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  1. Past hour
  2. @ryan - I need it for coupon codes which are stored underneath categorizing branch parents, but which are accessed by end users via a urlsegment on the home template. I have been using a hook to ensure duplicates can't be accidentally created and that works fine so not critical that this is added for my needs but just wanted to see if you thought it was still something that should be added to the core.
  3. @adrian I hadn't thought of that in awhile, is it something you have come up with a need for? It would probably be fairly simple for me to add.
  4. Today
  5. Hi @cwsoft, thanks for your hints, I will try the options. Günter
  6. It's long overdue for a refresh of a personal website. At least it was built on the fantastic ProcessWire! Pats website awkwardly. I gave this poor thing a makeover before it got mistaken for a museum exhibit. I hope for positive comments, but I would rather listen to what the critics say to improve. It is not yet tweaked to the details (I am on the heroin run for the proper images for service pages), but it is something I can brag about. Here is the link: Digital Marketing Montenegro
  7. Sure. You just need to register some event handler using vanilla Javascript or jQuery shipping with Processwire. Easiest way would be to simulate a mouse click on the left right HTML elements of your existing gallery when the arrow keys are pressed. Some inspiration can be found here for example.
  8. Yesterday
  9. I like to use keys instead of the mouse, whenever possible. Is there a way to walk through a gallery (eg. call the next or previous page) by cursor keys left or right?
  10. Disabling/Uninstalling SessionHandlerDB is supposed to log out any users - did you get logged out prior to seeing that message? I should've mentioned it would be a good idea to back up the database prior to disabling, just in case, but since you just moved hosts, I'd imagine whether you did or did not get a backup prior to disabling the module, you should have the ability to restore that table and its data, if need be - and/or restore to your prior host's backup state. I know a lot of people have had issue with the SessionHandlerDB, which is why I think it's a good idea to see if running the site with it disabled might help. Unfortunately, you also want to be able to use your site, and it seems something is holding on to a cache and/or expecting the table to exist. I'm not familiar with all of the modules you've mentioned, so maybe one of them needs it too?
  11. If I uninstall SessionHandlerDB, I get the following error : SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'pa-local.sessions' doesn't exist I've tried to empty cache, I can't get anything to work…
  12. Last week
  13. I haven't personally messed much with the table salt things, but usually that's related to passwords. If you can log in successfully, I'm thinking that's OK (and I would not change it). If you have a feeling there may be an issue with SessionHandlerDB, try disabling it temporarily to see what happens.
  14. This week we have another update to the ProFields table field. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog post about Table v28 and the new actions features that it added. I've been working with Table a lot for my current client project, and have found these new features very useful. But I'm doing a lot of data entry in Table and found I still wanted more. Specifically, I wanted to be able to apply some of the actions directly on the row I was working in (rather than having to select it and then scroll down to the actions). Kind of like how one can click the Trash icon on any row to delete the row... I wanted to be able to apply other actions in the same way (Add, Clone, Copy, Paste). And Table v29 (released today) does exactly that. Another desire I had is for the for row-level actions to be just really simple, with not too much to look at... something folks could use rapidly without having a lot to read. This leaves several powerful and verbose features for the actions menu you saw earlier (the one that appears under the Table). Below is a video that outlines these new row-level actions. It's actually the same video from before, but I added to it for the version 29 features. So I'll try to post a link that starts at the timecode of the new stuff. But if you haven't seen this video before, you may want to rewind to the beginning. Below is the full CHANGELOG for this version: Expanded actions support so you can also execute actions directly on individual rows, which is often more convenient than selecting rows and then applying actions. Hold down the SHIFT key before clicking the row actions select and it will convert any actions that usually append rows to instead prepend rows. This works with the the Add, Clone and Paste actions when clicked at the individual row-level. It also works with the Select action for selecting multiple rows at once. The Select action is there in part for people that may not realize you can already click the sort arrows to select the row. Removed the Vex dialogs when copying or pasting and replaced them with other visual cues to indicate successful copy and/or paste. Added a new config option for disabling the DELETE (trash) icon on individual rows when individual row actions are enabled. This is because the row actions already include a delete action, so the trash icon can be redundant for some who might prefer the additional space. For all non-page selection column types, a new "Settings" option was added (named “formattedValueType”) to indicate how the value should be represented when accessed from a formatted page. Previously the API value was always the selection value. Now you can specify that it should include both the value and label (in your choice of array), or just the label rather than the value. Table v29 beta is available for download now in the ProFields download thread. More core updates are likely for next week. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
  15. Yes, it creates files. But it creates from source files and want it to create a square WEBP file based on an existing square JPG file.
  16. @BrendonKozNo, from a template if I remember good. The method create() is not complete in my post, the page is saved at the end and I have these strange bugs in admin, so the code executes well, and the same code in another class (not the custom page class) is working fine. Looks like a bug in Pw, maybe something related with PHP namespaces and template retrieval.
  17. Other idea. Could it be some sort of conflict with the «tableSalt» which can be found in config.php ? And which was not on remote site wit PW 3.0.200 (and an 'old' config.php file). Can I empty the 'sessions' database safely ?
  18. As a follow-up : I have contacted the administrator and he solved part of the issues. He managed to import my database Sql file (which was too large (?) to be imported via PhpMyAdmin). The site seems to work although I had an "Unable to obtain lock for session". I eventually managed to get through (reloading several times, straight to the admin backend) and all went well then. But logging out and back again as a teacher, the error came back… I saw a similar post in the Forums about this. TracyDebugger is disabled… Wonder if he issue could be due to the SessionHandlerDB module or my site optimization (which could be immproved, for sure !)… And to anwser @BrendonKoz, there is a proxy server, but I have no idea what this implies !
  19. Hi @maximus, welcome to the forum. Are any webp image variations actually being generated by ProcessWire? You can check either in the admin interface on the page with the image field, or by looking in the site/assets/file/<page-id>/ folder for .webp variations of any image you saved to the page with id <page-id>
  20. @Sebi Right now, it is possible to view the OpenAPI json by going to /admin/setup/appapi/endpoints/action-get-openapi/ I want to automate building html-based documentation with Redocly CLI based on that JSON data, however because how it is currently programmed, I can't use a script to cleanly grab that JSON nor is there a method that easily gets it in that format given how the code is structured (using the executeEndpoints method doesn't get the JSON in the same way and it relies on urlSegments). Is it possible to refactor the code / create a new method that would allow getting the OpenAPI JSON directly?
  21. Hello, i have question how to make square images. I am developing an alcohol online storefront and in it I need to implement square images of bottles - so that they visually all look the same. Right now I am using the following code to position and create the images. <div class="fotorama p-4 bg-white w-full lg:w-2/5 lg:pr-4 hidden lg:block pt-16" data-nav="thumbs"> <?php if(count($page->get('images'))): foreach($page->get('images') as $image): $thumbSize = 500; $largeSize = 1000; // If image already 500x500 or less, don't do any scaling if($image->width <= 500 && $image->height <= 500) { continue; } // If image is not square else if($image->width != $image->height) { if($image->height > $image->width) { $thumb = $image->size(0, $thumbSize); $large = $image->size(0, $largeSize); } else { $ratio = $image->width / $image->height; $newWidthThumb = $thumbSize * $ratio; $newWidthLarge = $largeSize * $ratio; $thumb = $image->size($newWidthThumb, $thumbSize); $large = $image->size($newWidthLarge, $largeSize); $differenceThumb = $thumb->width - $thumbSize; $differenceLarge = $large->width - $largeSize; $thumb = $thumb->crop($differenceThumb / 2, 0, $thumbSize, $thumbSize); $large = $large->crop($differenceLarge / 2, 0, $largeSize, $largeSize); } if($thumb->width < 500 || $thumb->height < 500 || $large->width < 1000 || $large->height < 1000) { $imagickSmall = new Imagick($thumb->filename); $imagickLarge = new Imagick($large->filename); $canvasSmall = new Imagick(); $canvasLarge = new Imagick(); $canvasSmall->newImage(500, 500, new ImagickPixel('white')); $canvasLarge->newImage(1000, 1000, new ImagickPixel('white')); $canvasSmall->compositeimage($imagickSmall, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, ($canvasSmall->getImageWidth() - $thumb->width) / 2, ($canvasSmall->getImageHeight() - $thumb->height) / 2); $canvasLarge->compositeimage($imagickLarge, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, ($canvasLarge->getImageWidth() - $large->width) / 2, ($canvasLarge->getImageHeight() - $large->height) / 2); $canvasSmall->writeImage($thumb->filename); $canvasLarge->writeImage($large->filename); } } // The image is square else { $thumb = $image->size($thumbSize, $thumbSize); $large = $image->size($largeSize, $largeSize); } ?> <a href="<?=$large->url?>"><img src="<?=$thumb->url?>" class="pt-2" alt="<?=$page->title?>" width="64" height="64"></a> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php else: ?> <img src="<?=urls()->templates?>images/notfound.png" width="64" height="64" alt=""> <?php endif; ?> </div> The code works great and generates square images. BUT! When I try to add webp support <a href="<?=$large->webp->url?>"><img src="<?=$thumb->webp->url?>" class="pt-2" alt="<?=$page->title?>" width="64" height="64"></a> <?php endforeach; ?> code nothing works. There is a crop image function, but no function to position the image centered with the background added. How to implement this as simple as possible, using core functions and adding webp support ?
  22. Lots more Adminer updates in the last couple of weeks, but the key things are: 1) Shift-click on the DB icon links will now open Adminer in full mode rather than with the Tracy panel 2) Page, template, field, etc ID within Adminer table views are now linked - note the page title (and path) and the link to edit that page - this comes from hovering on any of the id, parent_id, templates_id, created_users_id, modified_users_id, etc. These sorts of links are present throughout including linking to modules from the "modules" table, hanna_code, pages_meta, etc. It also works for all Page Reference field's page IDs in Profields Table "field_table" tables, Profields Combo, repeater, RM fields, etc. Hopefully you'll all find this as useful as I am.
  23. @bernhard You are completely right! 🤦‍♂️ We can consider that solved, I guess. Thank you!
  24. Hey @Juergen, thank you! That was so quick that I am not sure whether I can test and implement it before you release the next version. 😄 Visually it looks great to me! 👍 But I think, the method should be "smart" and also check whether the module has "fired" yet or if it will in the future (which should not be to hard as it is just a date comparison). I think the big value in highlighting pages in the page tree is in reminding the user that there WILL be a change to this page. The user should not be bothered by pages that already have been (un)published by the module and there could be a lot of those. You could even include a tooltip that gives detailed information on the (un)publication of the page if the user hovers over the clock icon like "Will be (un)published on XX.XX.XXXX – XX:XX:XX". I really love how quick you implement feedback. Thank you again! 🙂
  25. Hello Flo, should it look like this: At the moment the icon will be displayed if a start and/or an end time has been set, but id does not take care if a change will happen in the future (publishing or unpublishing of the page)
  26. Sure 😊 https://processwire.com/docs/fields/select-options-fieldtype/#multi-language-translating-options
  27. I didn't think about that, but it could be. I don't want to make assumptions about ease of implementation. Breaking changes could be mitigated with fallbacks- use the env if it's available, and fall back to config object if not. I think what would be a true PW4 change would be full adoption of .env and deprecation of config.php. A case could be made that fallbacks now can introduce gradual adoption and make a breaking change in PW4 less impactful. I hadn't seen this discussed there in a formal repo thread before, but good to see interest elsewhere. IMHO, the initial framing of the request around 12 factor apps could have been simplified to just benefits and good practice. Conversely, the argument that not everyone is building 12 factor apps isn't a case against it. All said- I don't want to be critical of a conversation that happened that long ago, I mean- who would I be to talk? I wasn't using .env files in 2017 🤷‍♂️ I do want to share a thought on this specifically in ProcessWire context. One of my favorite things about PW is the file structure philosophy where core lives in /wire and templates, styles, additional modules, assets, etc. live in /site. Site is a living breathing volatile folder and the domain of the developer to extend ProcessWire as a project demands. Replacing /wire is one of the most frictionless upgrade concepts ever and it's flat out elegant. It would be great to see the /site folder adopt that- a true "drag-and-drop" self-contained application directory that can be deployed anywhere ProcessWire exists. The /wire directory wouldn't be dependent on /site, and (aside from core version) /site wouldn't be coupled to /wire. Consider that the root directory is already environment specific. The .htaccess file, node_modules, vendor, .git, etc. are all in environment context. The use of .env fits here. This may come off as an esoteric or abstract argument, but think about how much time you spend naming things in programming and tell me that's not the world we live in 🤣 To address a point in that Github thread as to considerations made inside /site for environment, such as an 'if' statement whether on dev or production, I think that's great for application logic that responds to the environment but does not alter it. It would be great to see this adopted into core, but as always with a project like ProcessWire it's up to the people doing the great work of maintaining and improving it to determine priority. Even if it's not implemented in core, I hope to have made a case for adoption in individual projects.
  28. Thanks for the insights @bernhard, so about the loading order That's the part I was wondering about, since it used to be the other way around in earlier version of RF, as far as I remember. I was wondering if that was an intentional change. Just autoloading the UIKit CSS and JS files (without defer) in the current build gives me pretty bad FOUC and Firefox complaining If I reverse the order by disabling autoload and rendering the assets manually those Firefox warnings disappear, and I feel like the pages render a lot smoother in FF. As for other libs I'm using on a regular basis, at least Leaflet is pretty specific about the loading order of CSS and JS, see here https://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start/ But I guess that too could be handled via the "defer" method you described earlier. Just need to keep it in mind 😄
  29. @ryan - just following up on the comment by @Denis Schultz - now 4 years on, are you still planning on adding that "Unique" checkbox for Text and Integer fields?
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