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Everything posted by adrian

  1. I love the case changer - awesome for when you've pasted in a title from elsewhere - thank you!
  2. @microcipcip - "selectorValue" as the sanitizer is correct so I don't see any issues with what you have done. I am curious though - are you using that getSelectors() function elsewhere, or just calling it the once? If just once there is no real advantage to making it a function. Also, you might find the array approach to selectors easier in this case. Have a read here: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.13-selector-upgrades-and-new-form-builder-version/#new-selectors-as-regular-arrays
  3. Hey @tpr - have a weird situation where one of my sites stopped showing the page IDs in the list view. With all PW and AOS versions the same it still works on other sites. I found a fix in the addPageListIDs() function. This seems to work on all sites: $event->return = '<span data-pid="' . $page->id . '" class="label_title">' . $event->return . '</span>'; although with my limited testing I am not really sure why there wasn't already a span with the label_title class applied to each title in the list view on this particular site. I am guessing that my approach might affect other modules that also modify the title in the list view, so you might need to investigate more thoroughly. On another note, I sometimes find that the template link in the page list actions doesn't always show for certain pages. It seems random and a page reload fixes it - maybe you have also noticed this?
  4. Maybe it's a small site in terms of visitor numbers, but I wouldn't want that to be my inbox
  5. You need wire('sanitizer') or $this->wire('saniizer') or $this->sanitizer when you are inside the scope of a function. It doesn't have anything to do with bootstrapping PW like you are doing there by loading a file that is not in the root of the templates directory. Have a read here (https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.21-upgrades-comments-more-on-pw-3.x/#more-updates-on-processwire-3.0) for more details of what works where.
  6. Sounds good - I guess it's really only issue if you are editing a file that is an autoload module, or perhaps a hook in something ready.php that is run whenever the admin loads. As @fbg13 noted that actually isn't working for some reason. I tried two different servers. As initial glance I am not sure why. I have used that 'page' => array approach successfully myself, although never in a info.php file - I wonder if perhaps that isn't working properly?
  7. Hi everyone, I just installed this for the first time to help debug something on someone's site and thought this would be the easiest way to edit module files without asking for FTP access. It worked great until I saved the file with a syntax error and then needed FTP access to get anything working. This is more of a heads up than anything. Not sure what a workaround might be. Tracy's TemplateEditor Panel allows testing file changes, but this only works for the template file of the current page. Not sure how this could be done for other files - seems unlikely, but I'll have a think. The other thing I wanted to report is that the Setup > Files Editor page is not being created on install. I tested on another PW site and the same thing. Once I manually created it, everything worked fine.
  8. Hi @HerTha - thanks for the report. I am having trouble reproducing here at the moment. Any chance you could give me access to the site to test? If not, could you help me figure out why $np is not being set properly. Line 1311 is where that should be happening. Not sure your level of debugging skills, but any chance you could take a look and find out what $np is being set to there. And if nothing, check the $value of $x for me. This shouldn't be hard to fix, but until I can reproduce it might be tricky. Perhaps it also might help if you post your csv import settings.
  9. Sounds like a file permissions issue. Make sure the owner and permissions are correct for the /site/ folder and based on that error especially for the /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/ folder.
  10. Thanks for this - looks great, but curious if you know if they have plans to start charging ? I didn't see anything on their website (http://www.resmush.it/) to indicate the long term plans.
  11. Yeah, that is what I have done in the past - no problem with editor role users making new pages - just need to set the template permissions correctly.
  12. You shouldn't get yourself in a situation where you have some children that are part of a menu and some that are part of a PageTable field - it will be a terrible mess. Avoid this by designating an alternate location for storing the pages for the PageTable field - somewhere under a hidden parent, or even under a dedicated parent under Admin.
  13. Add an expiry_date field to the "user" template and then check the user's expiry date against the current date before showing them the page.
  14. Yeah, no flicker, just disappears if I don't move carefully (or quickly) from the button to the dropdown. Don't worry too much about it - I'll just disable that tweak.
  15. I think the "Show save dropdown on hover instead on click" option needs to have a little delay before it's hidden. At the moment I think it takes some careful mousing to get from the button to the dropdown options without them vanishing. Too much dexterity required for some users.
  16. Nope, if they exist they will be processed.
  17. It's fine to use it or not. If a profile doesn't have it, just create it and use as your needs dictate.
  18. Read from this post onwards:
  19. You have Tracy running in Strict mode. If you turn that off then Notices and Warnings will be reported in the Errors panel of the debugger bar but won't break the running of the script.
  20. Yeah, that was the request. Certainly busy looking, but maybe that's ok. I still think it's a nice option to be able to give users if they'd prefer it. On that note, have you considered hooking into ProcessProfile and making some of the AOS tweaks manageable by the user? Not sure on which ones would be appropriate other than this - just thinking out loud
  21. Ah yes - I didn't mention all the errors in the instructions.php file because the functionality of the module seemed to be fine
  22. Looks like an issue with the File Compiler - it is trying to compile the "include" from this: $this->input->get->include Simple fix is to add namespace ProcessWire; to the top of that file and the module installs just fine. I also did a quick test and queries also seem to be working properly, but be sure to test thoroughly.
  23. Not sure why it was unpublished from the modules directory, but it is still available on Ryan's Github account: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ServicePages
  24. Like this? I am actually tempted to submit this functionality as a PR to the PW core. Perhaps if you guys agree you could post some support for the idea over on that thread so I can show that others want this functionality.
  25. Yeah, it would just display like it does on hover, but permanently. I could also do it easily via AdminCustomFiles I guess.
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