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The new Console panel fullscreen mode now has keyboard shortcuts to collapse the code or results panes quickly.

Here you can see me toggling all code, all results, and the split of both.

Shortcuts are:


Up arrow - collapses code pane
Down arrow - collapses results pane
Left arrow - to restore split to what it was before you initiated any pane collapses.

Hopefully you'll find this a really quick way to get to the view you need.


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New version fixes a few bugs in the last release, especially regarding the keyboard shortcuts on Windows. Along these lines, I have also changed the shortcuts for the History Stack - they are now ALT+PageUp and ALT+PageDown. This means there is no longer the need to use the meta key (CMD or WIN key) for this which was conflicting on some systems. If you're on a Macbook without PU and PD keys, just use: fn + ALT + PageUp/Down

A big thanks to @Robin S for helping with all the Windows testing on this!

I think this is really starting to work really nicely now - I almost want to use it over my code editor ?

Anyway, please let me know if you find any issues.

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Hi Adrian,

Does the "User dev template" feature do anything with _main.php if using the delayed output strategy?

If not, what do you think about adding a feature where _main.php is replaced with _main-dev.php if that file exists? Of course the relevant file names would depend on what is defined in $config->appendTemplateFile and the Tracy "User dev template suffix" setting. And to round things out I guess do the same for $config->prependTemplateFile (_init.php).

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13 hours ago, Robin S said:

Hi Adrian,

Does the "User dev template" feature do anything with _main.php if using the delayed output strategy?

If not, what do you think about adding a feature where _main.php is replaced with _main-dev.php if that file exists? Of course the relevant file names would depend on what is defined in $config->appendTemplateFile and the Tracy "User dev template suffix" setting. And to round things out I guess do the same for $config->prependTemplateFile (_init.php).

Hey @Robin S - it didn't, but now it does ?

I have also implemented this for the User Bar Page Versions feature and the Template Path panel. These three things do almost the same thing, but for different users in different scenarios.

I am going to PM you a copy of this new version to take a look at. I have some other things I am working on and I want to commit altogether.

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Various significant updates today.

As per @Robin S's suggestion above, the User Bar Page Versions, User Dev Template and Template Path panel features now support automatic swapping out of the files included via `$config->prependTemplateFile` and `$config->appendTemplateFile` to use the same suffix at the replaced template, eg `_init-dev.php` or `_main-dev.php` if you are on the home page and using a home-dev.php template file replacement.

Robin also helped me track down a critical bug that was introduced to Page Versions and User Dev Templates some time ago - thanks for that!

If you haven't checked out any of these features in Tracy before, they can be very handy for testing changes (especially on a live site). In particular, giving your clients access to choose from a dropdown of template options can be a very easy way to get their feedback on various options.

I have also made several improvements to the new Console panel fullscreen editing experience and also updated the way the results pane scrolls when new items are added. Previously it always scrolled to the bottom of the pane. Now it scrolls to the top of the recently added section, so if you are using Clear & Run, then it will alway be at the top, but if you just Run to add new items, it will scroll down to the top of the new items. Hopefully you'll all find this a nice improvement and will help to reduce your scrolling.

I recently noticed some nasty issues with the Console panel in Safari, especially the new fullscreen editing mode, but also when trying to manually resize the panel. Everything looks/works great on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. I'll take another look and see what I can do about getting Safari to play nicely, but sometimes I feel like Safari is the new IE ?


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Ok, I officially hate Safari more than I already thought I did ?

I have fixed a whole range of issues I had never noticed previously (mainly because I rarely use it).

Detailing here in case they are useful for your development in general.


1) You can't resize panels smaller than their initial size on page load

I did however fix the internals of the Console not expanding to match a larger panel if you size larger.

The issue is that Webkit browsers will not let you use the CSS "resize" property to resize an element to make it smaller, only larger (in both dimensions): https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/r/resize/

Man it took me a long time to figure out why that wasn't working - I thought there was some min-height / min-width type thing going on that was only affecting Safari.

Thank goodness Chrome no longer uses the Webkit engine!


2) Safari doesn't play nicely with position: fixed when elements are outside document.body

The Tracy core adds its elements to document.documentElement so the only way I could figure around this was to move the Console panel to document.body when clicking the new fullscreen toggle and then back again when restoring to the panel size. This was also really difficult to track down and I never found any reference to this issue online anywhere - fun times ? 

Because the parent element is changed, I had to change the parent element of several css selectors. I can't find anything broken as a result, but please keep an eye out and let me know if you see anything amiss.


3) Fix missing inner scrollbar in code editor pane

This one looks to be a long standing Ace Editor bug, but someone else figured out a simple workaround: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/2872


4) Fixed some keyboard shortcut bugs due to missing e.preventDefault()

Please let me know if you find any other issues like this


Anyway, I think I am done with Safari tweaks for now. I am not sure how many of you are even using it for regular development so I don't want to put too much more time into it, but please do let me know if you find anything I missed.


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One more quick update. In addition to the existing shortcut keys for toggling the size of the code and results panes in the Console panel, I have added a new one:

CTRL + SHFT + → 

Which resizes the code pane to the height of all the lines of code:


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One more shortcut ?

CTRL + SHFT + ENTER will toggle the Console in and out of fullscreen.


Totally random, but a little tip about the Console panel - not only is it great for testing the PW API and PHP in general, it's also pretty nice for testing JS code out. Take this example of:

  • calling an external API
  • populating an element in the Console results pane with a property from the returned JSON
  • logging the result to the browser dev console



Why use this over the browser console, or CodePen, JSFiddle etc? Well, notice that the API call is grabbing a PW field from the current page:



Also, if you are a fan of the output of the Browser dev console, don't forget about Tracy's fl() option to dump objects direct to this.

Anyway, hope there is something useful there if you hadn't thought about it before ?

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My bad sorry. I found the File Editor.

But when I select a template file on the left, the editor window on the right does not update. The editor window on the right stays the same.

Double clicking on a template file on the left does not make a difference, the editor window on the right always shows the same.


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1 minute ago, pwired said:

But when I select a template file on the left, the editor window on the right does not update. The editor window on the right stays the same.

Double clicking on a template file on the left does not make a difference, the editor window on the right always shows the same.

Works for me. Can you please check for JS errors in the browser dev console.

Any difference in another browser?

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@pwired - I could reproduce with Firefox on MacOS and I have pushed a fix in the latest version. Please let me know how it goes at your end.

New version also removes the keyboard shortcut text from the top of the Console panel and adds a new toggleable popup info table of all shortcuts:


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Another round of tweaks, bug fixes and new features.

1) File Editor revamp to improve layout and adds a new fullscreen editing mode (like the one added to the Console panel), also with the same CTRL + SHFT + Enter shortcut for toggling in and out of that fullscreen.

2) More tweaks and code cleanup for the Console panel.

3) Some nice enhancements and cleanup for the SnippetRunner panel.

4) New "Open" option for the "Goto Page ID" feature in the PW Info panel - this opens the page's branch in the page tree. I find this entire feature very useful when working on sites where the templates make heavy use of IDs instead of paths for querying pages. If you haven't tried, give it a go. ?

5) Various bug fixes in the module and also in the Tracy core.

There are quite a lot of changes in this version, so please let me know if you find any issues.



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Another round ?

1) I have revamped the fullscreen / halfscreen buttons that are on many of the panels. They have been replaced by a single Maximize / Restore button which I think it much more useful. Hope you guys agree!

2) I have removed the "open in window" link from all panels - I never used this feature and it was painful to get the layout of some of the more complex panels to work in this mode. If others are finding they miss it, let me know and I'll see about reinstating it.


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