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PDF Downloads Sidebar


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Hi all

I am very new to ProcessWire, but have managed to create a content managed site in super quick time! :)

I currently have 2 templates, home and content - that's all I've needed!

But now I need to add a new column on the right of my pages that will hold a list of PDF downloads. The list of downloads will be different on each page - some will have a few, some will have none.

Each item in the list needs a name, thumbnail image, and document to link to.

I was tempted to create a new template for each, but I don't think that's the way to go. Would I do this like a list of news articles? But then I don't know how to specify which 'articles' appear on which page?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

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It the files differ per page you can create a repeater field with the fields you mentioned above.

If you want the files to be 'selectable', so you can use the same file on multiple pages a seperate tree with it's own template would be my way to go. You can use the Page fieldtype to connect the page/sidebar to the download. Basicly you use a page as a download. This might seem strange, but it's a bit how ProcessWire works. Pages are not always pages in the context of the web, but more as objects or nodes.

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To continue from where Arjen left - I would probably create two new templates:

files & file

Files would get only one (hidden) page (/files/) and maybe not template file at all. No need for other fields than title either. Then file-template would get file-field, image-field for thumbnail and maybe textfield for extended summary (if needed).

Then the "special glue" is to create page-field called: "files". Allow it to choose multiple pages and give it nice inputfield (asmSelect probably best here). Then configure it to have pages under your /files/ page. Then add this files-field to your "content" template and you are ready to go!

On template level it would work like this (content.php):

// Loop the pages you have chosen in your files-page reference field
foreach($page->files as $p) {
// And then echo the stuff those pages have in their fields
echo "<a href='{$p->file->url}'>$p->title</a>";

PS: The files template is not necessary at all, but it will allow you to set /files/ page to have children with only file-template. This will keep your content clean in the long run, and also it will hold a nice place if you want to extend and offer some "file search" or something like that.

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Great additions.

I often also create the page Files in a seperate page called /downloads/files/. This way you can use the /downloads/ page to hold multiple stuff like /downloads/categories/ or /downloads/tags/. I then use the /downloads/ page as a passthrough if the files need to be non accessable from the outside. But this doesn't seem to be necessary in this case ;)

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arjen, apeisa - thank-you.

I have used a repeater field and it's just what I need. One problem I have though - I've defined a 'file' field as part of my repeater, but when I try to add a PDF document it says that .pdf is not a valid file extension. Is it not possible to have PDF or do I need a different field type?

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