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SnipWire - Snipcart integration for ProcessWire


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Well, the first thing that springs to mind is: Can I add a quantity in the frontend? I don't see a possibility to change the quantity either in the cart (select or number input field, or stepper).

btw: I got a JS error re: jQuery - I had to remove the jQuery integrity hash from the module settings

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2 minutes ago, dragan said:

Well, the first thing that springs to mind is: Can I add a quantity in the frontend? I don't see a possibility to change the quantity either in the cart (select or number input field, or stepper).

btw: I got a JS error re: jQuery - I had to remove the jQuery integrity hash from the module settings



3 minutes ago, dragan said:

I got a JS error re: jQuery - I had to remove the jQuery integrity hash from the module settings

Could you please post the complete JS error?

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5 minutes ago, dragan said:

OK, I guess it has to do with what you mentioned earlier: I am using delayed output... Guess I have to rewrite the test templates.

It should be no matter which output strategy you use.

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hmmm, so I rewrote the templates, and made sure the three required frontend assets are loaded (Snipcart JS + CSS  + jQuery), but it looks completely un-styled, and there is no quantity-stepper anywhere.



I've even added UIKit CSS + JS now... it looks a bit different, but still... far from the screens you posted. Maybe I'll try on a new PW installation with the regular profile. While it's certainly nice that you provided such a test-setup with templates and dummy products, I think it shouldn't be dependant on what site profile you used when installing PW. If I inspect certain elements that have classed, I don't see any style definitions.

But maybe the problem is elsewhere... here are the (probably) relevant settings on the product page:


But I guess what I see is "stackable" variety... When I inspect the button, I see:

<button class="snipcart-add-item uk-button uk-button-primary" title="Add to cart" aria-label="Add item to cart" data-item-name="Axolotl Juicer" data-item-id="JUICER_123" data-item-price="{&quot;chf&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;eur&quot;:&quot;8.50&quot;,&quot;usd&quot;:&quot;10&quot;}" data-item-url="http://pw.test/en/snipcart-shop/axolotl-juicer/" data-item-description="Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur." data-item-image="http://pw.test/site/assets/files/23131/beer3.65x65-hidpi.jpg" data-item-metadata="{&quot;id&quot;:23131,&quot;created&quot;:1581076192,&quot;modified&quot;:1581078285,&quot;published&quot;:1581076192,&quot;created_users_id&quot;:41,&quot;modified_users_id&quot;:41}" data-item-quantity="1" data-item-quantity-step="1" data-item-stackable="false" data-item-taxable="true" data-item-taxes="CH" data-item-has-taxes-included="true" data-item-shippable="true"><span uk-icon="icon: cart" class="uk-icon"></span> Add to cart</button>

but no quantity stepper markup anywhere.

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4 hours ago, dragan said:

But I guess what I see is "stackable" variety... When I inspect the button, I see:

<button class="snipcart-add-item uk-button uk-button-primary" title="Add to cart" aria-label="Add item to cart" data-item-name="Axolotl Juicer" data-item-id="JUICER_123" data-item-price="{&quot;chf&quot;:&quot;10&quot;,&quot;eur&quot;:&quot;8.50&quot;,&quot;usd&quot;:&quot;10&quot;}" data-item-url="http://pw.test/en/snipcart-shop/axolotl-juicer/" data-item-description="Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur." data-item-image="http://pw.test/site/assets/files/23131/beer3.65x65-hidpi.jpg" data-item-metadata="{&quot;id&quot;:23131,&quot;created&quot;:1581076192,&quot;modified&quot;:1581078285,&quot;published&quot;:1581076192,&quot;created_users_id&quot;:41,&quot;modified_users_id&quot;:41}" data-item-quantity="1" data-item-quantity-step="1" data-item-stackable="false" data-item-taxable="true" data-item-taxes="CH" data-item-has-taxes-included="true" data-item-shippable="true"><span uk-icon="icon: cart" class="uk-icon"></span> Add to cart</button>

but no quantity stepper markup anywhere.

You need to activate the field "Product is stackable" otherwise there will be added a separate item each time you click the "Add to cart" button.

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I don't know your setup for the frontend templates and what you changed in the samples, but if you use the plain "Regular" site profile from PW installation it should work like in the screenshots.

I decided to use the "Regular" profile for the samples because it has easy understandable templates and the most modern output strategy. Also with its replaceable markup regions, it was very easy to implement a shop interface without changing too much.

SnipWire is built with the ProcessWire philosophy: To be as flexible as possible and to absolutely let the site developer decide what will be outputted in the front-end.

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UPDATE 2020-02-08

SnipWire 0.8.2 (beta) released!

Its now possible to change the cart and catalogue currency by GET, POST or SESSION param via form submit or by adding an URL param or setting a session variable!

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@Gadgetto OK, since I don't really need any kind of shop solution, I decided to uninstall SnipWire. That was... an unpleasant experience. This took me about half an hour. The regular module uninstall routine didn't work for anything SnipWire-related. There were warning about pages or fields or templates having the system-flag. The page under admin > setup was undeleteable. In the end I had to delete two pages that were in the trash directly in the database. I hope there is nothing else left in the PW installation now in some hidden corners...

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Thank you @dragan, very constructive critic! Sorry you didn't like SnipWire...

28 minutes ago, dragan said:

There were warning about pages or fields or templates having the system-flag.

There is a single page under admin > setup which has the system flag (I decided to use the system flag because if this page is deleted SnipWire won't work). I just have not yet implemented the uninstall routine for this special page in the beta. #todo

If you have a look at the docs: https://docs.bitego.com/snipwire/getting-started/install-uninstall/ the following is stated:


In addition to the 4 module packages it is highly recommended to also install the Snipcart products package!
The products package contains product templates, files, fields and some demo pages required to build a Snipcart product catalogue. This additional step is needed to prevent unintended deletion of your Snipcart products catalogue when the main module is uninstalled. These resources need to be removed manually if you like to completely uninstall SnipWire!

All other SnipWire components are uninstalled perfectly here (just tested)!

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23 minutes ago, Gadgetto said:

very constructive critic!

Sorry, I know it's beta, I read (and can only imagine) how much work was involved. And as I stated before, it really is a nice touch to have that luxury of installing a few test pages instead of having to create them manually from scratch - just with a few clicks. And I was seriously impressed by the feature-set, the dashboard etc. However, uninstalling a PW module (no matter how big, if free or commercial) shouldn't be something that takes more than 2-3 minutes. I'm probably spoiled, but I just thought I'd mention it here anyway.

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38 minutes ago, dragan said:

Sorry, I know it's beta, I read (and can only imagine) how much work was involved. And as I stated before, it really is a nice touch to have that luxury of installing a few test pages instead of having to create them manually from scratch - just with a few clicks. And I was seriously impressed by the feature-set, the dashboard etc. However, uninstalling a PW module (no matter how big, if free or commercial) shouldn't be something that takes more than 2-3 minutes. I'm probably spoiled, but I just thought I'd mention it here anyway.

No problem, ? I know the uninstaller needs some work to be perfect. Uninstalling a shop system and such a huge plugin is nothing trivial. Page<->field<->template dependencies needs to be resolved and you need to be very careful to prevent unintended deletion of your whole products catalogue and templates.

I'm just thinking about a "fire-and-forget" uninstaller which can only be called via URL param...

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I haven't tried snipwire yet, but regarding the uninstall I have two suggestions/ideas:

1) Maybe SnipWire could state clearly before installation, that it is not trivial to uninstall this module and it might be the best option to restore a backup in case you want to get rid of snipwire. That would of course be not possible on a live system when some data has changed. In that case it might be the easiest solution to provide step by step instructions to uninstall everything manually.

2) Maybe https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/RockMigrations have some helpful code snippets that you can use for the uninstall routine?


RockMigrations are built in a way that they do NOT ask for any confirmations. That means if you delete a template all related pages that use that template are also deleted. That can be too destructive in some situations but can be exactly what you want in others...

Thx for all your efforts @Gadgetto - as I said I haven't tried it yet, but it seems you are doing a great job!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, @bernhard,

sorry for my late response! Just stumbled across your post.

Thanks for your hints! I've updated the installer page to clearly state which resources will be installed and why the extended installer is necessary and why it's a good idea to backup. I also put a lot of effort into the install/uninstall process and greatly improved the thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE 2020-03-01

SnipWire 0.8.3 (beta) released!

In this new release the installation and uninstallation process has been heavily revised! The module and its submodules should now uninstall perfectly. To preserve the full products catalogue and products data, all fields with the custom field type FieldtypeSnipWireTaxSelector are now converted to FieldtypeText on uninstall. If yo want to reinstall SnipWire and reuse your previous products catalogue, you simply need to change the taxes field back to FieldtypeSnipWireTaxSelector.

Here is the complete list of changes:

  • Updated products package installer to add specific module config on install
  • The uninstallation process is now much more reliable
  • FieldtypeSnipWireTaxeSelector is now uninstalled properly (existing fields are converted to FieldtypeText)
  • Refactored ExtendedInstaller class to be more reliable
  • Extended resources installer page is now more user friendly
  • Fixed product price JSON output if a currency field is missing
  • Small fixes and code enhancements
  • Updated apexcharts.js vendor plugin to version 3.15.6
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Has anyone here worked with SnipCart's webhooks yet?

I can't find an example in their docs of a fully formed webhook file, nor am I quite sure how I would imitate their examples along with the PW API to call things so I don't have to manually enter every product, for example. Their webhook examples also seem to contain hardcoded info that should be drawn from the session?

I'm trying to set up both gift cards, and extra notifications for subscription events.



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Hi @creativejay,

you can hook into SnipWire‘s predefined webhook methods. Please have a look into the Webhooks class starting at this lines: 


For creating/importing products it would be best to write a small importer using the PW API which creates SnipWire (ProcessWire) pages.

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Ah, thanks!

Now... Could I please get some help with the hook?

  • I've written the following (site/ready.php) but see nothing in the logs and no email arrives
  • I suspect I'm starting wrong in how I retrieve the SnipWire/SnipCart order data
  • SnipCart is currently in TEST mode
  • I've confirmed the SMTP settings in the WireMail SMTP module configuration
  • I'm operating on the assumption that the $event returned for this Hook contains the subscription information as shown on: https://docs.snipcart.com/v2/webhooks/subscription-events
$wire->addHookAfter('SnipWire::handleSubscriptionCreated', function($event) { 
    $snip_input = $event->arguments(0); 
	$event_json = json_decode($snip_input); 
    $mail = $wire->modules('WireMailSmtp'); // calling WireMail SMTP to send a notification since SnipCart doesn't
    $clientEmail = $snip_input->getChildByName('user')->email->value; // Fetching customer's email
    $clientName = $snip_input->getChildByName('user')->fullName->value; // Fetching customer's Full Name
    $products = $snip_input->getChildByName('items'); // Fetching an array of the items in the cart
    foreach($products as $p) {
		// For each product in the cart, we send the corresponding coach an email
        $coach = $p->getChildByName('Coach')->value;  // The coach selected at checkout
   		$kvcoach = $wire->pages->get("title=$coach"); // Coach will have a matching page on the site
    	$coachEmail = $kvcoach->email; // get email from that page's fields

		$to = array('user@domain.com'); // including the admin (me) in the TO for testing
		array_push($to,$coachEmail); // add coach's email to array
	    $cart = $p->getChildByName('name'); // product name from this order item

		try { 
	        $body = $coach . ", you have a new client! " . $clientName . " (". $clientEmail.") has subscribed to: " . $cart . "<br /><br />" . "<pre>" . var_export($event_json, true) . "</pre>";
	        $subject = $clientName . " (". $clientEmail.") has signed up for ". $cart;
		catch (\Exception $e) {
	     $error = "Email not sent: " . $e->getMessage();


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@creativejay I must admit, now I've gotten myself into a bit of a mess. Unfortunately, most of the hookable methods are not yet ready. I am currently working on the final implementation. Sorry, you'll have to be patient. i’ll let you know when it is ready.

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