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  1. Hey there! Here’s an alternative approach to setting up a PHP development environment. It's neither better nor worse than others, just different. I've been using this method for years, and it has served me flawlessly. So, I decided to share it with you. Enjoy! 0) Overview The idea here is...
  2. Hello There PW fans and users. I Thought i share something that i came up with a while ago when i decided to adopt the teachings in this guide: MaintainableCSS This guide has made my development much easier cause i allways was stressed about having all code in one giant file and jumping arou...
  3. I originally set up my ProcessWire site under php 7.4 and then moved to php 8.0 and then to php 8.1 at my web host. However, one set of pages with a particular template refuses to display under php 8.1, instead giving a 404 page not found. It's the standard 404 that I get if the page does not exist....
  4. Hei Guys, I want to ask to you all, how to make template in Admin Page and the file (.php) from inside folder like: site/templates/myFolder/my-new-template.php ? Thank you all
  5. Hi all, Just a little context, I have need of a select/drop down on a form to update automatically. So I believed I had achieved this, by programmatically updating said field via an webhook, code included below. Which looked like it worked, as all the correct options do now infact sho...
  6. Reminder to myself to occasionally step back and think about what I am trying to do. Background: Working on an autocomplete function using google places. Allows clients or me to fill out boring address block and accurately geocode all at once from single input. No repetition, no fuss, for...
  7. Long time user and huge fan of PW, but this time I can't find an answer to my question this time: For my social media buttons, I have a Repeater field called var_link_web with two fields: one is for the URL, and the other is an Images field containing two images that are used as a background-im...
  8. Hello, excuse me I'm new at processwire, i want to ask about a master detail system (Inheritance system) using a processwire. Can we create a Inheritance table using a processwire, and how we create it? Thank you for the help
  9. Hi, I'm still new at processwire, i want to ask, i was create a website with sign in system, but i want to add a access roles/permission for each user at my website. For now, i just can create a login user without any permission and the user data became as a pages in my processwire. Here i...
  10. Hello, I'm new at process wire and i want to make an web using upload file and showing it at the table as a link to open it at the new tab. I wa succed while upload a file, but how i showing it as a link at the table to open it at the new tab of my browser? Any suggestion may helpfull Here...
  11. so i am trying to fetch dimensions of image using getimagesize() but it returns nothing, at least i think so, i want to feed it to data attribute, bit its emtpy, i tried feeding it the image directly or just image->url here is my source code foreach($page->repeat_body as $r_body)...
  12. Hello to all. I would like to create an app. So I need to learn at least one programming language. I got informed online, and discovered that javascript with node.js, is the revolution of recent years, because it's faster than php. I wonder: if I develop an app with javascript and with a javascript...
  13. Hello, i want to ask, i maintain a website that using a processwire and php, and i want to make an archive at my website using a subfolder system, but when i try, the sebfolder is show but when i click the files in that subfolder not show, and my browser just show me an error Invalid argument supp...
  14. Hi there, We are an executive search agency based in Germany looking for a freelancer (2-5 days per week) supporting us with the development and design of our websites. The position will be located in Hamburg, Germany and it would be great if you are on short call. German language knowledge is...
  15. Hi there, My form is not getting submitted, it is showing: Unable to verify successful email delivery of this form submission. Attaching for your reference as well: In the Backend, it is showing Connection timed out with smtp.gmail.com Pl guide me how to resolve that
  16. I was really unsure of how to actually title this post, so I do apologize (if someone has a better idea, I will gladly edit it). I am using the profields: pagetable field to allow people to create their own "content" (copy, image, button, etc etc) and rearrange it. I also included a field called "co...
  17. So I have been hard at work creating url segments for a template (api) and everything is working swimmingly in creating a simple end point for svelte.js. I have however, run into a few questions that I can wrap my head around. In my api template I have: if($input->urlSegment1 === 'clients')...
  18. Hi, I have one URL - writerrelocations.com/contact-now/ I have one issue where my header Image is appearing again after the contact form, for your reference: I have checked my processwire template section where have not added any Image field besides Header Image, attaching the same for the r...
  19. Hi, For the purpose of learning, as shown in this photo, I created a repeater field "we", then a template, then a page. But in /templates/testrepeater.php, I has some problem, the "foreach" part does not work as expected. <html> <body> <?php echo "<h1>$page->title</h1><br>"; ?> <? f...
  20. Hi guys, I need help. how do I translate Next Page? <?php if($page->next->id) {echo "<div class='float-right'><a class='button' href='{$page->next->url}'> Next Page </a></div>";} ?> I usually use this: <?php $lang = $user->language->name; if($lang == 'default') {echo "Next Page";} else...
  21. Hi there Basically I want to call code within a ProcessWire page that isn't used as a template. Example: www.mypwpage.com/myphpfile.php I have a working PW Website with a couple of pages like /artists, /releases, /videos etc. Now I need a page /download without any editable fields in the b...
  22. Hello, Another newbie question. My Processwire sites is growing and I'm wondering if my way of doing things sounds goog to you. I tend to avoid what I consider 'heavy and frequent' database requests in my functions. For example : // In functions.php myfunction($player) { wire('$pages')->f...
  23. Chris

    learning php

    codecademy recently started an interactive php course for beginners. http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/php looks good so far. i was not sure if it fit's the "getting started" section of the forums, but maybe it's an interesting hint some people. maybe someone has links to add.
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