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  On 7/31/2019 at 9:02 AM, iNoize said:

EDIT: Have stiill problems. If I edit something in the default_templates the Module dont use the new changes
Something with cache or how can i  change this ?


Yes, in Pages2Pdf module settings :



You can stay with PHP 7.3.x, and you can also try the same method to update it with the last mPDF version. If it didn't work, then use an older mPDF version like I did. 

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  On 7/31/2019 at 10:15 AM, flydev said:

Yes, in Pages2Pdf module settings :



You can stay with PHP 7.3.x, and you can also try the same method to update it with the last mPDF version. If it didn't work, then use an older mPDF version like I did. 


Don't really work for me with the 1 in the cache. I'll try to update mpdf and set php to 7.3 maybe then. 

EDIT: Ok the latest mpdf have other filestrukture i think i cant replace the folder so easy also i will stay at 6.1 but i cant see my custom template files. Where could the problem be ? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a really great module! Thanks a lot!

On localhost it works perfect. But on the server I have the problem, that it don't creat the pdf file correctly. The file has only 0 Bytes and there is an error if I open it. Somethink like "the file is damaged". Does somebody has an idea where to problem is? On Chrome DevTools is this error:

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/pdf:

Thanks for your help.


<a href="<?php echo $page->url;?>?pages2pdf=1">PDF erstellen</a>


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  • 4 weeks later...

SOLVED: On the server "readfile()" was disallowed

One problem was, that I used PHP 7.2 on the server. Now i changed to PHP 5.6.

But if I click on the Link (<a href="<?php echo $page->url;?>?pages2pdf=1">PDF erstellen</a>), the file is saved on the server in /site/assets/files/page-id. But no visiual download ond the webpage. It opens just a empty page with the following url: .../page_name?pages2pdf=1. On localhost it works. Does somebody has an idea where my fault is? Thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello I get this Error if I try to Execute ImportPagesFrom XML 


Fatal Error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Pages2Pdf::getPDFFilePath() must be an instance of Language, instance of ProcessWire\Language given, called in /usr/www/users/ulmmsc/2018cms/site/modules/Pages2Pdf/Pages2Pdf.module on line 177 and defined in /usr/www/users/ulmmsc/2018cms/site/modules/Pages2Pdf/Pages2Pdf.module:259

Language Support is installed. 

Also is Multilanguage Checked in the pages2PDF Module 

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Guys I'm really desperate. The templates can not be changed, I have no idea why. Not the headers or not the default it always stays the same.

It also does not work with Multilanguage. Is nobody there who can help me?

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The better the questions the better the answers. 

  On 10/2/2019 at 1:54 PM, iNoize said:

The templates can not be changed, I have no idea why.


You cannot expect that forum members can remember the exact problem that you have posted several weeks ago. Describe your problem. Try to make it reproducable (eg by providing a site profile of a clean installation that shows the problem) and I'm sure there will be someone who can help you.

Sometimes even describing the problem as good as you can brings you to the solution ? 

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Just to get the records straight...

  • ProcessWire version?
  • Multilanguage profile or another profile made multilanguage?
  • How many languages?
  • Does it work in any of the languages?
  • PHP version?
  • Module version?
  • How do you generate the PDFs? Code snippet would be great
  • Where do you create the PDFs - frontend or backend?
  • Templates: page or PDF?
  • Template location?
  • Template strategy - delayed, direct, regions?
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@bernhard @wbmnfktr

Thanks for the fast answer. So i try to describe the situation. 

ProcessWire 3.0.126 © 2019
PHP 7.2  


So now if i try to change the templates in /site/modules/Pages2Pdf/default_templates
for example 

<h1><?= $page->get('headline|title') ?></h1>
<p><?= $page->body ?></p>

<?php if (count($page->immo_images)): ?>
    <?php foreach ($page->immo_images as $image): ?>
        <div class="image">
        <img src="<?= $image->size(400, 400)->url ?>" alt="<?= $image->description ?>" />
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

 * Pages2Pdf default header markup
 * Styles defined in styles.css file
 * You can use {PAGENO} for the current page number and {nbpg} for the total of pages

<div class="head">Test </div>
Hier kommt EXPOSE 
Hallo WELT 

Then try to generate the file on the site 


$options = array(
  'title' => 'Expose als PDF',
  'markup' => '<a href="{url}" target="_blank" class="btn button-sm border-button-theme col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12 margin-b-10"  >{title}</a>',
  //'page_id' => '', // Pass a page ID if you want to download the PDF for another page
echo $modules->get('Pages2Pdf')->render($options);

nothing happens. 
It generates always the same PDF see as attached. 
There is the standart header and footer. 
Also on the content is the standart code. 





neubau-einfamilienhaus-in-burgrieden-pdf-1148 (1).pdfFetching info...

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I tried this:

  • fresh 3.0.123 installation
  • multilanguage profile
  • PHP 7.2
  • latest Pages2PDF module


At first I saw no changes at all because I changed the wrong templates in /site/modules/Pages2PDF/default_templates/ and not those in /site/templates/pages2pdf/.

Right now... all I can say is: it's working as expected. Sure... there is no custom code in my page templates or anythings. Just the basic stuff.

My recommendation: try it with a simple basic template without anything else in it. Maybe even blindtext. Maybe the reason for your errors are at a different place than the module itself.

Update: just saw in your post that you ARE in the wrong folder with the wrong templates.

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ok thats really embrrassing now. 

With the Templates I was in the wrong path. The module  path not the template. 

With the multilanguage i installed not the profile only the module (part of PW Multilanguage Support )
But thanks a lot for the HELP. Now it works with the PDF files without multilanguage. 


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@wbmnfktr OK I think the error is not in the pages2pdf I use to import files the ImportPages2Xml module and when the multilanguage is on then the error comes that pages2pdf

Fatal Error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Pages2Pdf::getPDFFilePath() must be an instance of Language, instance of ProcessWire\Language given, called in /usr/www/users/ulmmsc/2018cms/site/modules/Pages2Pdf/Pages2Pdf.module on line 177 and defined in /usr/www/users/ulmmsc/2018cms/site/modules/Pages2Pdf/Pages2Pdf.module:259
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/15/2017 at 8:14 AM, maxf5 said:

Hi bernhard,

thank you for the hint.  The image field is set as single element.

  <td colspan="1" style="padding:15px">
    <img src="<?= $page->navimg->url; ?>" width="220"/>
    <p><?= $page->navimg->url ?></p>

something between ..

<?php if ($page->images->count > 0) : ?>
    $gallery = $page->images;
    $gallery = $gallery->slice(0,4);
   foreach ($gallery as $image): ?>
      <img src="<?= $image->size(200, 200)->url ?>" width="200" height="200"/>
  <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>


template part:

$optionspdf = array(
  'title' => 'Datenblatt',
  'markup' => '<a class="uk-button gaming" href="{url}" download>{title}</a>',
  'pageFormat' => 'A4'
echo $modules->get('Pages2Pdf')->render($optionspdf);






Hello, have somebody solved it now ? 
The Problem i found out is with the png . 

Tried it with jpg it works. 
How to handle it with PNG Files ? 

Updated the mpdf to 6.1 


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I don't know what it was in my case but one of these things fixed it or at least I got the .png files in my PDFs:

  • using relative path to the file
  • installing GD and PHP GD extension (or was it ImageMagick?)

And somehow I was able to get more details about the problems aka got a real error message but it's way too long ago as I can remember this in full detail. 


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  • 2 months later...

Hi there,

I'm unable to set the page orientation to landscape. Any clues ?

Here's what I have in my 'pages2pdf' folder (hence my PDF template) (triggered by a simple front-end link on which I added ?pages2pdf=1' in the url) :

	$pdf = $modules->get("WirePDF");
	$df->pageOrientation = "L";
	echo "This is a test";

But my PDF is still in portrait mode ?

I have also tried this in the front-end page having the PDF download link :

	echo $modules->get("Pages2Pdf")->render(["pageOrientation"=>"L"]);

but clicking the generated link still gives me a PDF in portrait mode ?

On my site, I have many PDF generated this way, but there were all in portrait mde so I've never had to manage such an issue.

If you have an idea, I'd appreciate. Thanks !


Edit : Still stuck ? For further information, I'm using pages2Pdf 1.1.7 and PW 3.0.123. What I find weird, in my backend modules list, I have WirePDF saying version 0.0.0 and Inactive. Is this normal ?

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Back again on my preceding matters (sorry to insist...)

I've just noticed this recurring line in my modules log :


"Configurable module check failed for WirePDF, retrying..."


Do you think this could explain my previous case ?

Any advice on what I should do ? Should I try and reinstall Oages2Pdf completely ? (I'm scared of breaking things).

Thanks !

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  • 1 month later...


I've used this module in the past and it's been great but now I'm having problems.


  • Page to output as PDF is different to current page so included link in the template as per instructions
  • Created template in pages2pdf/ templates dir with same name as page template
  • Configured module to use header & footer
  • Set Cache time to 1 to minimise caching while testing
  • Configured Creation Mode to "On click..." as there is no need to store the PDF's on the server

All good so far. Just needed to tweak the topMargin to that the header didn't overlap the main content. That's where I got into trouble.

To eliminate any caching issues, I change $config->debug to true and this was the result:

  Reveal hidden contents

It went on with a lot of garbage and nothing was downloaded.

Switched $config->debug back to false and at least got the download happening.

I need to increase the size of the header so it doesn't overlap the main content. Read the doco and tried to implement the recommendations in every place possible without success.


How do I change the top margin without hacking the default "30" in the module?

Using PW v3.0.148 and Pages2PDF v1.1.7


WirePDF requires the pdf to be saved in order to apply any config changes such as the top margin.




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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...


I wanted to use Pages2Pdf to create a pdf in a module. It nearly works, but

  1. Images which I store in the same folder as the templates aren't shown. Neither
    <img src="/site/templates/pages2pdf/logo.png" alt="" width="700">


    <img src="logo.png" alt="" width="700">
  2. I need to display some data from my method in the module:
      public function ___executeTickets_Pdf() {
    	$data = $this->ticket; 	
    	$pdf = $this->modules->get('WirePDF');
    <?php $data['prename'] ?>

    don't work...

Does someone have a hint? Thanks!

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  • 4 months later...

I have this module working as it should. 

When I turn of TracyDebugger I get these errors. Anybody know why this is?


  Reveal hidden contents



Edited by kongondo
very long text placed inside spoiler
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