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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Sorry I forgot about this part of your message. I have just added support for this, along with the ability to import page fields with multiple values (by title). Note that you can adjust the separator for multiple pages (eg authors in your example, although I think you may not make use of the multiple option). Please let me know how this goes for you - it hasn't been well tested and there is quite a bit going to support all this.
  2. Thanks for all those ideas @bernhard and @szabesz - You can already hide the debug bar by clicking the "x" at the far right of the bar, so I think that covers the "hide once" requirement. As for sticky - you need a way to restore, which is what the toggle button does, so I think I'll go for the toggled off by default on phone sized screens. I like the history idea and I wonder if an additional "Save Snippet" button could complement this such that snippets are automatically saved to history each time that first comment line is changed (maybe the last 5), and saved more permanently to a snippets library if you click the save button? Anyway, these are on my list and hopefully I can get to them shortly. Thanks again for the input!
  3. @Juergen - what about installing @Pierre-Luc's AutoDetect language switcher module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/autodetect-language/ If that is set up to redirect to the /en/ version of the page, then the translated version of the login message etc should be displayed.
  4. Hi @bernhard, Sorry for the delay here - been hectic catching up with everything after getting back. I haven't played around too much yet, but I don't think it's going to be possible to have multiple console windows without hacking the Tracy core. If you want a quick preview of how it might work, change this line: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/930b738e988239ac71fd76c23d565ba7dc091eeb/tracy-master/src/Tracy/assets/Bar/bar.js#L137 to: var win = window.open('', Date.now(), 'left=' + offset.left + ',top=' + offset.top It's just a quick hack to give each new window a different name. I am sure there will be side-effects though, so don't get too used to it Perhaps the better solution would be to implement my idea of adding a snippet manager to the console so that you could save and load (from a dropdown or similar) lots of different code snippets. You could run one, then easily load another one. I just need to figure out a nice interface for this so it's easy to find the snippet you are looking for when there are lots of saved snippets. I am happy to do something along these lines, but I am not sure I would want to lose the option for having the debug bar if I need it. Perhaps it could be toggled disabled be default (so it just shows that red power button like it does when you use the Tracy Toggler panel button or the Disable Tracy button in the Panel Selector. Do you think that would work for your needs?
  5. Hi @mel47 - sorry for the delay on this. I have just committed a fix - could you please take a look and let me know if you have any other problems? I also fixed an issue with multiple values when you want a line break (\r) as the separator. I am converting \r to chr(13) and \n to chr(10). I know that \r works on Mac Excel, but from reading around I think you need \n for Windows, but you guys can test that out.
  6. @AndZyk - I can edit for you - just let me know what changes you need.
  7. Firstly, I am still not completely au fait with all the elements of multi-language, so happy for feedback on this. Currently it doesn't check the browser language - it checks the user language, so if you send a person a link to something like: mysite.com/en/ then you should see the english version of the message - I am assuming your default language is not english in this example, but you get the idea. Do you think there needs to be improvements here? I haven't done much reading/experience on this, but I though that automatic language detection was not recommended, but please correct me if I am wrong and let me know the best way to do that and I'll incorporate.
  8. @arjen - check out the User Switcher in Tracy or ALIF - both of these do what you are looking for. Btw, not dissing what Pete has done here - his is the most secure option, but I think the other two manage the security implications.
  9. Done! Please let me know if you have any problems and also be sure to "Like" @Can's post over here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5825-multi-language-support-for-module-config-fields/?do=findComment&comment=131595 because he showed me how to add ML module config settings.
  10. That's because I stole the relevant bits from your code
  11. Thanks @Can - just looked through your module and have it working for my module already. Thanks so much for pointing me to this!
  12. Just came across the need for this, so thought I'd submit a feature request: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/46
  13. Sorry I missed this post, but I am hoping by now you have realized that this is an issue with your wireMail setup and not this module. Just an oversight on my part - thanks for the heads up and the solution - much appreciated. It is fixed now!
  14. I completely agree with @szabesz here - the PW Upgrades modules is great! I used to be all about updates via git, but this module makes it so easy. And, if you have Tracy installed you can instantly switch between any of the versions of PW that you ever installed via the upgrades module: http://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-tracy-debugger/#processwire-version-panel - great if you are not sure if a problem is due to a specific PW version or not.
  15. This should no longer be an issue with PW 2.8 or 3.x. Is there any reason you can't upgrade to 2.8 at least?
  16. adrian


    I am getting this console error and missing content in the side scrollable box on Chrome MacOS
  17. Is this related: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/38 Take a look at this rough fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hw5t2xcu/
  18. https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/2017 Even though I mention that I know why it was set to 11, now I can't remember, but if you go to Modules > Core > SystemUpdater and change it to 15 (assuming you are on a recent version of PW 3), I think that should get you back to normal.
  19. Just to clarify, these are backups are created by the ProcessWire Upgrades module that Ryan created. If you want to make cleaning up of these (and PW core backups) a little easier, check out Module Toolkit's Cleanup option.
  20. 1. In the "modules" db table 2. I assume you mean the settings for the modules? They are stored in the data field in the modules table 3. There are lots of strategies around this - really depends on how you like to update your modules and PW core.
  21. Of course that would be a good idea! I am going to be away for the next two weeks, but I'll add it to my list to do when I get back. Thanks for the suggestion!
  22. I wouldn't ignore it completely just yet. Any chance the error comes back if Tracy is disabled? I am going to be away for the next two weeks, but let me know what you find and I'll take a further look then.
  23. Just clarifying - you actually need 3.0.37: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commits/dev
  24. Might be good to also check @teppo's swift module as well to see if it also handles things properly. Of course the core wireMail should also work properly, would be good to know the current state of what does and doesn't work.
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