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Hi @kongondo

For the moment I made some temporary additions to the MediaManagerActions.php file, so that it saves the title in all lang tabs. I added this lines to the code:


foreach ($this->languages as $lang) {
		$p->title->setLanguageValue($lang, $sanitizer->text($media['title'])); //temporary by Nukro
//$p->title = $sanitizer->text($media['title']);



foreach ($this->languages as $lang) {
	$p->title->setLanguageValue($lang, $this->actionRenamer($title, $titleFormat)); //temporary by Nukro
//$p->title = $this->actionRenamer($title, $titleFormat);// @see @todo in actionRenamer()


I made this because my customer needs it urgently.


Greetings Nukro

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Hi @Rudy. I think I have seen that error before in PW 3.X. I am not sure whether it is related to the PW version or if it is related to memory maxing out.

  • My guess is that your file is an image file? If so, then it is probably a large image and PW chokes on the thumb creation...due to memory issues.
  • Is the file added OK to your Media Manager library, i.e. it has a proper title, etc?
  • Were you uploading the single file or multiple files?

Please clarify these issues so that I can investigate further, thanks.

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Thanks for the lovely module, kongondo!

Before I commit, could you tell me if updating an existing image will create a new asset that must be re-linked, or can I overwrite an existing image and have all the proper associations update automatically?

(Sorry if this was already addressed, I tried to search for the answer but my keywords (overwrite/replace/existing) each only came up with talk of upgrading the module itself.)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @kongondo

Does the $config->pagefileSecure setting work with your module together? I tried it and it looks like it always blocks the access for guest users also when page(media) is published.


From a blog post about pagefileSecure:


"Added support for secured pagefiles. Now unpublished or non-public pages may have their files (in /site/assets/files/...) protected from direct URL access. You need to add $config->pagefileSecure = true; to your /site/config.php in order to enable this capability. Files become secured when the page is not accessible to the 'guest' role. Beyond roles, this also includes securing files for Unpublished pages. "



I have the feeling that it blocks always because the media pages live under the admin where no "guest" user has access? Am I right? Would it be possible to write a hook or something to support the pagefileSecure together with the Media Manager pages/files?


Greetings Nukro

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  On 2/23/2017 at 12:35 PM, Nukro said:

I tried it and it looks like it always blocks the access for guest users also when page(media) is published.


Isn't that exactly what $config->pagefileSecure is meant to do? According to the blog post you reference, it says the 'guest' role will not be able to directly access those files. In addition, I see this from the docs:

$config->pagefileSecure bool When used, files in /site/assets/files/ will be protected with the same access as the page. Routines files through a passthrough script.

Protection will match the same access as the page. I probably don't get your use case but it seems you want to have your cake and eat it too :lol:^_^. Do you want to secure your Media Manager media from guests? If yes, then the config setting is doing its job. MM files are secured from the public (guests).

I am guessing though that you want certain users with certain roles to still have access, no? In that case all you have to do is create a role, say 'view-mm-files' and add it to user(s) you want to have access to the files in the frontend. Then, head over to the respective MM media templates i.e. (media-manager-audio, media-manager-document, media-manager-image and media-manager-video) and under their Access Tab under 'What roles can access pages using this template (and those inheriting from it)?', under the column 'View Pages' check the box for 'view-mm-files (see screen below)'. That's it. No hook needed :). Those users (when logged in, of course) should be able to view protected files.

For the backend (i.e. use/view Media Manager) we already have the permission 'media-manager'. Just add that to the role you've created for your users, e.g. the 'view-mm-files' (as well as going through the above process of giving that role view access in the respective templates )and they should be able to both access Media Manager and see the media. 




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Sorry I somehow get confused now. To my understanding the pagefileSecure works like this:

pagefileSecure ON

      (The news template for example, which holds the image/file field has view access for guest users activated)

  • Guest User can't access unpublished/trashed image/document file with the direct url to it. 
  • Guest User can access published image/document files with the direct url to it.


      (the media-manager templates which holds the image/file field hasn't view access for guest users)

  • Guest User can't access any image/document file that comes from the media manager with the direct url to it.


pagefileSecure OFF

Guest User can access any(published/unpublished/trashed) image/document file (also the ones from the media manager) with the direct url to it (also the ones from the media manager).

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I somehow managed to delete the original post here when editing it :'(. Rather than rewrite it here, and since it was to feed into a write-up in the Media Manage docs, I might as well write it there. So, that's what I'll do. I'll find some time today and write that, er, write-up. I'll post a link here afterwards...

Edited by kongondo
Fat finger moment deleted my post!
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Not true, any logged in user that has edit/view access can view a unpublished page not only superusers.

Add a page and upload a image. The image is in assets folder now and anyone can view that file in browser if you have the path. Even if you trash the page or unpublish page. This is where pageFilesecure comes in to avoid that.

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So i think thats the problem when enabling pageFilesecure. The files suddenly cant be accessed even if published and should be accessible for a guest user cause the pages under admin are protected. Im not sure how MM works. But maybe giving guest access to MM templates in admin could solve that but not sure what the consequences are.

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  On 2/23/2017 at 5:43 PM, Soma said:

Im not sure how MM works


Quick response lest I accidentally delete my post again! :lol:

There's two methods to access MM media (when pagefileSecure is off):

1. Indirect access; via its FieldtypeMediaManager API: $media = $page->your_media_manager_field; Returns a MediaManagerArray object. This will work regardless of the 'guest' setting in an MM template

2. Direct access: using normal PW API to reference the MM pages by their templates : $pages->find("template=media-manager-image, limit=10"); This will not work for guests unless access is granted in the template 'media-manager-image'

Keeping this short since I will be writing about this later tonight in MM's docs.

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Hi @kongondo

I have an suggestion about a new feature addition for replacing media. Would it be difficult to add a Message/Popup when the user is replacing media? At the moment it just replaces the media without a Warning Message or something like that. It would be a nice addition, since it is a risky move to let the users not know, that they have changed something, because they would replace media without noticing it. Also my customer become aware of this.



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  On 2/27/2017 at 2:14 PM, Nukro said:

At the moment it just replaces the media without a Warning Message or something like that.


Hi @Nukro,

Hmm, the default setting is to skip duplicate media. So, if media is being replaced the user must have set it so in the settings. A warning popup would just be an extra, to affirm what they've already set. I am not sure it will be easy/practical to implement since uploading is done via Ajax. I'll have a think. [Edit: should be easy enough as a checkbox to confirm before hitting upload :)]

By the way, I was not able to finish my write-up as promised in a previous post. I am determined to do this by the end of this week. Thanks for being patient with me.

Edited by kongondo
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kongo,

 Does the capability exist that allows the admin user to select from the media manager if the standard file/image field types are being used elsewhere?

So for clarification, I am using a file and image field type and would like the ability for the user to select from both the default or the media manager gallery. This will allow me to use the existing fields without losing any of the images that already live in the assets folder.

Edited by RyanJ
I updated this and removed my original issue as it was user error.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm interested in this module for a particular site but for it to be most useful I'd need to get all existing files into the manager first and then update fields to use it rather than the current file/images fields.

Is the module able to scan the contents of assets/files and copy them to wherever Media Manager accesses them from? Or does it do that automatically when you install it?

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Hi @Tyssen,

Thanks for your interest in Media Manager.

  On 4/21/2017 at 5:29 AM, Tyssen said:

Is the module able to scan the contents of assets/files and copy them to wherever Media Manager accesses them from? Or does it do that automatically when you install it?


No, not at the moment. The module creates its own fields for the 4 media types (audio, document, image and media). Each media item is a hidden page in the admin under respective media manager parent pages. I have been mulling adding this type of scanning functionality but haven't made a decision yet. Having said that, the module can currently scan /site/assets/MediaManager/uploads/

Please let me know if I can be of further help.

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Media Manager version 010  (released 28/04/2017)

Happy to announce the latest release of Media Manager.


  1. As per this request, added option to confirm duplicate media overwrite on upload. This, obviously, only works when the setting Duplicate Media is set to overwrite existing media with the one being uploaded. If you have that option selected, you will see a new option 'Always confirm when replacing/overwriting duplicate media' in the Duplicate Media sub-section. Tick that and save if you want to use this option. On the Uploads Tab you should now see a 'Confirm Overwrite' checkbox toward the top right of that page. Unless that checkbox is ticked, you will not see 'Start' upload buttons.
  2. Made various strings used in success/error messages in JavaScript translatable

This latest version is now available for download


'Always Confirm Overwrites' setting


'Confirm Overwrites' checkbox unchecked


'Confirm Overwrites' checkbox checked


Edited by kongondo
Added Screens, etc
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  On 1/7/2017 at 5:28 PM, kongondo said:

Hi @Rudy. I think I have seen that error before in PW 3.X. I am not sure whether it is related to the PW version or if it is related to memory maxing out.

  • My guess is that your file is an image file? If so, then it is probably a large image and PW chokes on the thumb creation...due to memory issues.
  • Is the file added OK to your Media Manager library, i.e. it has a proper title, etc?
  • Were you uploading the single file or multiple files?

Please clarify these issues so that I can investigate further, thanks.


Similar problem here, version 0.10

Empty file upload result

The first test images were uploaded without any problem. Then I tried to upload a bunch of images. Part of them were uploaded successfully, but not all.


1. i can't upload image files, also no small ones

2. files are not added to the library (but saved in the assets folder)

3. i'm trying to upload single files

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  On 5/4/2017 at 8:04 PM, Metaphora said:

Similar problem here, version 0.10


Hi @Metaphora. Sorry about the problems you are experiencing. It's a bit difficult to debug this one. Can't tell whether the problem is because of your ProcessWire version, or the image type or the image size or your server environment.

  1. Are you able to test using the exact same images using ProcessWire 2.7? I am assuming you are using ProcessWire 3.x. 
  2. Are you testing locally or remotely? If the latter, do you notice any difference if you test locally?
  3. Server environment?
  On 5/4/2017 at 8:04 PM, Metaphora said:

also no small ones


I am not sure what you mean by 'small ones'? Do you mean size of file or dimensions?

  On 5/4/2017 at 8:04 PM, Metaphora said:

files are not added to the library (but saved in the assets folder)


Do you mean the assets folder and not a sub-folder? What are your upload settings? E.g. upload and add immediately to library or upload to be added later to the library after review?

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  On 5/4/2017 at 8:35 PM, kongondo said:

Hi @Metaphora. Sorry about the problems you are experiencing. It's a bit difficult to debug this one. Can't tell whether the problem is because of your ProcessWire version, or the image type or the image size or your server environment.

  1. Are you able to test using the exact same images using ProcessWire 2.7? I am assuming you are using ProcessWire 3.x. 
  2. Are you testing locally or remotely? If the latter, do you notice any difference if you test locally?
  3. Server environment?

I am not sure what you mean by 'small ones'? Do you mean size of file or dimensions?

Do you mean the assets folder and not a sub-folder? What are your upload settings? E.g. upload and add immediately to library or upload to be added later to the library after review?


1. PW version 3.0.61

2. local server

3. PHP Version 7.0.8 / Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)


I am not sure what you mean by 'small ones'? Do you mean size of file or dimensions?


I tried small images (file size and file dimension), to make sure it's not a memory problem.


Do you mean the assets folder and not a sub-folder? What are your upload settings? E.g. upload and add immediately to library or upload to be added later to the library after review?


Image is uploaded to a mediamanager sub folder, also a thumbnail is generated.
Upload mode = default values
Upload without review.

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  On 5/5/2017 at 7:23 AM, Metaphora said:

Image is uploaded to a mediamanager sub folder, also a thumbnail is generated.
Upload mode = default values
Upload without review.


That's strange. Point #3 contradicts point #1. Media is only uploaded to that sub-folder if in the setting After Uploading you have selected option 3 (i.e., to keep media in a temporary folder until they have been reviewed). If you have option 1 or 2, the media is uploaded directly to the Media Library. Please confirm the option you have selected in this setting, just in case you are looking at a different setting from the one I am referring to, thanks.

Edit: Please also confirm that you have the latest version (005) Jquery File Upload

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