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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Very beautiful! I love it! Two minor issues: 1. On info pages, on the right side (featured content), when viewing one of those pages, e.g. http://pw4.nogajski.de/de/news/greenscreen/, I see no english flag on the left to choose my language... 2. Is it possible, to dynamically change the HTML language declaration to match the selected language? So, if viewing the page in English, dynamically change this: <html lang="de" class="no-js"> to this: <html lang="en" class="no-js"> Only reason I ask is to stop my Google Translate Extension from automatically trying to translate (or asking me if it should translate) the page from German to English even though I have already selected English on your website. It's just a minor niggle from Google, but just wondering...
  2. What I meant is this: You know when you view a page with images, they are normally displayed vertically on the page and if there's multiple images, it means lots of vertical scrolling. The solution I am talking about would arrange the images on a 3x3 grid on the page..Is that what you mean as well? Edit: Here's the post I refer to http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3919-individual-image-field-widths-float-display-inline/
  3. One issue I foresee with the "one-image-per-page" approach is editing. If I have hundreds of images and I wanted to delete some and I could only tell them apart by actually looking at the images, it could take quite some trawling to find and delete them in the admin.... Btw, @everfreecreative, your "one-page-per-album" could play nice with a recent tweak that Soma created for a forum member that allows multiple images on a page to be displayed in a multiple grid rather than in a single column/vertical grid. I can't find the post at the moment. Another btw (sorry). There was a question recently about finding and displaying a limited number of images from various albums and displaying those in a gallery page. I'm not sure whether that was answered. I'm just thinking out loud here whether your approach could also solve that issue. Anyway, I digress...
  4. +1 for DaveP's suggestion. See this also about input variable: http://processwire.com/api/variables/input/ How does the blog profile do it, btw? I'm looking at the code but can't see how it renders pagination on search results...Sessions?
  5. Are you talking about a multiple pages reference field? Could you confirm that under the INPUT tab, in the input field type* that you have selected a multiple page selection type? Version of PW you are using? Forget above...it seems you have in the DETAILS tab selected a single page? Edit Nik was faster
  6. @Soma, Maybe it's time to put IM in the modules directory?
  7. First question: I am not seeing an implementation of URL segments. Please explain to me (am new to this ) why you need URL segments for this? Thanks.
  8. Forum is misbehaving and mangling your code! Maybe include the CSS as an attachment?
  9. Hi, Thanks for this tutorial! Thanks for taking the time to write it. I haven't finished reading it yet, but it looks very comprehensive, thanks . The question about image galleries has been coming up more often recently... Edit: Quick comment as I read...the term "single image field" might confuse some since you are not referring to an image field that only accepts one image (yet you state you uploaded multiple images), but you are stating you used one image field (that accepts multiple images), no? Maybe good to clarify that Finished reading: you give very clear, straightforward instructions. Many thanks!
  10. Am surprised there's been no response yet to your query. I'm wondering if maybe the question is not clear? I'm trying to understand exactly what you want to do but I'm not getting it. Then again, I'm slow that way . Are you trying to create a tagging system? Why a module instead of directly using the API and page system (using page reference fields as you are)? Sorry if am off topic but just trying to understand your question
  11. Maybe there's something in this thread?
  12. Soma, Thx for clarification although one could argue "Leave this file as-is" means......
  13. Aah. Sorry missed that. So the question is to Ryan then...why admin.php? Just curious. I thought we should "leave it alone" in most cases?
  14. <digression>@zyON, am curious as to why you chose to write to admin.php? Is this the one that comes with PW?</digression>
  15. Hi all, I've finally managed to set up my website where I intend to post ProcessWire tutorials. The site (lessons) is very much WIP. I have tried to make the site as responsive as possible. I have only tested in Chrome and FF. I'd rather write more lessons than test in IE to be honest so I won't pursue that... I will try to post regularly but can't make any promises as to the frequency . I intend to randomly post some pre-planned lessons. I will update this forum post everytime I post something new. If you have questions, pointers, etc about any lesson, or a request for a specific lesson, please post them here. This way, other forum members can assist in answering the questions . Thanks. /k ==================================================================== Edit: 28 August 2014 - Fist Tutorial is up (OK, it's Blog Module documentation ) Creating a Blog in ProcessWire (Blog Module how to) - 28 August 2014 [99% done] Next: 'All you ever wanted to know about ProcessWire Modules [and other cool things]' - COMING very SOON
  16. Quite a number of us here come from the MODX family, btw. In case you missed it, here's a quick guide (shameless plug!! ) that you may find useful
  17. He's "hiding" it here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3219-images-manager-alpha/ and here https://github.com/somatonic/ImagesManager Don't be put off by the alpha tag though
  18. "Shameless plug"! Wasn't the idea not to piggyback on MarkupPagerNav module, hence "enable" pagination? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/390-images-pagination/?p=2928 I'd still go for the ready-made IM solution though
  19. kongondo

    Hit 1000+ likes

    Why you acting all surprised? Totally deserved of course...
  20. Apologies. Of course it works! This is Soma's code! I had a typo in my code. I'll go away and hide in shame until later... The typo: In the second foreach, I had ('slides.disable_slides=0') instead of ('disable_slides=0') OK, now am really confused!! Soma, doing it your way doesn't work OK, now am really confused!! Soma, doing it your way doesn't work . I tested with my way first (as shown above and it worked). But using your way, it returns results where there are at least one checkbox unselected and outputs both unchecked and checked checkboxes...I think I know why...let me think a bit.. Edit: I think your last code doesn't work because of what I said in the post above. The first find will grab all pages that have at least one repeater checkbox that is unchecked irrespective of whether those pages have other repeaters with selected checkboxes. Remember though, it grabs the pages themselves but does not distinguish the repeater fields yet. Why the selected checkboxes are not eliminated in the second foreach I do not know though...
  21. Edit: Didn't read code properly..of course Soma's code works! . I had similar code earlier i.e., checking for checkbox state in the first find() but was not checking again in the inner foreach (as per my code above). Hence, I was getting and outputting results if at least one repeater on the page was unchecked even if others were checked.
  22. Thx Soma! Two lessons for the price of one!
  23. @Macrura, Sorry to hijack your thread . I am also trying to further understand how I can use the API to access repeaters (and hopefully assist fellow newbies ). So, I will post the following code for the gurus to comment on please, thanks! $r = $pages->find("template=basic-page, slides.count>0");// find pages with at least 1 slides (repeater) foreach ($r as $p) { $v = $p->slides; foreach ($v as $b) { if ($b->disable_slide==0) {//checkbox "disable_slide" not checked echo "<p>$b->title</p>"; } } } This works for me. The first selector find will grab all pages that have at least 1 "slides" (which is the name of the repeater). The pages found have multiple instances of the repeater "slides" - meaning arrays within arrays, hence, nested foreachs which I traverse...For each result, I check that the checkbox "disable_slide" is not checked and only output those repeaters.. @Others Dear gurus...is there a shorter way (other than nesting the first selector find inside the first foreach) or more efficient way of achieving the same thing or this will do? Thanks. Edited for clarity (See Soma's post below about "selector" . Also see his more efficient code)
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