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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2013 in all areas
This also seems interesting as maybe also seen: http://madebymany.github.io/sir-trevor-js/5 points
Soma, I was also going to post about this It looks interesting although creating content still doesn't feel very smooth. There is one thing though that I've been thinking for some time, why do people think that Json and Markdown are more semantic than HTML? To me it doesn't make any sense... Is ** more semantic than <strong>? Is Json more semantic than XML? Isn't HTML an XML way of organizing written content? HTML has come such a long way that I tend to think that it is the most efficient and semantic way of storing written content, I even wish that books would be written with it, and word processors and DTP tools would use it by default, an I would love to see better and more efficient HTML parsers coming up. Well, just a thought...3 points
Hi i would like to share with you guys, a website i made thx to Processwire. Im super happy with processwire and this community. Ty for help everyone. here is the site: chemik-police.com2 points
That's not a valid selector. You could do: $pages->find("title=asd@asd.pl"); EDIT: Wanze beat me2 points
you need so specify also what field you want to search in your selector. Also there exists $pages->count() which is faster than a find, if you don't need any values: if ($pages->count('title=asd@asd.pl')) { echo 'error'; } In your code, I noticed that you set the email addy also as page name, but for example an '@' is not supported there. You can omit setting the name and Pw will generate it for you based on the title. But if you set it yourself, then use $sanitizer->pageName(): $email = $form->get('email')->value; $p->title = $email; $p->name = $sanitizer->pageName($email); // Or delete this line... $pageName = $p->name; // What are you doing here? $name = $pageName; // And here? $p->save(); Cheers2 points
2 points
Nice! Would you mind creating three other glyphs? It would be nice having "process" and "wire" as two seperate glyphs as they are often coloured differently. Also the "w" from wire would be a nice addition to do a "picture sign" for navigations.2 points
This is a companion tutorial to the Basic Website Tutorial and the Simple News Tutorial. This tutorial teaches you how to create a multiple album gallery system in processwire using a lightbox plugin (colorbox) and a slideshow plugin (Flexslider). As with all tutorials, it is meant as a starting point for you to create your own system rather than an instant plugin. This can be used standalone on a new installation of ProcessWire, but it was initially designed on top of the Basic Website Tutorial structure. If you are new to ProcessWire, then I suggest doing that tutorial first. http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_Gallery_System Joss1 point
Had fun to create a webfont with only one single glyph: Processwire-Logo Unicode-Letter: (Unicode Block "For Private Use") I created first an svg with inkscape and created the font-set with http://icomoon.io/app (very nice website!) Like it, use it, waste it. font-package with demo file here: attachment=1836:processwire_webfont.zip updated 23.11.13 (4 Glyphs: 'processwire', 'process', 'wire' and 'w') processwire_webfont.zip1 point
I have two image type fields in my template. One is used to upload images to be used for a slideshow on the page the other is general images that a user can embed into the page content using TinyMCE. I'd like only the general images to be available in TinyMCE when you click on the image toolbar icon. Is there anyway to limit the popup image selection dialog to just one of the two fields?1 point
No need to be sorry. That is often made mistake (that still confuses me after 3 years). In my opinion it is bad design decision - probably only one there is in PW Simple and harmless setting that can break your site. Not something I wish changed now, but I think it would be cleaner to always return array. Or maybe $page->images->url return url of the first image even if an array?1 point
Yeah, I think Sir Trevor is closest what I have seen from open source world as a RTE re-imagined. Looks very promising at least!1 point
1 point
When you click on one of your languages in the site tree you don't get the usual "edit", "new", "move" menu? I am talking about moving the language pages in the site tree an the left side of the screen, not in the languages setup page you see when you go through the setup link in the top navigation. Btw, welcome to the forum!1 point
I have had this happen a couple of times before (although not for a long time, so I'd be curious what version of PW you are running). I would suggest removing the module you just tried to install - first the folder in the modules directory, and then the entry from the modules database table - fire up PHPMyAdmin to do this - hopefully your host has it or something similar.1 point
@teppo: the field does contain the value "wire_challenge". But your comment reminded me that i had modified the config file and set sessionChallenge and sessionFingerprint both to false when i had trouble login in to the manager just after moving the site to the live server. I have set these settings both to true again and now pro-cache works as expected again. So it was my own mistake that caused the wire_challenge cookies to not be set anymore1 point
@Raymond: if you check the Bypass tab of ProCache setup page, is there anything listed in "Cookies that bypass the cache"? By default wire_challenge should be there and this should effectively disable ProCache for logged in users. See Ryan's screenshot above for an example. If that field is empty or this cookie isn't listed, add and test again.1 point
I have deleted my post, because: Adrian was 4 minutes faster than me and has already said it all1 point
There are likely a couple of issues with your code. If your images field has "Maximum files allowed" set to anything but "1", you would need to do: $page->image_planet->first() because the images field is an array of more than one image. Also, you need to supply the src with the url to the image, so you would need: $page->image_planet->first()->url It's all in the cheatsheet: http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/ and the images documentation: http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/1 point
1 point
Joe, did you read the message above yours? You can set allowedContent with a radio button in the field settings. These's no reason to add config.allowedContent (unless you've taken over the config.js completely).1 point
This is great, thanks Teppo! This is something I have wanted but just didn't know how to do. I will definitely be using this.1 point
Nice. Nice. Nice! Thanks for posting the structure part too!1 point
I did not read the article but I guess it states how horribly wysiwyg editors screw up page designs, by code and in a visual way (because clients get too "creative"). That's exactly why this thread was created and there is some interest in it. To give the client a guide, within specific constraints (created by the designer/dev) to layout the page. If this goes well, a wysiwyg is not even necessary anymore. So it actually solves the problem you might see.1 point