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  1. I knew it is easy, after all we’re talking about The #Processwire ? Thanks for the help.
  2. I was unable to find a proper way to send email to page creator. I'm pretty sure the API provides a way to refer $creator->email this, but how is it accomplished? I've got WireMailMailgun set up and working, so all I practically need is a way to dig up the email address of the page creator.
  3. To be honest, I do not know what went wrong. But now, with the new version, it is working like charm. Cheers mate!
  4. Hi @teppo, I am testing your module with PW 3.0.118, and found problems with compatibility. I presume some changes made in 3.0.73 (?) reagarding to Fieldsets may have bricked it. Is there any way to update the module to support latest development versions of the PW? Thanks in advance!
  5. @netcarver Ok! If someone with more experience with PW and FB could test the compatibility that would be really nice. I was not able to get it working as I would have expected, but I am not in position to evaluate if the problem is between the chair and the keyboard or could it be a bug.
  6. @adrian Yes it certainly does. Thank you so much for your support!
  7. How compatible the fieldtype is with FormBuilder? I tried to add it to an existing form, but was unable to set default configuration for the fieldtype. ping @ryan @netcarver
  8. Thanks @netcarver for quick response. The address is stored in three different fields (street, zip, postal code). I am not that experienced in scripting or coding in PHP. Though I am able to execute code, fix bugs, change logic or modify functionality with try and error with my history in C++, C# and Java. Do you know if there is a good source for such scripting to start with? I believe I would not be the only one considering modifying my existing implementation to utilise this very much appreciated improvement in PW.
  9. Very nice and much appreciated new Fieldtype. Is there a simple way to convert or import existing textfields to Street Address?
  10. I'm currently running PW 3.0.98 with Google Analytics 1.2.1 and confirm that it still works. The url for Google API Credentials is https://console.developers.google.com/apis
  11. Had the same problem with nginx 1.10.3, and here is the solution I found from StackExchange: Location of nginx configuration files may vary depending on your configuration. Please refer to nginx documentation if different from above paths. Of course one may increase or decrease the upload size limit from 20M to best suit own needs and preferences.
  12. The URL is a previous instagram embed code.
  13. I get the following error message: Error: Exception: Data too long for column 'embed_code' at row 1 (in xx/core/Database.php line 125) #0 [internal function]: ProcessWire\Database->query('INSERT INTO tex...') #1 xx/core/DatabaseMysqli.php(38): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 xx/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TextformatterOEmbed/TextformatterOEmbed.module(148): ProcessWire\DatabaseMysqli->__call('query', Array) #3 xx/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TextformatterOEmbed/TextformatterOEmbed.module(247): TextformatterOEmbed->getEmbedCode('https://www.ins...') #4 xx/core/Textformatter.php(60): TextformatterOEmbed->format('<p></p>\n<ul>\n<l...') #5 xx/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeText.module(94): ProcessWire\Textformatter->formatValue(Object(ProcessWire\Page), Object(ProcessWire\Field), '<p></p>\n<ul>\n<l...') #6 xx/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeTextarea.module
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