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Great thanks for this. Efficiency boost a lot!

I have tried a bit to solve the jump and search value removal after selecting. I have changed aos.js(around line 1411) to below. It seems working good for single instance.

var selectScrollTop,searchText;

// this selecting save the scroll position and search value
$(document).on('select2:selecting', '.asmSelect', function (event) {
    selectScrollTop = $(".select2-results__options").scrollTop();
    searchText = $(".select2-search__field").val();


$(document).on('select2:select', '.asmSelect', function (event) {
    var $asmSelect = $(this),
        src = event.target || event.srcElement;

    if (src.tagName === 'SELECT') {

        // var inputSelector = '.select2-search__field',
        //     searchTermAttr = 'data-select2-search-term',
        //     searchTerm = $(inputSelector).val();

        // save search term in parent's data attr
        // $asmSelect.parent().attr(searchTermAttr, searchTerm);

        // change and rebuild + reopen

        if ($asmSelect.parent().find('[data-asm-placeholder]').length) {
            select2Config.placeholder = $asmSelect.parent().find('[data-asm-placeholder]').attr('data-asm-placeholder');

        // the below 2 lines are added to restore the scroll position and search result
        // restore previous search term
        // $(inputSelector).val($asmSelect.parent().attr(searchTermAttr));
        // $(inputSelector).trigger('keyup').select();

Edit: I overlooked. You have already made the search term restoration but you have commented them. Any considerations for this?

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That's because I wasn't sure that search term restoration is beneficial after trying it. When it's restored, you have to delete it to search for something else. For me this caused more typing because it's very rare that I will add consecutive items starting with the same string. But feel free to prove the opposite, perhaps it's just my own scenario. 

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It really depends. User like me use prefix on field name would benefit from keeping the search term. The reason why I prefix fields is to distinguish what inputfield the field are using. For page reference field for product I name it page_product, so I can quickly spot the field when I search "product" or "page". I also believe many developers here like you do not use prefix a lot too. It seems like no perfect solution here unless everyone name and use fields in the same way. The best way might be that the keeping search term and scroll position could be toggle on/off. Anyway, they are relatively minor, the search function is already a great efficiency boost for me and also saves me from future client's complaints.:lol:

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  On 3/1/2018 at 5:32 AM, Karl_T said:

The best way might be that the keeping search term and scroll position could be toggle on/off.


I can make them configurable. As for the scroll position I will try your fix and also try something else. 

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  On 3/1/2018 at 5:56 AM, tpr said:

and also try something else


Ok, that thing wasn't that successful so @Karl_T's workaround was kept to keep the scroll position, thanks! Works quite well now, that was the missing piece to the cake :)

I haven't made keeping the scroll position optional but did that for the searched term.

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Minor update: instead of higlighting the searched term now the cursor is moved to the end of the text in the asmSelect search box. Re-download aos.min.js if you have already updated the module to 1.7.8 as version number haven't changed.

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The searchable AsmSelect feature is cool!

Just wanted to add: ajax-loaded inputfields (via inputfield visibility setting or repeater item setting) trigger a "reloaded" event on the inputfield to signal when the field is loaded. So you could use this instead of the requestAnimationFrame trick if you want. See InputfieldAsmSelect.js for an example of how this event can be used.

$(document).on('reloaded', '.InputfieldAsmSelect, .InputfieldPage', function() {
  console.log('The AsmSelect inputfield was ajax-loaded');


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Thanks but this case this signals that the field is ready, but select2.js needs asmSelect to be ready too. I used a 700ms setTimeout to fix (using the reloaded event) but that was less reliable and much slower too. In fact it may work now that I modified my stuff a lot but I think requestanimationframe works just fine, no need to swap out. 

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Looks like a bug in the new ASM tweaks.

It's fine if at least one item is selected:



But. if you remove the selection in the first ASM, then the field is broken:


Here is the js error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
    at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (aos.min.js?ts=1.7.8_2018030213:1)
    at Function.each (JqueryCore.js?v=1519661844:2)
    at init.each (JqueryCore.js?v=1519661844:2)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (aos.min.js?ts=1.7.8_2018030213:1)
    at l (JqueryCore.js?v=1519661844:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (JqueryCore.js?v=1519661844:2)
    at Function.ready (JqueryCore.js?v=1519661844:2)
    at HTMLDocument.A (JqueryCore.js?v=1519661844:2)


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Thanks, but fortunately this one was totally unrelated. It was the case changer in AOS, in the MarkupSEO module the "Inputfield_titleSmart" named field triggered the case changer beause a selector was written like "[id^="Inputfield_title"]. I've also fixed a CSS positioning issue for the case changer. Check 1.7.9 for the fix.


I got a js error if I remove all the selectors in the MarkupSEO settings, like you did in your second screenshot, on a regular page edit screen:

Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ,input[name=seo_title]

In MarkupSEO.php it seems this line assumes there's at least one field selected:


This fixes it:


Could you check this? I'll add the fix to the MarkupSEO github if you (or someone) could confirm this.

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Weird - I am not seeing that error in the SEO module after upgrading AOS. I am going to be doing some major enhancements to the SEO module shortly so I'll investigate more as I go along.

Thanks for the case changer fix though!

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One question regarding the ASM tweaks - I would like there to be an option to lose focus on the search box after choosing an option. At the moment you need to hit ESC or click off to see the selection. I understand that if you are making lots of selections the current behavior is more efficient, but I think some site editors might be confused. Or maybe I am overthinking it? Any thoughts?

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Just made it optional in v1.8.0.

Also the built-in asmSelect placeholder is now kept when asmSearchbox is enabled, eg. the fieldselector on editing a template now retains the placeholder value after adding a field.

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I just got a notice whenever I go to the module section:


Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /project/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/AdminOnSteroids/AdminOnSteroids.module on line 2605

  • PW 3.0.85
  • Updated AOS half an hour ago.
  • Cleared site/assets/cache
  • Refreshed modules + did "clear compiled files"

The notices (the appear twice) remain...

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Thanks, interestingly I don't get any notices but I see where can it fail. Could you try disabling line 2605 with this?

if (!empty($configData['IUC_enabledTemplates']) && $editedPage->template && !in_array($editedPage->template->name


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@tpr, I noticed that the positioning of the button dropdown is a bit off for the Save button at the bottom of Page Edit (AOS feature "Show save dropdown on hover instead on click"). The one at the top is okay. Seems that both the Default and Uikit themes are affected.

Top button (all good):


Bottom button (position is off):


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@Robin S Thanks, I'll have a look.

Input masks

continued from here

I've managed to make it work on multilanguage installs, however, PW doesn't load the non-default field's value automatically (on the field config page). It's only a matter of a few extra lines but I feel this is a bug, or perhaps I'm doing things wrong.

// $this->addHookAfter("Field(type=FieldtypeText|FieldtypeTextLanguage)::getConfigInputfields", $this, "addInputMaskConfigField");

$f = $this->wire('modules')->get("InputfieldTextarea");
$f->attr('name', "inputMask");
$f->label = $this->_("Input Mask");
$f->useLanguages = true;

// setting value here, but this doesn't set for non-default languages
$f->value = $field->inputMask;

// need to iterate on languages and set each separately
if ($this->wire('languages')) {
    foreach ($this->wire('languages') as $lang) {
        if ($lang->isDefault()) continue;
        $f->{'value' . $lang->id} = $field->{'inputMask' . $lang->id};

See the comments in the snippet, am I missing something?

File size

Another issue is that Cleave comes with many javascript files for phone masks, one for each country, that's about 3.4 Mb altogether. This would increase AOS size a lot (about 2.5 times as now), which I don't like a lot.

Any idea how to overcome this? Should I load them via cdn? I've found bootcdn.cn only where they are available but I know nothing about that site.

Or perhaps make it somehow available through $config->inputMaskAddons or something, and devs should take care of that if needed?

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Hey @tpr - just wondering if you'd had any more thoughts on my idea for a check/unceck all option for multi-checkbox fields? I am going to need some sort of solution for one of my current projects. I can hack something together if need be, but I know you'll do a better job ;)

If you don't have time, or desire for this, just let me know - thanks!

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Version 1.8.1 adds Input mask feature and the misaligned bottom save button dropdowns should also be fixed.

As for the phone country library for input masks (Cleave.js) I've added the all-in-one library which weighs about 250 Kb.
It's not loaded automatically so you'll need to check it in the module settings page if you need it.

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  On 3/12/2018 at 8:58 PM, adrian said:

just wondering if you'd had any more thoughts on my idea for a check/unceck all option for multi-checkbox fields?


Not really, only an addition to yours, that is, showing the "Check all" only on hover. But this of course would be unavailable on mobile which is not that bad imho.

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  On 3/12/2018 at 9:02 PM, tpr said:

Not really, only an addition to yours, that is, showing the "Check all" only on hover. But this of course would be unavailable on mobile which is not that bad imho.


Ok, maybe I was too subtle - by "thoughts", I meant "timeframe for implementing" :)

Honestly not being pushy, just wondering if you are interested in doing shortly, or whether I do need to set up something else. This project has lots of fields with lots of checkboxes and having them all checked will be quite a common need, so it's pretty important for the editor's experience / efficiency. 

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