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New starter theme with blog and basic pages


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Been using this starter theme for a little while now and thought I'd open it up on github - https://github.com/benbyford/bb-starter

It has all my favourite modules installed, .less, some hany .js libraries and a set of blog templates for a simple news / blog setup. The theme is built on the simple theme from PW with additional setup. For more info see the Readme.md file on github.

See it here - http://bbstarter.nicegrp.com/

Thanks everyone for your continued work and fun using PW.

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  • 7 months later...

erHello Developers and Community,

I need your help. I created a blog with the "bb-starter" site profile at https://processwire.wpzweinull.ch/blog  

Unfortunately, I can not realize that under /blog only blogpost teaser are displayed. Now complete blogposts with "body" are displayed.

In the "blog-list" template, I have already removed the "body" field, but it does not affect the frontend.

Am I missing something here or do I have to adjust something?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by LostKobrakai
Merged into the BB-Starter theme topic
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  • 2 weeks later...

Very unfortunate that no one can help me. Unfortunately the Blogpost-Teaser does not work. As I said, "body" is removed from the "blog-list" template, and the whole blog post is still displayed on the blog homepage.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @Alex L

As far as I can see you need to implement your own version of "article summary" so that you have something to output instead of "body".

Such as: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.28/

You can also extract the first paragraph in various ways: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8757826/i-need-to-split-text-delimited-by-paragraph-tag

Hope this helps. If get stuck just post what you implement so that we can help further.

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On 24/03/2017 at 9:31 AM, Alex L said:

erHello Developers and Community,

I need your help. I created a blog with the "bb-starter" site profile at https://processwire.wpzweinull.ch/blog  

Unfortunately, I can not realize that under /blog only blogpost teaser are displayed. Now complete blogposts with "body" are displayed.

In the "blog-list" template, I have already removed the "body" field, but it does not affect the frontend.

Am I missing something here or do I have to adjust something?

Thanks in advance.

let me know if you still need any help.

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