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Module: Blog


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A couple of things:

  1. What version of Blog did you install? I don't know if you are aware there are two version 1.3 and 2.0. I speak about the latter in a couple of posts above. It will soon become the main version.
  2. If you installed version 2.0, which 'blog structure/style' did you install?
  3. You want to use the blank profile to test Blog. As for the 'double' rendering issue read this post. You probably did not install the blank profile? What you should see, after also copying the /css/ and /js/ that come with Blog to your templates folder is something like this. I repeat here that what you see is only a demo. It is up to you to design Blog to look just the way you want. If you need something that is (almost) ready out of the box (design-wise), then you are better of with the Blog Profile. If you want to design the look of your Blog from scratch plus get some additional features, then use Blog (module) :-)
  4. If using Blog 2.0, read up on install instructions above
  5. If you want to make best use of Blog, read the docs/tutorials here
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@ kongondo

Thanks for the quick reply.

I did use Blog 2.0

Both sites use style 1

I will follow your advice I will re-read  4 & 5 above.

May-be should learn to 'swim' better before tackling Modules.

Thanks again



I will try other styles and see the difference it makes. Is easy on http://lightning.pw

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I'm embarrassed but I need your help.

I'm willing to go back to another option but I installed option #4 but every quickpost (add) blog post writes itselve in the root of the 'home' directory. How/where do I tell the system to write each blogpost automatically as a child of say 'Home/blog' ?

For sure it's dead simple (and I'll have a red face when I'll read the reply) but I cannot see the tree from the wood right now ..

Thanks in advance,


(pw 2.5.3 - Module-blog 2.0.2)

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Yes it is possible using PW access settings (permissions and roles). However, by removing Authors and Tags, is it really still a Blog? :P. Also, when you render posts in the frontend you won't be able to hide author names attached posts.

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@ Kongondo

Firstly, a big thank you for your help! I switched to option #2 and I feel far more confortable with it. Even though I'm far from finished at least I'm really striding foreward as each Soccer team (They all have the same template) now has a different personal blog-category on it's page where the title of the page = the title of the blog-category and obviously ... a single post can appear in several teampages (blog-categories)

the code I used for this is:

<? $blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog");
$category = $pages->get("/blog/categorieen/")->children->find("title=$page->title");
$posts = $pages->find("blog_categories=$category");
echo $blog->renderPosts($posts,true); ?>

euh so simple to get going .. 

Now .. before I start digging further and get the blog fully functional (comments, css, etc etc) I first would like to translate all EN words to NL -

Q. 1° Is there a specific place where I can do this?

Q. 2° If so, in case there is an update, will it affect the translated terms?

Many thanks,


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You can change this line:

$category = $pages->get("/blog/categorieen/")->children->find("title=$page->title");

to this:

$category = $pages->get("/blog/categorieen/")->child("title=$page->title");

Refer to $page->child($selector) in the cheatsheet

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Just installed Kongondo blog module in PW multilanguage. Great concept!

I Just have a small question regarding empty template files. If I would like to display posts under a current category (blog_category) I could go with this:

$posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, blog_categories={$page}");
$blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog");
//if Blog Posts found, we render them out
if ($posts) {
echo $blog->renderPosts($posts);

else {
echo '<p>No posts found</p>';

But the haeder and footer are displayed UNDER the post. How do I get posts to be between this?

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Thanks for using Blog.

I moved your thread here since this is the support board for the Blog module. Please note it is not the Blog module profile  :P. OK, back to business.


I Just have a small question regarding empty template files. ......But the haeder and footer are displayed UNDER the post. How do I get posts to be between this?

I honestly do not understand the question :-). If you installed with empty template files, there is no header or footer there at all. Are you talking about your custom header and footer? You render the posts where you want them. Please clarify so I can give you a more definitive answer.

As for your code to display posts under a current category (blog_category) your code will only work if you are rendering those posts in a 'category' page similar to what is discussed a few posts above yours (#161 and #163). There is a related solution here if you want to limit posts of only a certain category but rendering the posts on other pages.


Also had some issues with back end markup...

That is very strange. I have never seen that. Maybe because I have never used the PW multi language site profile. Is that the one you are using? Are you using the stable (2.5.x) or dev version of PW? 

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Hi thanks for the reply.

1A. I installed the latest stable PW and choose multi-language. This is were the header/footer come from (_main / _init).

1B. I then installed your blog module which gave me the empty template files. The blog templates give me blog posts or categories (whatever I put there) and under it: header - content / sidebar - footer.

I have seen native PW currently prepend and append the _init / _main to ALL templates - which is fine. But I am not sure how to proceed. _main works with this part, should I add $posts in there?

<div id='main'>

        <!-- main content -->
        <div id='content'>
            <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>
            <?php echo $content; ?>

        <!-- sidebar content -->
        <?php if($sidebar): ?>
        <div id='sidebar'>
            <?php echo $sidebar; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>


2. The image with the back end issue is in the blog dashboard (posts/categories/tags). It does no damage, but it's just strange. Must be a comma or something in the admin tempate files somewere.

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Aah I see..

1B: Blog will actually not give you anything unless you selected it yourself/or let the default stay :-). For template files, I don't know if you realise you could have installed demo template files or none at all?

As for the _main / _init stuff, I think you will have to append renderPosts($posts) to $content. Have a read here where Ryan explains how the various site-profiles work. This other tutorial on structuring your template files is also useful. 

2B. Yes, I understood that bit. I just don't know why you are seeing that and others, including myself are not. I will have to test on a multi-language profile install to see if I get the same problem.

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I  can't get the code to work and hope you can help me.., beginner you know.

On the home page I would like to have the 3 latest posts, only title and the first part of the post. hiding post-byline works fine.

I used the code you advised. Is it possible to get latest posts and not only from a certain category. I have tried to put in my three categories (1042, 1043, 1044) ID's but that doesn't work.

$blog = $modules->get('MarkupBlog');
$category = $pages->get(1043);//This is ID of category'Fanions'. Can also get by other selector, e.g. name, title, etc.
$posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, blog_categories=$category, limit=3");
echo $blog->renderPosts($posts);

Is it possible to truncate the post length? For example a function from a other post by Ryan.

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I used the code you advised. Is it possible to get latest posts and not only from a certain category. I have tried to put in my three categories (1042, 1043, 1044) ID's but that doesn't work.

Please read the documentation here

Posts are always returned sorted by date, latest first if you pass first parameter of renderPosts($posts) as a string


I used the code you advised. Is it possible to get latest posts and not only from a certain category. I have tried to put in my three categories (1042, 1043, 1044) ID's but that doesn't work.

I am not getting you clearly. Are you saying you want posts from ALL categories or from only THREE (1042, 1043 and 1044). If from only three, you can do the following:

$categories = $pages->find('id=1042|1043|1044');
$blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog");
$posts = $pages->find("template=blog-post, blog_categories={$categories}, limit=10");

if ($posts) {
    echo $blog->renderPosts($posts, true);//the 'true' truncates posts' length

Read here about ProcessWire OR selectors.


Is it possible to truncate the post length? For example a function from a other post by Ryan.

Yes. This is all documented in the Blog tutorials. The default truncate length is 450 characters. You can set a custom length in your Blog settings page.

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Reading instructions wrong I guess.

Did a new install. Placed the Blog Master folder in modules and installed with demo template files. But this time css and js is off - I can't see css and js under /site/templates/, I CAN find them under /modules/Blog-master/. Am I installing wrong? or should I disgard multi language?

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What you should do is get some sleep then read the instructions again  :lol:  :P  ;) .

The instructions are very clear. You need to read the ReadMe first in its entirety. The reason you don't see the css and js? Here's a quote from the ReadMe 'How to Install':


If you chose to install the demo Template Files, also manually copy over the /css/ and /js/ folders present in Blog module's folder to your /site/templates/ folder.

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Great! you was right, needed some sleep. lol

After the copy css/js it's good. I then disabled all append and prepend for blog templates. Because:

PW latest use _main to output header/body/footer;

and blog uses blog-main.inc to output header/body/footer.

Kongondo, can you tell me which file is used in back end for the /blog/posts/ - /blog/categories/ - /blog/tags/ ???

It seems in the Edit part is this code displayed as text (image I showed earlier).

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  On 10/10/2014 at 9:18 AM, toothpaste said:

Is it possible to exclude pagination only on the homepage render posts? For example to set  MarkupPagerNav to false.

At the moment no. You would have to use CSS to hide the page navs I am afraid..

  On 10/10/2014 at 9:57 AM, bwakad said:

Kongondo, can you tell me which file is used in back end for the /blog/posts/ - /blog/categories/ - /blog/tags/ ???

It seems in the Edit part is this code displayed as text (image I showed earlier).

I tested in the multi-language site profile and saw something similar. I will raise the issue with Ryan to try resolve this. I don't know what is causing the problem but it is definitely only happening on the multi-language site profile and not the others.

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