWire in that short space of time. Then again, ProcessWire does a lot for ProcessWire too I'm sure both parties will survive their CMS Brexit! Regardless of the CMS which powers CMS Critic, I must admit I almost never visit the site. IMHO they primarily have a design and information architecture problem and not a CMS problem. Ok, they're running on WP now so they have a CMS problem once again but you know what I mean ...
    9 points
  2. A really great article from @M.O.Z.G highlighting his migration from WP to PW. It talks about structuring and retrieving data, multi-language output, creating your own module, and debugging using Tracy. Thanks for a great writeup - really nice work! http://mozg-studio.org/blog/migration2pw/ I have to include this quote from the article
    7 points
  3. Wow! Thanks for sharing, @adrian. Glad to see that the article seems useful. I was afraid that this idiom is very emotional, and thought to delete it later. Now I'm going to keep it
    6 points
  4. corporate Here is the basic tooltip-version that have notes and description fields. On double-click the tooltip stays visible, to enable copying text. There is a hack to tackle IE and if the content has html, that's also covered.
    5 points
  5. I only occassionally use description and notes but I agree that it could save some space. @bernhard I saw that topic earlier, thanks. At first I'll see if I can do it CSS only, that would be more lightweight and unobtrusive. Here is a quick demo of the first mockup (written in dev tools): Update: the double coffee worked
    5 points
  6. v027 is up with the Tooltips submodule. The CSS got a bit complicated but hopefully everything will be fine forever so I don't have to dive into it again You can switch whether to use it for field descriptions and/or notes, and whether to use the "overlay" style.
    2 points
  7. Checkbox does not have any specific fieldtypes it's compatable with, therefore it's listing all Fieldtype – but not FieldtypeMulti – subclasses. It's rather damn strange that FieldtypeRepeaters is not a subclass of FieldtypeMulti. Options and Page fields on the other hand are, which is why they're not listed.
    2 points
  8. Your English is just fine I was just taking a dig at you for not clicking "Like". English is such a weird language and please note that those definitions of "taking a dig" that I linked to sound a lot stronger than how most people think of it when using that phrase. Ribbing is probably closer to what I was doing.
    2 points
  9. No need for repeaters here. Pages are the most common solution for most things and are a right choice for this case too. Make a dog template, create all the fields you need, assign fields to dog template. Place all dog pages under same root (something like dogs). You can configure all dog pages to be automatically placed under the dogs page on creation. If you got the budget get ListerPro for admin - it will make finding the right page in the admin a breeze. If you don't, you can create a custom Process module for that. For the frontend filtering take a look at skyscrapers profile (live demo here).
    2 points
  10. Well done. I was going to suggest something previously, such as a click to keep things visible for copying, but didn't want to push my luck!!
    1 point
  11. Wow. What kind of coffee you drinking?! I didn't expect something so soon. I like the last one too. Looks good!
    1 point
  12. I think https://processwire.com/about/sites/list/cms-critic/ should be removed from the list of pw sites :C
    1 point
  13. Just added two screencaps to the post above. On the last one the tooltip occupies the whole field area, I'm curious what do you think about that. It's better in dev POV because there are no z-index issues (in some cases the tooltip got cut by other elements). Or the tooltip could go to the right of the icon, with its arrow pointing leftwards.
    1 point
  14. Good find Adrian. Not only an informative but also a very good looking website.
    1 point
  15. Great module tpr. Some really great features. I just had an idea and wasn't sure if a module or feature request existed already? or wether it should belong here or in the core? I like the minimalistic and ease of use by Processwire and mods your module offers and was thinking would be great to have an option to hide all notes for all fields, or the option to have these converted to an icon near the field title (such as a question mark icon), for fields which have them, and on hover to then show any notes set to the field. I think this would save a lot of screen real estate as users who are more frequent with the use of the CMS, tend to not require to see the notes after a while. Not sure how hard this would be though? Anyway, thanks for the great module!
    1 point
  16. Nice - love the Textile reference I blame you and your forebears for this crazy language!
    1 point
  17. I didn't know you liked knitting, Adrian. I, too, like textiles.
    1 point
  18. If you only need the images to be created and you know the sizes upfront, then simply call those width functions as part of the import process. $img = … // Create thumbs $img->size(700, 300); $img->width(200); …
    1 point
  19. Oh! You are quite right. Thank you. I got completely stuck into a single way of thinking (that siblings would result in a less exhaustive search) and totally blanked there. I forgot that I could use 'parent=$page->parent', even though I've used that formulation elsewhere for other things -- you know what happens when it's just you, four walls, a computer and nobody to bounce ideas off. Although, I'm not actually calculating the episode numbers for any purpose other than the navigation so using the new next/prev would make for less code there, but on the hand it might still be more efficient to stick with the findOne method.
    1 point
  20. This is already implemented - the icon is red when you are viewing code that is different from that in the original template file. Glad you dig it - pity you don't like it Btw, the Template Path panel also allows this functionality without adding $user== conditionals - if you haven't checked it out, you should experiment with it also - whether you use it or this new panel depends on how attached you are to your editor, whether you have access to it, or if you want to save the hassle of setting up a "-dev" version of the file and pushing to the server, etc. Probably in most cases I would use this new Template Editor panel for debugging and the Template Path panel for adding/testing new functionality.
    1 point
  21. I think that you: a) have only used short syntax for echo(ing) strings: <?= what is not the same as the short php opener. Please check and confirm. b) now, it is parsed and tells you that you have a parse error. A parse error at the last line of a file occures when you somewhere have an unclosed level of, e.g. foreach, if statement or something else. You have to go through your code and check if you have closed each opened one. In tis regard, I want to say that the code you use is not the best solution. I personally find it really hard to read, and it also is hard to maintain. There are many ways to keep the logic aways from the markup. Big and small solutions. But everything seems to be better than that. For example, you can do the php logic in the top of the file, and than merge it together with the markup. <?php // open the file in PHP mode, /** add comments to the file if needed. * This is a good place here. :) **/ // define a markup template with placeholders $myMarkupTemplate = " <a href='#'> <div class='port'> <img class='pic' src='[_URL_]'/> <div class='portbgrdtext'> <h5>[__GENRE__]</h5> <p>[__TEXT__]</p> <button class='portbtn'>Read More</button> </div> </div> </a> "; // now get your page and loop through your selections $portfolio = $pages->get("name=portfolio"); foreach($portfolio->portfoliopreviews as $portfoliopreview) { $search = array('[_URL_]', '[__GENRE__]', '[__TEXT__]'); $replace = array($portfoliopreview->portimg->url, $portfoliopreview->portgenre, $portfoliopreview->porttext); echo str_replace($search, $replace, $myMarkupTemplate); } Another approach could be <?php // get your page and loop through your selections $portfolio = $pages->get("name=portfolio"); foreach($portfolio->portfoliopreviews as $portfoliopreview) { $url = $portfoliopreview->portimg->url; $genre = $portfoliopreview->portgenre; $text = $portfoliopreview->porttext; echo " <a href='#'> <div class='port'> <img class='pic' src='{$url}'/> <div class='portbgrdtext'> <h5>{$genre}</h5> <p>{$text}</p> <button class='portbtn'>Read More</button> </div> </div> </a>\n"; } or you ommit the temporary variables and put out the field values directly: <?php // get your page and loop through your selections $portfolio = $pages->get("name=portfolio"); foreach($portfolio->portfoliopreviews as $portfoliopreview) { echo " <a href='#'> <div class='port'> <img class='pic' src='{$portfoliopreview->portimg->url}'/> <div class='portbgrdtext'> <h5>{$portfoliopreview->portgenre}</h5> <p>{$portfoliopreview->porttext}</p> <button class='portbtn'>Read More</button> </div> </div> </a>\n"; } There are many ways one can go.
    1 point
  22. Explains why the directory functionality that used to be there is now missing, i kinda noticed it, stopped visiting the site because now it's had to filter CMS by platform
    1 point
  23. I think they should have hire a in house developer. Its very important in any business to have the right people, sure wordpress its fine for publishing content but that should not be the main reason for ditching out processwire. At least they helped Processwire grow, Hanna Code was made for their use case of migrating a wp site to pw.
    1 point
  24. New Template Editor panel just added! This is an alternative to the Template Path panel (which I still think is a great option) if you need to edit a live site, which of course you never do The difference with this compared to Nico's Template File Editor (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/template-editor/) is that it allows you to test changes without affecting other users currently viewing the site. Note that there are three buttons: Test: This will reload the page using the code in the editor - no changes are made to the template file or the code served to all other users of the site. Push Live: This will save the editor code to the template file, making this a live and permanent change. Reset: This will reload the page (and the code in the editor) with the code from the saved template file. Possible use scenarios Use this panel similarly to your dev console for tweaking CSS/HTML - it still requires a page reload, but there are likely less clicks than your normal workflow. Use it to tweak a live site if you're away from your computer and need a quick way to fix something, but want the ability to test first without breaking something temporarily due to a simple syntax error mistake or more serious code mistake. Use it to add debug statements: fl(), bd(), d() etc to your template code without ever touching the actual template files. This is a first version of this panel - I am looking for feedback and feature/behavior suggestions. At the moment this only lets you edit the template file for the currently viewed page. I am considering adding a dropdown where you can load other files (included files, JS, CSS files etc), but want to see what you guys think.
    1 point
  25. Wow, the new Pingdom Website Speed Test result is... amazing Grade D, 10.29 seconds load time, 3.5 MB page size, and 206 (!!) requests.
    1 point
  26. It's not unusual to hear of a website moving from WP to PW but this is the first time I've heard of one going the other way. Call me crazy, but I thought a business that wants us to believe they are qualified to pass judgement on the software used to develop websites might be capable of doing their own website development and customisation in-house.
    1 point
  27. This is taken from their website.... https://www.cmscritic.com/extreme-makeover-cms-critic-edition/
    1 point
  28. Hi, I was just browsing cmscritic.com and noticed that it felt quite slow. Looking at the source it seems that they moved back to WordPress? Does anyone know what motivated this move?
    1 point
  29. I always hate those kind of answers. I mean they invested time to replicate or otherwise prove that it's not their fault, but giving any detailed information about the results cannot be done?!
    1 point
  30. Ok, slightly out of context, because it's Javascript, but these 3 videos from funfunfunction could really help you to understand those 3 functions: It's a series, watch them in sequence
    1 point
  31. $image = $page->images->get("name=picture.jpg");
    1 point
  32. Having just started with ProcessWire and delighted to find it easier than I feared it might be. My present stumbling block is trying to find the name(s) of files uploaded to a page, so that the name(s) can be made into llinks so they can be downloaded. I've tried doing a var_dump of $page, $files, and $page->file but no sign of a reference to my uploaded file. I know I could use php to query the appropriate directory, but i suspect ProceesWire has a more elegant way of doing it that I'm missing so far. Can anyone show me the light? Thanks for reading.
    1 point
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