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Everything posted by adrian

  1. It's fine to use it or not. If a profile doesn't have it, just create it and use as your needs dictate.
  2. Read from this post onwards:
  3. You have Tracy running in Strict mode. If you turn that off then Notices and Warnings will be reported in the Errors panel of the debugger bar but won't break the running of the script.
  4. Yeah, that was the request. Certainly busy looking, but maybe that's ok. I still think it's a nice option to be able to give users if they'd prefer it. On that note, have you considered hooking into ProcessProfile and making some of the AOS tweaks manageable by the user? Not sure on which ones would be appropriate other than this - just thinking out loud
  5. Ah yes - I didn't mention all the errors in the instructions.php file because the functionality of the module seemed to be fine
  6. Looks like an issue with the File Compiler - it is trying to compile the "include" from this: $this->input->get->include Simple fix is to add namespace ProcessWire; to the top of that file and the module installs just fine. I also did a quick test and queries also seem to be working properly, but be sure to test thoroughly.
  7. Not sure why it was unpublished from the modules directory, but it is still available on Ryan's Github account: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ServicePages
  8. Like this? I am actually tempted to submit this functionality as a PR to the PW core. Perhaps if you guys agree you could post some support for the idea over on that thread so I can show that others want this functionality.
  9. Yeah, it would just display like it does on hover, but permanently. I could also do it easily via AdminCustomFiles I guess.
  10. On Chrome / Mac (maybe others) you can't click directly on the dropdown arrow to select an image by filename. You have to click once to focus the input, then again on the arrow. Another idea I had from a fellow dev just getting into PW. He was thinking that some clients would benefit from having the page list actions visible all the time, rather than needing to hover/click. I think this might be a good thing to try, especially with the new action icons you showed. What do you think? I know it might look a little messy, but sometimes that is better than having a client staring at the screen not know what to click - yes some people don't explore like we do
  11. I don't think this module has the option for overwriting, but this one does: It's a lot more than just a csv to page module so the config settings may seem overwhelming at first, but it should do what you want. You'll want to enable Update mode and maybe even define field pairings in the csv import settings. You may also want to set up config settings for specific pages. Anyway have a stab at it and let us know if you need help - probably best to respond in the module's support thread rather than here.
  12. Check out: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/wire-mail-smtp/
  13. I completely agree with @Martijn Geerts - that's a much better approach, but I also think that as a developer it is important to be able to see hidden files, so I would still go with the terminal command to make these visible.
  14. To follow on from @szabesz - you should also consider Forklift: http://www.binarynights.com/Forklift/ - dual pane file manager, ftp and much more!
  15. By default Mac doesn't let you view "hidden" files which start with a period. You can change this setting in the terminal: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES killall Finder Then Finder should let you rename. Otherwise you can just rename directly in the terminal: cd /pathto_htaccess.txt/ mv htaccess.txt .htaccess Of course you could do it from anywhere without cd 'ing into the directory, but thought this might be easier to understand as I am not sure your experience level with terminal commands.
  16. Ok, the new version supports adding files and images. It works in both standard and field pairings modes. I haven't added support for descriptions/tags yet - will wait to see if anyone has the need. It should work for local server paths to files/images, as well as remote urls. Please test and let me know if you have any problems.
  17. Do you have a minute to share what you found so it might help others ?
  18. Maybe I am missing something but it looks to me like it's just the AJAX uploader that's not actually working. I think the file has been selected and if you click your "Continue to Step 2" button it will be fine. I think what you are seeing is related to this: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/38
  19. $sanitizer->purify() ? or "textarea" with the stripTags option along with "entities" - https://processwire.com/api/ref/sanitizer/textarea/
  20. Hi @Junaid Farooqui - as far as I know there isn't one yet, but perhaps, @Faisal or @Kemal put one together, but didn't publish it to the modules directory, or perhaps you could all work on one together?
  21. Try replacing "get" with "findOne". Get always returns unpublished/hidden pages. http://processwire.com/blog/posts/merry-christmas-heres-processwire-3.0.3-and-2.7.3-and-some-more/#new-pages-gt-findone-selector-api-method
  22. Despite the documentation, it actually works for me just fine with the latest version of Firebug. Remember that with Firefox/Firebug it actually logs to the Logger tab rather than the Console tab like it does in Chrome. Does that work for you?
  23. Just occurred to me that that this is probably because you don't have firelogger installed - it is needed for Tracy to send php errors to the console. You can read more about this here: http://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-tracy-debugger/#firelog - it is available for both Firefox and Chrome.
  24. I feel like the mouseover for page actions buttons in Listers should only be triggered on the first column. It can be a bit annoying when mousing over other columns to have the width of the first column increase to accommodate the action buttons. Thanks!
  25. Ok, so the problem with the default theme is that the edit links are off by one level, so if you click on the direct parent it doesn't work and if you click on the Home link then you get the child below it. Everything is fine with Reno. I expect the problem is similar to what I experienced when modifying the breadcrumbs with AdminRestrictBranch. Do a quick search for breadcrumb in my commit history: https://github.com/adrianbj/AdminRestrictBranch/commits/master and you'l see some of the things I did to make it work with Reno. Maybe this will help you in the reverse direction to get this working for the default theme. EDIT: Sorry, this is exactly what @Robin S just pointed out!
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