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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. New members are allowed a maximum of two posts within 24 hours the first time they post. It is meant to be a spammer deterrent. We are working on either relaxing the limit and/or making it clear to new members that the limit exists. moderator note @Mikaello and @Michkael. There's no need to create two profiles. Please delete one. After 24 hours, you should be able to post normally without restrictions.
  2. moderator note I've moved this thread to module dev since it is no longer a support thread. I might lock it in the future if there is a need.
  3. No. Not true . The docs themselves show how to add an image from an external URL.
  4. Oops my bad. I misread. The URL string is not malformed since it works when accessed directly.
  5. The URL (the one in the PW error) works fine if you access it directly. So, maybe some other formatting issue?
  6. Sounds like a circular reference issue...
  7. Hi. Just looked at your issue quickly, so you might be already doing the right thing. Note that you need to first save a new page before adding images to its image field. Save the page first, then add the image, then save again.
  8. Hi @Noel Boss, In your case, if the module extends (not in a PHP technical sense) $page, then it will have to be an autoload module. Your module adds methods to the Page and WireArray classes. Hence, if it is not an autoload module, I don't see how it will work just by doing this: $json = $pages->find('template=skyscraper')->pageQueryJson(['title']); You will definitely get a PHP error about Method PageArray::pageQueryJson does not exist etc. Maybe I'm missing something. Did it work for you with the new changes? Sorry if I am taking your round in circles ?.
  9. Thanks @Pete, Stuff on the left side seem a bit squished?
  10. Do you mean a separate field for time? Not out of the box, no. You'd have to edit the source code. If you can be a bit more specific about your needs, we can rustle up something for you.
  11. You only use autoload if the module needs to load automatically when ProcessWire boots so that you can listen to every single request and typically attach hooks to some event of interest. Don't let this confuse you though. Modules can hook into events without being autoload modules. An example autoload module is Blog module's Publish Date. It listens to when Blog Posts are published and sets a publish date. As such, it needs to be auto-loaded. Does your module need to boot with ProcessWire or does one call it when one needs it? If the latter, then it means presently, it is just loading and using up resources when it doesn't need to. Can your module work like this? $pageQuery = $modules->get('PageQueryBoss'); $query = $pages->find('template=skyscraper'); $json = $pageQuery->pageQueryJson($query); It doesn't seem to me like it needs to autoload, but I've only had a brief look, so I could be wrong. You can read a bit more about autoload modules in the module class docs here.
  12. Maybe you are calling your hook late. Have a look at the code in the first post of the following thread, just below the /site/templates/includes/hooks.php sub-heading
  13. @Noel Boss, Looks great, thanks! I've just had a quick look. Any reason why the module is autoload?
  14. Use either InputfieldPageAutocomplete or InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple as input for the page reference field. These will only load selectable pages on request.
  15. No surprise here.. I guess I am from the old school. A 'long time' ago, logos used to be background images set on anchors (<a> tags). Menu items (<a> tags) used to have background images called sprites that would 'shift' on hover to create a nice hover effect...
  16. Like I stated, my page has children and grandchildren . It does have custom fields...but yeah, maybe not like yours. So, maybe, show us the custom fields you have. Otherwise, it's a bit more difficult to help. Also, ProcessWire version.
  17. I there's maybe two things to consider Can your fwrite() access the location you want to write to? The location of the js script needs to be accessible (readable) to the world so that browsers can serve it.. If the js script are for external use (i.e. external to PW), maybe you want to keep it clean and add them to the file system of whatever app you are using them for. Just my lazy 2p on a lazy Friday afternoon..
  18. <unrelated> I need to try laragon again. Last time I did, it didn't work for me or I didn't want to exclusively work on PHP 7.x. I still need to support PHP 5.3 + for some of my modules and laragon did not seem to support that? </unrelated>
  19. Maybe you are calling $copy->of(false) in the wrong place. This works for me, cloning a page with children and grandchildren. $copy = $pages->clone($page); //$copy->parent = '/cloned-parent/'; $copy->title .= $page->title . ' - copy'; $copy->name = $sanitizer->pageName($copy->title); $copy->of(false); $copy->save();
  20. Moderator Note @simonsays, @Deniss Surnin That's incorrect. You have not been banned. After their initial post, new users are only allowed one more post within the first 24 hours. After this time period, they can post normally. Could you try posting again using your original handle? Let us know if you still experience problems. If its working, you'll have to delete you new handle (Deniss Surnin).
  21. Since at least 2.4.x. However, some properties like defaultGamma since maybe 2.5.x.
  22. Hi @harmvandeven, OK. Makes sense. It doesn't sound too difficult given the Vimeo/YT API. I'm thinking we'll add a setting in MM for users to indicate whether they'll want to view/manage online content such as YouTube. We'll create a list for this but currently, support only YT and Vimeo. Later, we could expand this to include other media sources. We can add the input to the upload screen as a third tab (only visible if users indicate they'll want to view/manager online content such as Vimeo). So, Add / Scan / Online (or Other or something appropriate) - I'll be removing the 'Help' tab. With good documentation, we don't need it. I'll be working on the docs once version 012 is in beta testing. We'll also have an input for the media Title. We'll either reuse the file field that video media use to store the image or copy and reuse the image field that image media use in the video media templates. We'll use an InputfieldTextarea field to store the embed code and other data. We can just reuse the Textarea field we use for MM settings - copy that to the video template. Again, this field will only be added to the video template if online content feature will be used. For the frontend, we'll have video media return a property with the data required for video output. I think that should cover it. OK. I'll have a look.
  23. Maybe 'easiest' to just duplicate the uikit admin, edit it as you wish and install that as your admin theme. Of course, you'd still need to dig into the code to find out what you need to change...It might not be as straightforward as it sounds though .
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