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  1. Hi all I don't know how to go about making this very specific thing in PW, so I'm hoping for some good pointers and/or ideas how to go about it. On this website I'm building for a music festival, there's a page called "archive". This page should list lots and lots of media clips from the past years from the festival. A media clip can be either a video (vimeo), music (soundcloud) or a picture (upload through admin). I have all the API access to the third parties figured out, but the one thing I can't figure out is how to design the media "resource" in PW. I've read that repeaters are bad for performance if you need a lot, so that leaves a repeater solution out of the question. Another solution I thought about were a page template with all the necessary fields for all of the different media types, but I'm thinking it'll create a unnecessary and unpleasantly long list of children in the admin interface. Also, each media clip doesn't need their own url, since all of them should be viewed/embedded in a Lightbox overlay. So what do I do? Should I create a custom module to store all the clips in and have an area in the admin to manage the clips separately and then just retrieve them in the archive page, or do you have any good ideas for me? Also, if the module method is the way forward, does anyone knows a good resource for me to start with? It could be a module like the one I need, a tutorial or anything that'll get me on my way. I hope for some deep PW knowledge getting dropped in the answers, like I'm used to in here. EDIT: Also, each media clip/item should have some common fields defined: Type of content (Art, architecture, music, etc) (selected from a predefined list of genres, which also should be administrated somewhere) Year Genre (selected from a predefined list of genres, which also should be administrated somewhere) Artist Location File type (video, sound, picture) (selected from a predefined list of genres, which also should be administrated somewhere)
  2. I've just installed Kongondo's awesome new blog module (highly recommended by the way). It creates a number of new templates along with associated template files, which I promptly changed to match my site. This got me thinking: if I update a module which has created templates, and in the meantime I've changed those templated, is it possible for the update to overwrite my changes?
  3. JSON Installer is a module that allows you to define installer scripts in JSON. The module has proven its use when either setting up a big website for a client (it's easier to type all pages in a JSON-file than to create them all with the click-heavy ProcessWire admin) or doing repeated tasks. At We Work We Play we always do the same kind of setup (create a configuration page, add SEO & sharing fields, an 'Under Construction'-toggle) so this module automates this for us. Huge timesaver. How to install: Download from: https://github.com/weworkweplay/ProcessJSONInstaller Place the file ProcessJSONInstaller.module in your /site/modules/ directory. In ProcessWire admin, click to 'Modules' and 'Check for new modules'. Click 'install' next to the 'JSON Installer' module (under heading 'Process'). Following that, you'll see a new menu option for this module on your Admin > Setup menu.
  4. Hello! I am currently building a personal site where I want to add social logins. I couldn't find a module that handled Twitter so I started building the functionality from scratch. It started off as just a couple of separate functions, but is more suited to being a module - so here it is! It is somewhat based on apeisa's Facebook Login module, but uses a third party tried-and-tested Twitter OAuth library, as well as an additional configuration option, a hookable update method and a different way of doing the PW authentication. So far, I have developed and tested this on ProcessWire 2.3 and 2.4. I would welcome any feedback, comments, suggestions and problems from others interested in this. Get it here: TwitterLogin on GitHub
  5. Hi, after a lot of searching for a module of this kind I finally got around and tried to get it done by myself. It's a module which lets you choose a existing page, which is then linked to the main menu of the admin theme. While it just shows the normal edit-part of the page I found it more useful to show things like theme related settings in an extra part of the adminarea, instead of just hiding it somewhere in the pagetree. I'm not sure if the name quite fits the usage, but I'm open to suggestions. By now you can find it only on GitHub: https://github.com/LostKobrakai/ProcessAdminSettings Greetings, Benjamin
  6. Hello. I have been using PW as a CMS for some Projects in the past, now the questions regarding ecommerce i starting to pop up. It would be nice to be able to operate both the site and the shop from PW, somewhat like WP + WP e-Commerce, but i rather stick to PW. Anyway I have started to look at the module Shop-for-Processwire and right off the bat there are som questions. 1. Have anybody added extra fields / values that the process carrys from the Product page to the checkout module and finally in the orders management module, i am thinking of Product variations like color size etc. If i just look at the module i guess a stating pont would be to get the form populated with thoose extra variations. $out = "<form method='post' action='$postUrl'>"; $out .= "<input type='hidden' value='{$product->id}' name='sc_product_id' />"; $out .= "<input type='number' name='sc_qty' value='1'/>"; $out .= "<input type='text' name='sc_size' value='S'/>"; $out .= "<input type='submit' value='" . $this->_("Add to cart") . "' />"; $out .= "</form>"; Once extra input types has been added how can I get thoose through the whole process, Product - >Checkout -> Orders Management. 2. Do I have to add extra tables to the db to be able to store this information ? 3. I have read on the forum that some of you have handled variations by using repeaters and page fields, is there anybody out there that have a working example regarding that ? Help would be much appretiated, would hate to be crawling back to WP.. Thanks / Ronnie Code line 92 $out .= "<input type='text' name='sc_size' value='S'/>"; Has been added by me as a example.
  7. For the benefit of other module authors (or module "bundlers") I've just pushed a new module up to github that allows you to do a "one-click-install" of an entire set of modules. I know about the "installs" option for modules but believe that this offers a neater solution in some scenarios. For instance; it allows all of the sibling modules to be written without the need to define any 'installs' relationship between them - which could be particularly useful for later bundling of otherwise unrelated modules. It also keeps the modules UI clutter to an absolute minimum - all the user sees in the UI is just one module to install rather than all the modules that the package holds. There is a demonstration 'project' here that you can install to see what this module does for you - specifically: how it simplifies the UI for the installation of 5 other modules. Please note: This is an infrastructure module targeted at module authors or folks who otherwise create 'bundles' of modules. It isn't something you will want, of itself, for any site. (Which is why I'm not posting it to the module repository.)
  8. TextformatterThinspace is a trivial text formatter that removes repeated spaces (either ascii or non-breaking) and repeated newlines, replacing them with just a single instance.
  9. I want to hide pages in searches / views / lists, etc. which the user is not allowed to see. The system is not based on Users/roles, but on a special $VAR in the $SESSIONCOOKIE.. if $page->users contains a value which is also in the $sessionvar of the viewing user, it should be viewable, otherwise it should not appear in any lists/searches/views... I know that its not secure in any way - this morel less should be some pseudo-restriction to keep UI/UX simple for some users... I think i need a BEFORE-Hook somewhere to keep things hidden in pageviews/lists/searches - but how to start? Important: this should also work for all children of a page - if the parent is restricted, all child pages should be invisible, too.
  10. Getting a "Your submission was not saved due to one or more errors." error message. I do have this working on another site same server, no problem. I have worked through and compared both and I cant see a difference, so a bit baffled. Thing is I am not getting any useful info, even in the error logs. I also have debug to true. Stepped through everything again just in case. Anyone able to point me in a direction to suss the problem?
  11. HI there, I've just created a new module with autoload set true, in a new install of ProcessWire in a new version of Mamp using PHP 5.5.10. The problem I'm having is that when I reference wire('ModuleName'), I'm getting nothing back (it's null). If I say $modules->get('ModuleName'), I get a reference to the module. I get the same problem using the 'Helloworld' module supplied with ProcessWire. Any ideas what the issue might be? Is anyone using PHP 5.5.10 - maybe this is a problem? Thanks!
  12. Hi again fellow PWers, A while back I created a newUser module that added a new user when a page (student) was added. This all works great. Today I'm trying to add a delete function to this same module (as we were getting leftover users when students were deleted) but it's throwing NullPage errors. I tried changing the hookAfter to hook Before but am still getting errors. Also strangely it's causing an issue when trying to delete these pages from the trash. I'm getting a "this page cannot be deleted" error. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated ------------------------------------------------------------ <?php class Createnewuser extends WireData implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Create a new user', 'version' => 101, 'summary' => 'Creates a new user and edits an existing member on saving a member page.', 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => true, ); } public function init() { $this->pages->addHookAfter('added', $this, 'createTheUser'); $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'updateTheUser'); $this->pages->addHookBefore('delete', $this, 'deleteTheUser'); } public function createTheUser($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; if($page->template == 'student'){ $newuser = new User(); $newuser->of(false); $newuser->name = $page->name; $newuser->pass = $page->password; $newuser->save(); $this->message("New user also added $newuser->name."); } } public function updateTheUser($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; if($page->template == 'student'){ $the_user = $this->users->get("name=$page->name"); $the_user->of(false); if ($page->isChanged("password")) { $the_user->pass = $page->password; } if ($page->isChanged("email")) { $the_user->email = $page->email; } $the_user->save(); $this->message("User $the_user->name also updated."); } } public function deleteTheUser($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; if($page->template == 'student'){ $the_user = $this->users->get("name=$page->name"); $the_user->delete(); } } }
  13. I think there is a bug in ProcessPageAdd Module. PW 2.4.0 If I try to add an Page by selecting a template with the big button on the right side in Admin 'Add New' and no parent site is given as GET Parameter like: http://example.org/admin/page/add/?template_id=37 the form will appear not complete and without submit button. EDIT: 10 min later .... Ah, its not the module its the Javascript ProcessPageAdd.js. If there is only one page in the list to select, the selection cannot be changed, and the submit button doesn't appear.
  14. Does anybody know if there is a module / fieldtype to generate a dropdown menu for a specified list of users for a given 'role'. This would be handy to assign a page specifically to a user. This would be handy when using the API on an external form (e.g. a non-CMS user) could list/edit/update their related page(s).
  15. Hi Ryan, I'm installing a pw last version and ProcessWireBootstrap3, new installation. I have a Form Builder purchased and added this module then got this error: Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to FormBuilderMain::__construct() must be an instance of mysqli, instance of DatabaseMysqli given, called in /home/mpa3058/public_html/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module on line 67 and defined (line 127 of /home/mpa3058/public_html/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilderMain.php) Browse to the installation note I found that I need to have a new version Form Builder. Please advice, how do I get the newer version and should I purchase it again and get a new license? Regards, Monchu
  16. How could we add a repeater-field to our module configuration pages? I tried to add it like any other input field, but no success! (Just as a sidenote: Unfortunately my php skills are really restricted) This is my current state, but it just throws an exception: Error: Exception: Unknown column 'field_title.count' in 'field list' (in wire\core\Database.php line 118) public static function getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data) { $data = array_merge(self::getDefaultData(), $data); $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); ... $field = wire("fields")->get("title"); $field->type = $modules->get("FieldtypeRepeater"); $repeater = wire("modules")->get("InputfieldRepeater"); $repeater->name = "somethingUnique"; $repeater->add($field); $repeater->page = wire("page"); $inputfields->add($repeater); ... return $inputfields; } Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or how we could achive this?
  17. Hi, This is my first post in these remarkable forums, I'm new to ProcessWire and I've had loads of questions but I just keep finding them already answered here! Except for this one - I bought a single-site license for a commercial module and when I try to install it on localhost it asks for the license key. Will I then be able to use this key on my live site as well, and also possibly on other localhost installations? Or will I have to import it in some way? Please let me know how the terms apply. Thank you, for all this.
  18. Hi all, Let's say I want a landing page for a process module. If I wanted a form on the landing page - InputfieldForm comes to mind If I wanted a table - MarkupAdminDataTable However, on that page, I don't want a form nor a table. I just want my plain HTML to be rendered. I have no need for Inputfields on this page. Next, I look at InputfieldWrapper - But the docs say: Not my intended question, but I don't get this bit "but you can set a value...". How? I tried different stuff without success. Final up (to the best of my knowledge) is InputfieldMarkup. This code does work: $test = $this->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $test->value = "<p>My test HTML output</p>"; //return $test->renderValue();//doesn't work. Markup not output return $test->render();//works fine I get my HTML output in the right place in my module landing page in the PW Admin without any extraneous markup. <div id="content" class="content"> <div class="container"> <p>My test HTML output</p> </div> </div> <!--/#content--> But is this the way to go? The name of the class sort of suggests that it should be used with Inputfields. If I try to add my HTML independent of these methods, the markup is not output in the right place in my module landing page in the PW admin, i.e. between the <div class="container"></div>. It will be thrown to the top of the page, somewhere weird like before the <body> tag. So, am I on the right track here or there is a "more appropriate" way? By the way, I tried to use renderValue() but it doesn't output anything? What's the use case for this method? The docs say: I have studied some other modules but have not seen something similar to this sort of landing page. Thanks.
  19. Hi Folks, I just added a small module that keeps track of search keywords encoded in http referrers from common search engines leading to your site. See the README for a full documentation of features. Please let me now, if you have found any issues, feature requests or opinions by leaving your comments here in the forum or on github. Regards from Hanover, Germany, Marco
  20. I'm trying to create a module that will execute functions when a button is pressed. What would be the best way to implement this? The options I've considered are: Using a Process and creating a page in the admin section of the website; Or perhaps creating a module and having a button on the settings page; There are probably other ways to do this that I haven't considered. I'd be open to suggestions. Thanks for any help
  21. I've recently discovered Page Autocomplete module (great module for large sites btw) and decided to use it at my site. It works but not in the way I'm expecting. Or at least not as described at module description page. (1) "Autocomplete Advanced Options" do not appear in Page inputfield admin interface. As a result I can't include "non-title" fields to the search. (2) "Template of selectable pages" settings in Page inputfield admin interface doesn't work together with autocomplete. E.g. I need to limit search to selected templates but can't do that. I'm running PW 2.3.1 and PHP 5.3. Thanks in advance for your help!
  22. Hello, I am having a strange issue that I can't quite figure out. I have a frontenduserprofile module setup on my processwire site, and it works flawlessly on a local testing environment, however I keep getting "Fatal error: Exception: Method Page::renderLoginForm does not exist or is not callable in this context" when visiting the site on the live test server. Here is the live page: http://icareforthecure.com/test/donations/ Here is my template code for the page: http://code.stypi.com/i3i2uno/donationsPage.php And here is the module code: http://code.stypi.com/i3i2uno/frontenduserprofile.php Any ideas on why the page isn't loading?? Thank you in advance!
  23. Hi, I installed the TextFormatterVideoEmbed module (great module, btw) but during a power outage my system got corrupted. I am getting an "Error: Exception: Table 'cmoran.textformatter_video_embed'" in the log. When I go to MySQL database folder I can see the textformatter_video_embed.frm file but no MYD or MYI files. In phpMyAdmin it won't open the table (data does not exist, would be my guess). I removed the module folder from site/modules and now I can at least get into the back-end. However, it shows that it is installed but when I click to go into the details and uninstall it, I get the error Table 'cmoran.textformatter_video_embed' doesn't exist. I tried adding it back but it won't reinstall either. I seem to be stuck. I cannot uninstall it and I cannot reinstall it. What do I need to do to get it completely out of the system so that I can reinstall the module? Thx.
  24. AutoSave This module saves the page via ajax when editing in the admin. The interval for saving the page is configurable in the AutoSave module settings. By default it will only be enabled for unpublished pages. So far it seems to work fine for all fields and supports multilanguage. There's a message dialog show on top of page when saving happened with either a success or error. Requirements ProcessWire 2.3+. Haven't really tested with 2.3. Known Issues Nothing really obvious so far. Note that when you have multiple editors editing pages, it would be possible 2 persons editing the same page would overwrite each other, since the page is autosaved! The only solution for this would be to have my PageEditSoftLock module enabled with the complete "Lock" option active, so the page would be locked for editing. Todo Add some checks, if connection is lost. To be defined This module is currently a proof of concept. This module may not be suitable for all instances, but for personal use it may help preventing loss of long edits, most likely blog posts. Not sure this should be used for regular sites with clients editing. Most likely there's some more issues that interferer with what a CMS "page save" has to deal with. So you might find some ugly stuff happening. Thanks to Apeisa and his great Fredi font-end module, from where some logic is borrowed to save the page via ajax. Download https://github.com/somatonic/AutoSave So, that would be my last stroke for this year! Have a great silvester party and a happy new 2014!
  25. Hi. I have been working on a simple mailchimp integration module. It is probably pretty bad written as I don't fully know my way around the processmanager module creation process yet. Anyway this is basically what you need to do. Create a mailChimp account (free), get the API keys for your account. Add the API key to the config.inc.php file. Create a mail friendly template: Inline CSS with supported CSS tags so dont use floats or position for instance. Create a "root" page where you Newsletter will reside under. This case root is called "newsletter" want another name just change in the module. (Line 27) Install the module. Some screenshots: This is the admin section where Lists is being fetched from mailchimp and newsletters is being fetched from under the root page you set up earlier. Click send and your mail is on the way. Result page. So what have happened now, you have created and sent a new email campaign through mailchimp. For detailed reports regarding delivery status you need to log on to mailchimp. For subscription you can build your own form or use some of the one provided by mailchimp, if you want to skip the "verify subscription" mail you need to create your own subscribe form see example attached. ProcessMailChimp.zip subscribe.php I am not saying that this is a 100% completed module but it cover my needs and I have seen some questions regarding this kind of functionality roaming the forum.
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