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Module: Blog


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Hi all....

Apologies...I think I am now several months behind in respect of all my modules...I am still swamped with other stuff. My "I'll get to this next week.." have come and gone. I'am desisting from uttering such words for now... :). I am hoping to get to things as soon as I can....This may take a while...


Thanks for using the module. About the main dashboard timing out, as you can see here (my bad) that has been on my to do list for a while. The other dashboards all have a limit (default = 10 if not set per user), hence don't time out (e.g. here....for Posts dashboard). For now, a quick solution for you would be to place a limit on that line...Of course that would mean it won't reflect a true count...but you could change the line as well to only display the latest posts. Eventually, I will address this more elegantly but unfortunately I don't have a firm time scale right now...


Thanks for reminding me about this..

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  On 7/25/2015 at 1:02 AM, hansv said:

Hi  When installing ProcessBlog & MarkupBlog I selected the blogstyle 4 (add post as child of 'Home').   I rearranged my pages and now it should be blogstyle 1.  Add post is still as child of 'Home'!   How can I change the blogstyle from 4 to 1 ?


Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. The easiest way is to use the 'Cleanup Utility' to uninstall the Blog components (pages, fields, templates) and run the install wizard again (i.e. the second part of the install). Otherwise, you would have to fiddle with raw database values to change a whole lot of things. It can be done, but you need to know what you are doing.

Thanks for using Blog.. :)  

  On 6/17/2015 at 9:53 PM, Sephiroth said:

Any plans to add gravatar or avatar to comments and if not, am looking to implement one for my website, you don't mind pull-requests ?

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Blog utilises the (core) Comments Module that ships with PW. You'd have to direct this request to Ryan.

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I belie

  On 8/10/2015 at 8:47 PM, kongondo said:


Thanks for using the module. About the main dashboard timing out, as you can see here (my bad) that has been on my to do list for a while. The other dashboards all have a limit (default = 10 if not set per user), hence don't time out (e.g. here....for Posts dashboard). For now, a quick solution for you would be to place a limit on that line...Of course that would mean it won't reflect a true count...but you could change the line as well to only display the latest posts. Eventually, I will address this more elegantly but unfortunately I don't have a firm time scale right now...

Unfortunately he already tried that based on my suggestion here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10609-processwire-site-header-and-footer-used-in-wordpress-blog/?p=100209

Are there any other places I have missed where adding a limit might help?

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  On 6/14/2015 at 3:39 PM, lpa said:

I have enabled tags for blog_images field to use the featured image feature, but the tags are not saving. What could be the reason for tags not saving? I am using the latest dev version 2.6.4.

Are referring to the tags of an image field? If so, this is a question for Ryan really since it is outside the Blog Module's control. If you are still experiencing this problem, please file your question in the general support forum or if you've confirmed it is a bug, in GitHub (PW-dev).

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  On 8/10/2015 at 8:55 PM, adrian said:

Unfortunately he already tried that based on my suggestion here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10609-processwire-site-header-and-footer-used-in-wordpress-blog/?p=100209

Are there any other places I have missed where adding a limit might help?

Ah, I missed that. Lines #818 and #821 also need limits (or some other filter)....(sloppy coding!!! Will optimise all three [eventually]....)....

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  On 8/10/2015 at 9:05 PM, kongondo said:

Ah, I missed that. Lines #818 and #821 also need limits (or some other filter)....(sloppy coding!!! Will optimise all three [eventually]....)....

I saw those two, but figured that since they are $pages->count() calls they wouldn't be a problem as they are not loading those page into memory - right ?

Oops, they are count($pages....), rather than $pages->count(). Maybe that simple change would make a big difference.

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@ kongondo @adrian - Unfortunately, even adding the limit=10 to all three areas, still loads very slowly. What I don't get is why /admin/blog/posts/ loads so fast and displays all post quickly? Also an FYI, i have 420 posts at the moment. 

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Yeah, will revisit this when I can find some time...For now, alternatively, you can skip the dashboard by making it redirect to posts....(so posts dashboard will be the landing page...)

This at the top of the function blogDashboard should do it (i.e., insert as line #799):

$this->session->redirect(wire('page')->url . "posts/");//redirect to posts dashboard
Edited by kongondo
added code
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@Kongondo -  Okay, cool. I will have to use this for now. I don't think the rest of the module is broken or anything. I think just the loading of the dashboard is buggy. Unless you think I shouldn't run the module on a site that is going to grow at 3-4 posts per week?

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Found a bit of time to work on this. The Authors' Dashboard was also relatively slow. Worked on that as well. Using a combination of $pages->count() (thanks @adrian) and raw SQL queries (as explained here) and testing using 10,011 posts, the main Dashboard loads in 0.3 seconds on my machine. I think that's an acceptable time :) (given the 10+ seconds it took me to load main Dashboard with 5K posts). Although I tested with a minimal comments count, I don't think this will make much difference where there's lots of comments (using SQL for the counts). I will also look at Categories and Tags (in cases where these could run into thousands) just to be sure. Posts Dashboard loads fast as usual. Unfortunately, I still don't have time to merge the new changes any time soon.


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  On 7/29/2015 at 9:40 AM, iNoize said:


I have some trouble with the blog-author role. 

 I have also an editor role which can edit and add the pages. 


       - editor-role


but only superuser can edit the Pages. How I can handle this problem ? 


The module only creates the role 'blog-author'. You have to assign the right permissions to that role yourself (when editing the role itself) and check and edit the respective blog templates' access controls (i.e. the 'what roles can access the pages using this template' setting in a template's access tab).

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  On 5/29/2015 at 11:21 AM, derelektrischemoench said:

Good afternoon, fellas,

sooo I installed the blog module, and it works totally fine, kicking ass and everything, I love it.

I'm currently working on a site which is not a blog, but has a blog- subpage, which I got rolling. But what happens, or more like what do I do, if I want a second Subpage on my site which uses the blog - functionality? is there a way to achieve this?

consider the following page tree:


stuff -> regular  content

stuff2-> Blog 1

stuff3 -> Blog 2


.. and so on.

so basically I would want two subpages on my site on which I would be able to publish blog posts independent from each other, which (in my opinion) would mean that I could tell the blog module at a certain point to publish a post on either one of these two pages.

Help would be much appreciated.

Best regards, 



so I kinda had an idea for an approach to a solution to my problem, my thought was, that I could use two templates, which output blog posts by category, so basically I'm looking for a function which outputs posts with category "blog1" on the first page and in a second php script, one that outputs posts with category "blog2" on a separate page.

so far though, I couldn't find anything about that in the documentation, I only found output filtered by post author, does the same apply to post category?

//edit 2: I managed to do that, just had to change a few lines in one of the php files. Finally, everything works, and I have to admit, I am totally impressed. this module kicks ass in any way imaginable. Thank you so much Kongondo.

Greetings from Germany,



Glad you got it sorted. As you noticed, what you wanted was not available right out the box. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

I was wondering whether there is an option to change the language of the publishing date of each post and also the archives from English to German.

So far though, I was unable to find a solution to this. Is this possible?

To elaborate: I want individual posts and the archive to say :



rather than



I tried changing the locale in my header.inc but that didn't help. So is there a way to achieve this?

Greetings from Germany


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  On 5/8/2015 at 1:50 PM, mr-fan said:

So back again,

get some sparetime to contribute to this one.

It's a real beast now with many strings to translate....and i added a few one, too..... ;)


But here we are.

Complete DE translation for the actual Blog version 2.3.4 (and it's comming pullrequests with additional strings for archive, and pages).

+ Translated SchedulePages module to use both combined.

Important Notice on the main translation thing with the blogmodule:

- Some Strings are taken from the pagetitels of the autogenerated pages for eg. "cathegories" or "archive" so please use the installation step with renaming the parents correct or rename the titels later.....but not the names... ;)

- CleanUp Ultility is not complete translated because it's only a superuser thing wich should be used with care and knowlegde so don't see a real effort to translate this rarely used function...

-Some Strings are not translateable since the where automatic generated on templates and fields so please translate these, too - if needed...

Have fun - Thanks again to kongondo

So take a look at the generated template labels and field labels...to get everthing translated.

I've you have some special things that are not work please give the exact explanation where the phrase is located may put a screenshot in the post....for me i've all translated in german lang...so feel free to ask.

But i need the exact place where i've to look...since i'll glad to help you but at the other side i am lazy, too :P

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Hi Guys,

I've just deployed my first site built with the Blog Module and on the surface all is well. However, when ProCache is turned off, the blog summary page loads awfully slowly despite there only being ten or so short blog summaries displayed (at this moment in time). It would be unacceptable performance if it weren't for ProCache.

I looked into what the bottleneck was and the Blog pages are being returned by ProcessWire in an instant so, it's not data retrieval. When I stepped into the MarkupBlog.module, renderPosts method with small set true, around line #746 there is the following line:

$summary = strip_tags(substr($page->blog_body, 0, $summaryLimit), $options['post_small_allowable_tags']);

With summary limit set at 450, I noticed that the PHP strip_tags() function takes an absolute age to run! As far as I can see, this is the line of code that creates the bottleneck I am seeing without ProCache.

Has anyone else come up against this as a performance bottleneck?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Cheers and thanks! :)

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Must be at your end mate. I haven't encountered this nor read anywhere that strip_tags is slow. As you can see in this demo with +10K posts, showing 20 posts per summary page with a summary limit of around 500 words each and WITHOUT ProCache, PW loads the page in about 2 seconds..


And with shorter summaries: http://demo.kongondo.com/blog/posts/

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Many thanks for looking into this! So, I looked at my blog_body field's text formatters. I had three specified in the following order:

Hanna Code Text Formatter


Profield: Autolinks <-- This guy hurts!

When I removed "Profield: Autolinks", the whole page load speeded up to something like I would have expected to see. So, the culprit here is Autolinks -- go figure? I wouldn't have expected that but with Autolinks, it takes an absolute age for the $page->blog_body to be rendered before it is passed into the strip_tags() function.

I guess you don't notice this when rendering a single page but when on a tight'ish loop, you clearly see the performance hit caused by Autolinks. Wow.


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