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Multiple sites with local control


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Hi there, I am looking at creating a lot (between 25 & 120 over time) of sub-domains that are for regions of a parent company. Most of the content I want to be able to populate at the central admin once, however, I would like to give the local site owners the chance to create content for some areas themselves. I have seen Soma's multisite module but wonder if this is appropriate for my use, or if there are other ideas? Appreciate any comments.

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3 hours ago, opalepatrick said:

I am just trying to get my head around centrally updating umpteen subdomains whilst allowing some update in each of those subdomain by the regional user.

  1. Do you need to actually update the sub-domains in the sense that you want to save to their databases OR
  2. Do you need them to reflect some changes made to the central site? (i.e. changes made and saved in central site database)

If #2, the you can pull the changes made in the central website and display them in the sub-domains using ProcessWire's multi-instance feature

Actually, if #1, you can also use multi-instance but that will need a bit more work since you will have to be saving to sub-domains as well.

What sort of updates will these be? Text? What about the fields, complex (like Repeaters) or Text inputs?

You will also need to decide on what triggers the 'fetching' or 'pushing' of new data from/to the sub-domains. Cron? Web views?

You could also use REST API for this.

In a hurry, hope above make sense.

Edited by kongondo
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9 hours ago, opalepatrick said:

Actually, it was the #2 @kongondo thank you. I need to read up on the multi-instance feature :-)

That should make your work a bit easier then. Note that currently, multi-instance requires that your PW installations are local (i.e. on the same server) and accessible on the file system. 


The difficulty in your case is editing the template files responsible for pulling data from the central site. Say the data from the central site will be pulled by home.php template files in your sub-domain sites, you will have 100+ home.php files to edit (hopefully once).  On the flip side, it means you have per/site control about the data from the central site you want a sub-domain site to pull in.

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On 2/26/2018 at 11:19 AM, kongondo said:

The difficulty in your case is editing the template files responsible for pulling data from the central site. Say the data from the central site will be pulled by home.php template files in your sub-domain sites, you will have 100+ home.php files to edit (hopefully once).  On the flip side, it means you have per/site control about the data from the central site you want a sub-domain site to pull in.

I've gone this way leveraging on shell scripts to automate things (update files in the multiple site/templates folder) and if I need to add fields or anything database related, I use Migrations module which includes a CLI to run migrations on multiple installations without going through the graphic interface.

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