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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Hi jasonelise1983, Welcome to ProcessWire. I think it is better to do this with CSS. Set a different ID for each page using your template file. E.g. <body id ="<?php echo $page->name;?>"> You can then target those IDs with your CSS. Just make sure you choose a PW field that will return a value that will form a valid HTML ID.
  2. Yeah...it is hidden: Click Edit -> Use Full Editor...then edit Topic Title
  3. Nice one Pete! See attached, missing image quirk in the "mark solved" buttons For others: in case you want to see how a solved thread looks like (and don't have time to test) in the forums listings - see attached.
  4. Is this a local install? XAMPP, WAMP? Have you seen this these? https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=1305 http://php.net/manual/en/install.windows.apache2.php http://www.farinspace.com/php-error-faulting-module-name-php5ts/ http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?p=166698 Do any of the solutions provided apply in your case?
  5. Welcome to PW Hnns! A few hours ago and your are ready to roll? You are fast! . PW does not have a native events lister. There is a module and/or code for events listing I have seen here in the forums but can't seem to find it at the moment. Will post back if I find it if someone else doesn't do so b4 me. If you can't wait, maybe search the forums for it? Have a nice time here! Edit: Here's one: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3006-display-a-list-calendar-using-a-date-field/
  6. It all depends on how your pages are related to each other (i.e., besides ancestry). Do they share templates? How are you relating the pages; page reference fields? I am also wondering, if each download is assigned to one category only, then a download and a category seems to be pretty much the same thing, no? Unless there can be more than one download per category then I don't see the need for categories and downloads (e.g. Category 1 could contain download 1 and download 8 and Category 2 download 6 and download 7). A bit more info would help.. . By output in your "template" do you mean you want to create a nested list/menu in your template file as you've illustrated?
  7. Thanks Diogo...you've been quiet lately...summer break? Edit This throws up an error return $this->page->child->render('include=hidden'); Warning: array_merge() function.array-merge: Argument #2 is not an array in F:\xampp\htdocs\pwtests\wire\modules\PageRender.module on line 224 Can you supply arguments to render() like that?
  8. Hi Alicia, Welcome to ProcessWire! I haven't used CiviCRM before so cannot answer on that front. Just wanted to say hi and also let you know PW also has a blog profile (for your future reference) Edit: Btw, how much integration are you talking? From the Salesforce with PW thread, I think the advice was to keep the two separate
  9. Yours is nicer..Macrura Thx! Isn't ProcessWire fun?!
  10. OK...quick hack to set child page hidden (hide it from sub-menu) but be able to render it... change // for the current stable version use this method return $this->page->child->render(); to // for the current stable version use this method [Kongondo ugly hack; how dare you!?! Tsk tsk ] $k = $this->page->child("include=hidden"); return $k->render(); Works for me; tested with Teflon. Will try others... @Diogo: Is my Macrura's "hack" a solution/concept you could incorporate as we all wait to move to PW 2.3.x ? Edit: Macrura's solution requires less changes...see below
  11. Actually I understood you the first time That's why I gave the example of the admin theme "teflon"; it does the sub-menus you talk about. Maybe the hidden route is what we should take. So, if this is to work in PW 2.3, we need to be able to render a hidden page....Is that possible? Btw, making the child page hidden does not throw up an error in my tests (default theme); it just doesn't show the page...Does it throw up an error in your case?
  12. I think you just have to do it at that template's theme level (e.g. teflon) using CSS/JS. What theme are you using? Maybe making it hidden didn't work because of CSS specificity?
  13. Hi Michael, Welcome to PW and the forums! Being a weekend, things are a bit slow here . Someone more knowledgeable than I will respond in due time and give you an appropriate answer, I believe
  14. Welcome to PW creativ3minds!, Thanks for your compliments. I am glad you've found the thread useful. Let us know if you need any help
  15. kongondo

    (no topic title)

    Ya right! I like the badge though; might just use it as an Avatar!
  16. I haven't used those modules before, I'm afraid. You would want to post any issues about them in their respective support threads... By the way, a different approach to the above: You can also create a "settings" page where you can throw in several fields to hold various pieces of information about the site that your client can easily edit in one place. This only makes sense if you have several settings you want to allow him to edit. E.g., a site slogan, a 404, message etc. If you take this route, you can have a text area field on that page, called, for instance, "404_message" which your client can edit. On the template file of the 404 page itself, you would reference the "404_message" field in the "settings" page as follows: echo $pages->get(123)->404_message;//where 123 is the ID of the settings page. You can also use the path Like I said, this only makes sense if you have several settings. Additionally, you can even make it more full-proof. E.g. $message = $pages->get(123)->404_message; if ($message) { echo $message; } else {//echo your normal 404 message in case client forgot to fill his custom 404 message in the settings page } Quickly written, not tested Edit: Yeah; you'd want the "settings" page hidden in case you went this route...
  17. Will he be regularly changing the 404 message? If yes, why? Why don't you get the message from him and change it yourself when setting up the site? If he must do it himself, there is a module Page Edit role or something. Have a look at the modules site Edit: Here they are: http://mods.pw/34 http://mods.pw/4X http://mods.pw/39
  18. Nice! Thx for the update.
  19. Threw me off as well. You could still be right; OP will let us know
  20. I'm not clear about this. Is your ultimate aim to check whether "introtext" is empty? Is "introtext" a field? If so, all you need is something like this for the current page...from that you get the idea of checking many pages... if ($page->introtext) {// this checks if introtext is empty // stuff } else { echo "move along! no intro to read here"; }
  21. Haven't really thought this through but I think I would go with installing the Blog Profile first. I would then move the Blog pages (blog posts, categories, tags, etc) to a new parent page under Home, e.g. Blog. I would then copy over the template files manually. I would recreate the demo site using PW API rather than manually - i.e. use the API to create templates, fields and pages. I don't have know how much data you have in your pages' fields but your options include doing that in phpMyAdmin, for instance.
  22. OK, I have now tested it and it doesn't seem to show any other roles in the drop down besides guest and supersuser. @Pete, is that a bug? Tested on PW 2.3
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