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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Yeah, maybe as a footnote I suppose? I was never in doubt about your love for ProcessWire
  2. @Peter, Isn't that what selectors are about? Including and excluding things? If I am getting results that include things I don't want, I have various options to exclude them. PW provides various means to exclude them by very finely tuned selectors - name, parent, child, etc...I would add the trash check; it's simple and effective and will give me the peace of mind that trashed pages will not be returned ...then again, this is just my 2 cts.
  3. Mine reads 2.3.3...Not sure whether you need to clear some cache, etc? Try this on a template file: echo "<h3>The installed PW Version is: <strong>{$config->version}</strong></h3><hr>"; //system version That will tell you the PW version installed.
  4. Ahem...this is what I said in my post above ; (#50)
  5. OK...going by your explanation, are you suggesting two separate dependencies here? One for required fields (as per Ryan's post) and the other for Access? Isn't the latter somewhat related to Ryan's module Page Edit Field Permission?
  6. Good idea. I think on Captain Hook Soma managed to do this. Lines should point to the Stable Release, hence won't change until the next Stable version...
  7. @Pete, I think that's a great suggestion. So, I guess that would mean an override of some sort or &&? if a field is required and the user !== editor, then show field. Now that would take this to another level certainly...So would it still be called a required field? Yeah, maybe...required but only for certain roles...hmm...just thinking out loud (and sleepily )
  8. Mary, I suppose you've read this in the docs? http://processwire.com/api/modules/multi-site-support/ Your Alternative 2: would mean potentially 1000 databases... ? *shudder* Unless you mean multiple sites from the same database?
  9. PWired...I think you misunderstand...This is not about limits to how many pages PW can handle...this is about pagination. Big difference It's right there in the post Arjen linked to...scroll down to Teppo's post...or see the code below: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module#L32 https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module#L264 Btw, Wanze has built a PW site with about 100K+ pages... Edited for clarity...
  10. Det kan man säga, på nåt sätt...jag bodde i Stockholm ett tag sen... translation [English forum, ahem)....I lived in Stockholm a while back....
  11. Thanks Soma for reminding us. This is right here in the docs but I always forget!
  12. Hej NoDice, Gratulerar! Nice one! The difference between the old and the new is really amazing!
  13. In that case then, let's follow's Diogo's example. What we want to grab is the object (Page) for this child page "tv". With that, we have access to everything about it - all fields, etc. so: $test = $pages->get("/tv/");// echo "<p>The title of the child page with the images below is <a href='$test->url'>{$test->title}</a></p>"; foreach ($test->images as $image) { echo "<img src='$image->url' alt=''/>"; } As you can see, $test is giving us access to the attributes of "tv". If you have more than one child page of home that you want to grab images from, no need to repeat the above code. In that case, follow Diogo's example above..
  14. Whoa, easy matey, almighty? Naah... Is this a question?
  15. echo $myimage->name; will give you the image name There are other options: see here, e.g. $image->basename (same as name), $image->filename and $image->description;
  16. Andrei, 1. There was an error in my code above which I corrected...the path to the page "tv" is: $pages->get("/tv/") 2. No need to create four image fields in the same page. If you want multiple images, use a multiple image field. Throw in the four images there. If you want to output all of them, see Diogo's code above...or below example..(this assumes you will only have four images) $myimages = $pages->get("/tv/")->images; foreach ($myimages as $myimage) { echo "<img src='{$myimage->url}'>"; } That will output the four images...Place the code in your "home" template file...
  17. http://processwire.com/api/variables/page/
  18. I'm trying to have the patience too At least let me know you have read the docs. If after that it still doesn't make sense, of course, feel free to ask ps: I edited my post above
  19. No it wont. Did you even read the docs I pointed to Andrei? Did you read Diogo's post above? $page->get(1006)->tv will not get you anything. First, $page always refers to the current page. Secondly, tv from what I can tell is a child page of home whose id is also 1006. I gave you code to insert first image of tv in home page in my example code. OK, one last time... Home (id = 1) TV (id = 1006) option 1: Get by page ID echo "<img src='". $pages->get(1006)->images->first()->url ."'>";//images here is the name of the multiple image field Option 2: Get by page name echo "<img src='". $pages->get("/tv/")->images->first()->url ."'>";//images here is the name of the multiple image field These are just examples...see Diogo's post how to get the link to the child page (tv)
  20. HI Rafael, PageFields . Beyond that, it depends. Are those categories related to each other or to other things? What's the relationship between "disciplines", "locations" and "themes"? As for the numbers, those look to me like counts of items found in each category? Can items belong to more than one category? Scalability? Those are the questions that need answering before any concrete response can be elicited. Please see the following related posts: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4116-best-way-to-structure-a-classifieds-site/
  21. Off to bed...but this should give you another hint... echo "<img src='". $pages->get(1419)->pictures->first()->url ."'>";//1419 = id of a child page (or any other page) Just an example Edit: Oh, that page I linked to (the $pages docs); that has easy-enough PHP to get you going
  22. Hint.... http://processwire.com/api/variables/pages/
  23. Getting a 403 on that link... Edit: There's a dot "." at the end of your link..that's why
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