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Everything posted by adrian

  1. @Robin S - I forgot to report those notices - they do go away if you save the AoS settings page, but should still be fixed. My code change makes the "Hide template edit action" functionality work in ListerPro.
  2. Thanks @tpr - can you modify this line: https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids/commit/1c83e830671778d8c23aaf9c445c65eeceba235a#diff-87158a491bd0f96fe2f3cb4d8b6ad9c2R422 to be: if(in_array('hideTemplateEditAction', self::$configData['ListerTweaks_options']) && ($this->page->process == 'ProcessPageLister' || $this->page->process == 'ProcessPageListerPro')) { I added the ProcessPageListerPro process so that it also works for ListerPro. Not sure if there are other sections in the module that might also need this. Another suggestion for you - what about making the Reno submenu (the one triggered from the lightning links) automatically close once the mouse has moved away - I find it quite annoying to always have to click the close button. Might need a bit of a delay before closing so it's not annoying, but I am sure you'll be thinking of that. Thanks again!
  3. I just submitted a PR for fixing the Reno debug mode FOUC: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pull/29 One small thing I just noticed - sometimes the #template label in the page list actions is before the rest of the actions. In my case Home, Admin, Trash, eg: Not a big deal, but just in case you hadn't noticed.
  4. Any chance of tweaking Lister results to show page action buttons on hover, rather than needing to click? This would be great as it would be consistent with the main page list view. Thanks!
  5. You can use selectors inside children(), eg. $entries = $page->children("limit=10, sort=-sort"); $pagination = $entries->renderPager(); echo $pagination;
  6. You might be right - the idea was for a simplified view for site editors that you think can't be trusted with the Edit mode, or just so you can see the entire page title (if you have long titles (like news articles etc) cleanly. I haven't committed this new version yet, so I'll see if others have any comments.
  7. Looks like you might be defining $config->imageSizerOptions in your config file, but missing the "sharpening" option. Add that and you should be fine.
  8. Just playing around with the new filter on BCE and thought maybe a new "View" mode for BCE might be nice. Please comment on my post over here if you are interested in this feature.
  9. Just playing around with the AdminOnSteroids filter on BCE and thought maybe a new "View" mode for BCE might be nice. I simplified everything right down by removing all labels and using the "Replace" option for the Position setting in BCE, so this is all you see on the Children tab. Wondering if you guys (especially @tpr - our resident admin tweaker) have any thoughts on tweaking this new "View" mode so it's a nice replacement for the standard Children tab view. FYI, the edit icon opens the page for editing a modal. I feel BCE needs some more options for controlling what user roles get access to which modes so that it is possible to restrict some to just this mode, which I think it a nice replacement for the Children tab, which for the most part I don't really see much value in with its current layout which is basically a reproduction of what you get in the main page tree view. Any thoughts?
  10. Maybe an unusual scenario, but if you have the mini scrollbar for main content option checked and you're using the Lister view in BCE, two finger scroll/mouse wheel won't work because the miniscrollbar is added to the iframe containing the Lister view. The new "delete" page list action button doesn't work in Lister. Another weird one - any reason the config settings for the module are in two columns in the default theme, but not in Reno?
  11. Hey @tpr - along the same lines as what @Juergen just said, I must admit I haven't really had time to play with this in a while, but taking a look again now, and I have to say I am very impressed - it is looking really fantastic these days! One quick question - I am only seeing the filter box for the module page - I don't see it for BCE, or other locations where I would expect it. Is there something I need to specifically turn on. I found the Miscellaneous tweaks option which turned it on! Just an FYI - I still prefer the default theme over the Reno theme - I have a list of issues with the Reno theme that have held me back from using it. This is something I compiled a while ago, so please forgive me if some are no longer correct. I thought there might be some inspiration here for you, but if it's just me that is bugged by these, please ignore Many of these should probably be fixes to the core, so ignore those also. There are currently no icons for module submenus. I think it would be preferable if the submenu pane started at the vertical position of the menu that it is triggered from so long as all items fit within the remaining screen height below the main menu item. It is currently quite annoying for modules which only have a couple/few items to have to move to the top of the page to select a submenu item. Not sure if it's intentional or not, but if you close the submenu/lightning pane and then hover over the lightning icon for the same main menu item again, the pane won't load - you now have to click to make it open. Inconsistently in breadcrumbs between current default theme and Reno - see my note here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11550-feature-request-ability-click-current-page-in-the-breadcrumbs/?p=111470 Is there a reason that the search box ends up in the middle of the page, even though it is triggered by clicking on a button on the right? If you want to close it you now have to move your mouse from far right to the middle - might not seem like a big thing, but it just seems a little cumbersome to me. The lightning icon for the "Support Forums" and other items doesn't make sense to me - I don't think it should be the same icon as is used in the main menu. What about a chain/link icon as they are all links to info/resources. Maybe even an "info" icon? I'd also love to see an easy way to replace the PW logo image at the top left for a company logo. I don't want to diminish the advertising benefit to PW, but also think that some customers need to see something more personal. On this note, I'd also love to see easy skinning - like Blad's module When you have debug mode on there is a FOUC with the debug mode tools content before it gets collapsed - quite annoying IMO. The lightning submenus don't expand to the width of the widest entry, so for some modules the name is truncated. The lightning submenu panel for site modules doesn't let me scroll all the way to the bottom so I can't get to all the modules. The down expand arrow on the main menu items should perhaps start as right facing and become down facing once the item has been expanded. I think the menu would benefit from a more obvious divide between main items (or highlighting of the main items). When you have multiple main items expanded it can be difficult to quickly see each of the main (top level) items. I am really not sure I see the point to the side menu as it currently is. For most site editors, the only thing they see in that side menu is "Pages". It looks weird and like a huge waste of space. I know you can collapse the side menu, but I think we can do better. I mention a bit about my thoughts here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4398-two-column-admin-theme-concept/?p=112450 - In particular I would like to see the Setup, Modules, Access items in a top menu and have the page tree in the left side menu. Maybe page editing could be ajax loaded from the tree, but I think to keep things simple it would be fine to simply render the page list tree in that side menu and have the edit links load the edit link for the page, and open the page tree to the page being edited. If you have the Children tab selected when saving a page, once the page reloads, the ajax call to populate the children tab is not triggered. Clicking on another tab and then back to Children loads everything - update - I think this actually affects the default theme as well these days - anyone else?
  12. Sorry @Robin S, those should have been backslashes If you do want to rollback though, grab this version: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/tree/ef3763e4174bf981d8ced1936c27f98b9802df01
  13. https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/issues/6 As noted in the issue, we discovered it is due to the use of LIVE dumps that I introduced as default for bd() a few weeks ago. I was hoping for a workaround because it is so much more efficient, but as you'll see if you read the linked posts, I might have to wait for that pull request to be finalized. I might have to revert to normal dumps until then. I'll investigate a little more in the next couple of days and fix one way or the other. For right now, you can instead use /Tracy/Debugger::barDump() inside your hook and you should be fine.
  14. I actually thought you meant something different to @kongondo - who knows, but here goes, just in case: $page->count("template=v2-bs-demandes-recrutement, optionsfieldname.label=option 1, include=all"); This will count the number of pages that has "option 1" selected in the "optionsfieldname" options field.
  15. Thanks @Christophe - I have unpublished it from the Sites directory. There is a script that @teppo put together using code from isit.pw that can be run to check sites in the directory, but I am not sure if it is being used or not.
  16. Hi everyone, One thing that I am guilty of (and I am not the only one ) when sharing links to a line (or lines) of code in a Github repo, is sharing a link to the latest version of the file, rather than a link to a specific blob that won't ever change. In fact there are lots of places in the PW documentation/blog that now have outdated links because of this. I have known about this shortcut for a while, but keep forgetting it, so hopefully this will engrain it a little better for me. After you click a line to share (or multiple lines by clicking the first line and then shift+clicking the last line), simply hit the "y" key and the link in the browser address bar will change to one for the current blob, which will always remain correct. Here's some more info if you are interested: https://blog.mariusschulz.com/2015/07/25/sharing-line-highlights-in-github-files If you see me (or anyone else) sharing non-permanent links, please remind them of this
  17. Simply click the "Like this" button next to the post.
  18. The usual approach would be an "advertisements" (plural) template for the parent page and an "advertisement" (singular) for the child pages - that will give you the most flexibility in controlling the Family settings so that all child pages must be of that advertisement template when created. There are other approaches, but this will be the simplest/most flexible while you are learning the ropes!
  19. adrian

    Hanna Code

    I haven't used the Wordpress hana plugin, but maybe this is what you are looking for: http://wpmarketing.org/forum/forum/wp-plugin-hana-code-insert
  20. adrian

    Hanna Code

    I think you're in the wrong place - this is the support forum for ProcessWire, not Wordpress! ProcessWire also has a hanna code plugin - I think that is your confusion, but since you are here, maybe you should stay
  21. adrian

    Hanna Code

    No - just go to your PW Access > Roles menu and assign the relevant hanna permissions to the appropriate roles. I just re-read your question and see that you actually only want the codes editable by the administrator role. By this do you mean the PW superuser role? By default, only the superuser should be able to view/edit hanna codes.
  22. adrian

    Hanna Code

    Check out the hanna specific permissions and only assign them to the contributor role.
  23. Just to say that I agree that @BitPoet's approach makes much more sense than switching templates.
  24. Just pinging @Mike Rockett who develops the Jumplinks module which is a much more feature-rich version of the Redirects module. I know he is working on a new version of JL - perhaps multi-language will make it in?
  25. Yep, you can do that, just not in init.php. You need to do it in ready.php because the page is not available yet in init.php
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